Thursday, March 17, 2011

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A new pattern

I know, spring is coming, but it's still cold.
Ok, it's a pretty pathetic excuse, to be sure the problem is that they are always late with the publication of patterns. The work of writing the instructions, the test phase in Italian and English (especially this one) for me are very demanding. So, forgive me this time, I hope.

Baby It's Cold Outside is a perfect scarf for the coldest days. Woven flat with a chunky yarn and needles n. 6, and a project for people who want to start getting comfortable with the braids and the technique of the shorter irons and those who want the immediate satisfaction of a leader ready or a last minute gift.
The title is inspired by the homonymous song by Frank Loesser, a classic starring, among others, by Dean Martin, Ray Charles, Ella Fitzgerald, Dionne Warwick, Tom Jones.

Here's my new free pattern:
Baby It's Cold Outside
To download you must register to Ravelry, if you have not already done so, what are you waiting? Registration is free and does not reach e-mail sexual harassment, ever.

download now

The yarn I used is Puno1 of Filitaly -lab, you can find lots of information on these and other yarns in the free pattern Kniteasy blog. Alternatively you can use to Puno1 Puno2 made double.

For the test I am very grateful Summer, Chris, Rebecca (for English version) and Cynthia and Mirella (for the Italian version).

Good job!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kidney Stones Diarhea And Vomit


When the lies about the death of Salvatore Giuliano became literally huge, the famous Thomas Beson said it all with the equally famous expression "What is certain is only that it is dead." Paraphrasing this term with specific reference to "bold" analytical reading tumbler from newspapers, news, court scholars, intellectuals living room, "diehard anti-imperialists," North Africa for the current chaos, one could say for sure that a full, c ' is that only 90% of those who commented on this subject does not know what he's talking minimally. As always happens in human affairs, what happens in this rooted in the past, but the wretched and pervasive tendency to snub the History makes everything to be ignored, and that reality is analyzed only with the myopic lens of ideology. But leaving aside this misery is coming to the point, it is wise first, then return that sealed the triumph of colonialism. The reasons why the world powers to engage in colonial adventures do not fit into a monolithic design, but many are not only directly related to the ideologies and lines of thought that shook the Western societies in the nineteenth century. The footprint of a certain kind of enlightened colonialism became clear when they were pulled into play grounds "Humanist" as the literacy of the "barbarians", the economist when his motives were strictly anchored to the hoarding of vast mineral resources in Africa and Asia, the missionary when he proposed to extend Christianity to the entire globe, the most markedly imperialist when it came to satisfy the appetites of power in strong mutual antagonism. The foundation of the Enlightenment colonialism was indeed privileged Woodrow Wilson's idealism, that it was suggested, with his "Fourteen Points", to create an international community (the "League of Nations") that does not count more colonies but "mandates" of the colonial powers which act as "guardians" until it had completed the process of "education" of indigenous peoples. The truth is unknown to the whitewashed tombs, which the hypocritical veil thrown by Wilson on the reality that nothing else was used to conceal a very different context, in which the victorious powers after World War - Britain in the first place - they were reckless as hyenas on the ruins of the defeated countries (think of the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire). The brutal and arbitrary division into areas of influence, however, produced a fiercely nationalist sentiments within the colonies, played by famous people - such as Gandhi and Ho Chi Minh - and less famous - like Nehru and Lumumba - who also benefited from the slow but steady attrition of power Imperial and their mutual rivalry to score their winning shots. Imperial powers such as Japan animated anti-Western feelings in the colonies of Burma and the Philippines, and Italy Mussolini shook hands with Bourguiba as revolutionary anti-French and anti-British as the Indian Chandra Bose. The Second World War significantly altered the scenario, severely undermining the integrity of the colonial empires, that winning is losing. Italy took the trouble soon from Libya and the Horn of Africa, France lost credibility in the eyes of the colonies by paying the diversity of visions and intestine show that there was disunited, Britain was forced to acknowledge the triumph of Gandhi while United States For their part, took off their stakes from the Philippines. In the determination of the havoc played a rather important too that the wave of "renaissance" of the colonies had juxtaposed a symmetrical flower, in the heart of all Western nations, movements strongly sympathetic with the cause of independence fought by the revolutionaries of the colonies . However, the real crux of the question is the attitude taken by the United States, which claimed to extend the hypocrites Wilsonian principles even in the colonies. This attitude was motivated by the desire to stand up to American leadership of the Western bloc country - also seen the wickedness of a Europe unable to care for herself - and anything but minor fear of the Soviet Union. In essence, it was necessary to support the pro-independence factions inside the camps to prevent the Soviet Union was the first to do so, and you win the hearts of rebellious fringes as Lenin had done at the conference in Baku in 1920, when he cunningly decided to convene the representatives of the "oppressed peoples". Shortly after the ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Secretary of State Dean Acheson openly supported independence movements from the colonies, inviting their "colleagues" in Europe to stop the anachronistic colonial policy and to recognize its subject the right to self-determination. Britain and France, very reluctant to follow these "tips" they turned a deaf ear and came to join forces, together with Israel, to give a sound lesson of the uncontrolled Egyptian Colonel Jamal Nasser, who had the audacity to nationalize the Suez Canal in order to reduce the separatist ambitions of the colonies and realign once throughout the entire area of \u200b\u200bNorth African axle London - Paris. In the days between October and November 1956, the Anglo-led coalition military operation in the port, but made a spectacular own goal internationally, as the UN condemned the attack, the Commonwealth countries expressed their opposition and open ' Soviet Union threatened heavy retaliation. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Dwight U.S. Eisenhower, who had not taken well, chose to go the hard way, by providing that the Treasury sells pounds a New York Stock Exchange. Within a few days, the U.S. was able to buy more international prestige at the expense of the Soviet Union agreed to suppress the riots in Budapest, Israel had set the balance of power with the hostile surrounding Arab countries, France had found to deal with the Algerian National Front refreshed after the success of the line held by extremist Nasser and Britain was left to pick up the pieces of the empire it was. In a few short years, all the great European powers dismisero their imperial robes. Too fast. Like "colonized" was the imperative of the late nineteenth century, "decolonization" had become one half of the twentieth century. If the work of colonization was implemented step by step forced for three decades at the turn of the century to decolonization took place more abruptly. And earned for Africa in particular, where the dismissal of France, Great Britain, Germany, Spain and Portugal produced a brand new nations, like Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Mali, Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde, Uganda, Madagascar, Somalia, just to mention some disorderly. E 'sufficient to lay eyes for a moment on a map to understand that the problem of borders was not even addressed by the "decolonization", which was limited to shoulder to shrug this responsibility squarely on the shoulders of fresh independence. Ethnic and cultural differences were not taken into account minimum, which reflects the total lack of willingness to enter into serious negotiations on the establishment of real boundaries. Military and businessmen of every stripe - often baked by schools and universities in Europe and America - were the first to take advantage of this opportunity to settle which of these new nations built sailors along the lines of European governments in the absence of any kind of tradition and infrastructure comparable to them. Picturesque and often grotesque characters - from Amin to Bokassa, Mobutu from Kenyatta - came into being, often to "acclaim" which will redden the die-hard democratic universalists our own, to the supreme guide in dealing with countries such as private companies, buying up power and wealth to be transferred into safe Swiss bank accounts or some island in the Pacific and surrounded by members of their clan or tribe, giving them everything that normally do not deny or deprive followers. The problems are not addressed in the diplomacy of the European powers were resolved in other well-known place, and equally well-known methods, directly from the people. Fratricidal conflicts and civil wars of secession or burst in the blink of an eye, Hutu against Tutsi, Nigeria against Biafra, Katanga against Congo and so on. The list is endless. What conclusions to draw from this? That the decolonization made that way was probably worse than colonialism itself, which the colonial powers did not understand or would not understand the wickedness inherent in so suddenly get rid of regions which had held captive for decades by claiming that they assume the same structures of modern nation states. Affrancatasi penny from the brutal colonial rule exerted by Western powers, Africa is not instantly become a secondary battleground of the Cold War before, and competition among competitive power now. Since then, there has been no war, conflict or coup d'etat that has not crept into the hand of some foreign government or economic powers, with all well-known "special" in terms of corruption, arms trafficking and organ boundary. That's it. Pretending that nations or economic powers Prefer moral rectitude to protect their interests is to go against the story, and fight against the windmills. Each block, it makes no difference politically or economically, is pursuing its own interests appropriate to the context and the context of Africa is composed mainly of nations that continue to be treated as exclusive properties of their rulers. The sad account and durability, and is still valid today, as elite intellectuals continue to question his face demurely in front of the "cruelty" the "brutality" of Gaddafi who, after all, did for his country much more than the number of his "colleagues" well-revered in any way and for very different reasons by the Western powers who say they are so concerned about the safety Libyans. The very fact that, faced with the intolerable and unusual arrogance displayed by the most serious thing Obama has given the Maroni (text: "The Americans would do well to give himself to calm down. We are here, Europe is here, then it is better that we do it. ") in the absolute silence of Italy and, more generally, all European countries (or almost) is very eloquent on the current state degeneration of the Old Continent, which presents roughly, just the same symptoms Africa; formally de-colonized (not by much, in fact ...), controlled effectively and without the minimum requirements to walk on their own feet.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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party that party is not

On 8 March is not a party, is a moment of reflection, the commemoration of a massacre. The massacre took place in 1908 in New York, in a textile factory, where 129 women who went on strike for days to demand decent working conditions, died in the fire broke out in their factory because the owners had locked inside. Mimosa, as a symbol of this day was born in 1946 on the initiative of women hearing (from wikipedia), a movement that united women belonging to major political parties of Italy just released.

So today is not the case for celebration and partying with strippers, but it would be worth stopping for a moment to think about what we were and what we were, who we want to be, who we are and what we become. The life of women today is different from what it was in 1908, but not everywhere and not enough. There are countries where to be born female is a big handicap, there are those who do everything to make us or make us feel good and he succeeds very well (see the Great Martian post, for those who had not already done so).

I believe that today, instead of the foraging market mimosa (maximum buy it from a street vendor), think about the meaning of equal rights, what it means to be a woman rather than a man (who knows if in the end the difference is really that strong) and what can I do for a boycott culture it takes unwitting slaves.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Is It Good To Wear Wrestling Headgear


There is a thread that holds it tied the Libyan and the current issue, dating back two decades ago, which marked the unfortunate fate of the Balkans. A thread made of exaggerations, distortions, lies, and whatever inadequacies that led to the disintegration of former Yugoslavia and who are also playing an effective role in determining the outcome of the Libyan revolt. It was 1991, when Italy came to the fore its inconsistency and invalidity strategic undermining of the effects of his stroke, laudable foreign policy course in the Balkans held for fifteen years (think of the Treaty of Osimo, 1975), outdoor cheeps nothing more than feeble protest in front of the Vatican and the German bully claims that area (which were translated with the immediate recognition of Slovenia and Croatia), considered by them as priority areas in which the component Catholic (Vatican) or extend its hegemonic influence (Germany). Until then, relations between Rome and Belgrade had been excellent, with Italy had managed to mend the many tears with Yugoslavia dating back to World War II showed a significant ability diplomatic, and lead by example - not emulated - for all European countries very reluctant to deal with a Communist country, although not a member of the Warsaw Pact. However, Yugoslavia was largely a result of the Cold War, a trench that stretched along the "Iron Curtain" which Tito was able to give a core of communism that had cemented the national unity. With the formation of the non-aligned bloc, the Yugoslav had also acquired an international reputation for nothing irrelevant. However, the death of Tito, the former Soviet Union and the seeds - the failure of economic reforms deprived the country within a few years, the reasons that had propped up the drive. Despite for Italy it was a golden opportunity to build on good-neighborly relations in order to assert their own strategic reasons - not only related to the fact of being left with a single and exclusive three antagonists were fiercely a few miles from its borders - prevailed As usual the interests of the parish, with a strong component of the Christian Democrats historically prone to the wishes of the Holy See. Thus Italy came to take note of the future Yugoslav breakup consolation with an eloquent "much worse, the better," convinced that it can pick up the crumbs of the spoils left by the other Balkan countries. The stubborn short-sightedness of the leaders in European competition with each other did nothing but make more unstable situation, which soon escaped from their hands. Do was to ask for help to the 'ally' from overseas, which was happy to join in the chaos of the Balkan and point the finger at the inability of Europeans to deal effectively with the issue within the Old Continent. Unable to fend for themselves, Europeans lined up to line the Atlantic and demanded that the main leaders of all factions that gave rise to the Yugoslav civil war (Milosevic, Tudjman, Izetbegovic) is submitted to the supper table at Dayton, Ohio 'sole purpose of ganging up against the Serbian part of Yugoslavia, to criminalize and especially to lay the groundwork for an impending process of fragmentation that would make perennially hot and totally ungovernable area. The United States thus succeeded in averting the danger of a real European unity, and to shoulder the entire burden of sanctions on the shoulders of only Serbs have the assent of the European political zealous dealt a blow to the real possibility of integrating the Russian Old Continent. The strong defense of Kosovo (KLA thugs and bullies) then closed the parable, since on the one hand would allow the U.S. military installations in the heart of Europe and other fomented the centrifugal forces of all the other Yugoslav ethnic groups, which soon emulated the example of Kosovo to claim independence after another. To this it must be the ultimate fragmentation of Yugoslavia and the emergence of Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, in addition to the existing Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia Herzegovina. In this way, the U.S. tightened the noose around the neck of Europe, thanks to the subservience of all the individual national political classes and a massive press campaign blatantly uninformed tenfold that in the blink of an eye on the number of "victims" of Kosovo falls under the blows of evil minions Serbs. Today we are witnessing a campaign uninformative if possible even more grotesque and one-sided, which made their claims immediately for some sections of Libyan rioters infeorociti with Muammar Gaddafi, the new Hitler, after round various Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic. After a few days of fighting there has been talk of staggering ten thousand deaths caused by bombings on the crowds, the creation of mass graves and the routine rapes of "demonstrators". A few days after news of the so-called "mass graves" turned out to be a colossal hoax, which has postponed the memory of those who do not have the brains to mush by the crap served up by "the media" to the fake carnage of Timisoara, put point to a table by the Soviet secret service (and not only by them) in order to oust the despot Nicolae Ceausescu. Day after day the myriad news for true dates were immediately refuted by the facts and when the entire house of cards "humanitarian" actually seems about to be buried under an avalanche of gross stupidity unmasked one after another. But European politicians are behaving like? Obama just opened his mouth are all snapped to attention, including Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, who at first had wisely watched the jump on the bandwagon of the apparent victors. Yeah, because the Italian relations with Libya are dated 1911 and since then the government of any color have maintained excellent relations with that country. Gaddafi himself owes much to Italy, which several times has literally saved my skin when the French and Americans were angry with him. These good relations have yielded huge gold purchases and business the leading Italian companies such as Eni and Finmeccanica, the mechanism innescatosi put at serious risk. Now, given up with undue haste, Gaddafi can count on the loyalty of the army seems to have taken the initiative, which has called into sharp question the happy ending of the story. Faced with this prospect intolerable, Mr. Obama has decided once and for all to discover the cards and to raise the bar, telling Gaddafi to "go away" and talking about the real possibility of an "intervention" - humanitarian, of course - solver. Meanwhile, Europe has blocked the assets of the "rais" and the Nuremberg Tribunal in The Hague is "investigating" the crimes of the "tyrant." Again Europe is queued to the U.S., places the interests of Washington and its line require that you keep the door of your own home. Was for European countries, another Dayton looming. Unfortunately, to upset the plans of the "divine providence" you made is the obstinacy of the Bedouin of Sirte. The usual shameless.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Who's afraid of the Russian bear?

The U.S. government, aided largely by the international press, referring to the large financial groups, has repeatedly expressed its "concern" about developments in the European energy policy.
The development pipeline "Nord Stream" and "South Stream" would enshrine in the second opinion of them, the charter of the European energy dependency on the Kremlin. This objection is probably the result of winning a new version of a revised and corrected maccarthysmo aiming to warn the "unarmed" and "naive" by the Europeans to encourage the return of Russia as a major player in this complex geopolitical scenario that is inexorably moving towards multipolarity. Just as the United States had made fun of that gonzo Gorbachev, the area of \u200b\u200binfluence extending far beyond the limits of NATO agreed, now Russia is regaining positions, weaving relationships with all major players in Eurasia. This is what is happening, but with a perspective of totally new era of 'Cold War'. To understand this new perspective, however, should take a few steps back, and return to the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine in 2004, culminating with the rise to power of Viktor Jushenko Atlanticist. Jushenko was now the star of a series of diplomatic clashes with Russia rather hard, opposing a large tax increase resulting from the transit of Russian gas pipes in Ukraine, Gazprom's demand to bring the price of gas sold to Ukraine to normal market levels. The dispute between the two lasted for several years, and culminated in January 2009, at the end of the contract regulating the terms of the transit, when Gazprom decided to terminate the flow of gas to Europe. It was a skilful move, which gave way to colorless bureaucrats in Brussels to perceive what was urgent to find ways of energy supply stable and independent of the internal turmoil within the country. The election, in February, the pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovich has also brought a significant relaxation of relations between Kiev and Moscow, a friendliness that has made possible the ratification of an agreement by which Ukraine was granted the right to use the 30% discount on supplies of Russian gas in exchange for a series of military and economic concessions to the Kremlin. Despite the reconciliation between the two nations, the need to create new structures for the transit of oil has remained, for too long as Russia and Europe had been "held hostage" of the convoluted political maneuvering in Ukraine. In light of this finding, the construction of the pipeline "Nord Stream" and "South Stream" and then appears a sensible solution to the problem, taking into account the significant political problems of various kinds (such as Poland Katcynski era) that persist in other Eastern countries, understandably wary of the Kremlin. The "Nord Stream", when completed, will plow the waters of the Baltic and come directly to Germany, while the "South Stream" (in which Eni is called to do the lion's share) will cross the Black Sea, Bulgaria , will be the route south to Greece and Apulia and north to Austria and Hungary. E 'at this point that the terminally atlases are used to concentrate the fire, stirring obsessively spectrum of European dependence on Russia. In practical terms has been given the go-to point to the realization of the Nabucco pipeline (the construction of which is sponsored by the EU and United States), many analysts considered a credible alternative to the "South Stream", since many nations-pass "turbulent "and allow Europe to source the part of non-Russian gas but from the countries of Central Asia. The development of this pipeline, however, is greatly influenced by the bad relations that Washington has with Iran's Ahmadinejad. Right now, lean on the "South Stream" indeed seems to offer different guarantees more than what would result from filling up by the "Nabucco". From a strictly political point of view, Atlanticists argue that pandering to the Kremlin's plans, Europe would find itself subject to the oppressive Russian hegemony. Beyond the incredible hypocrisy shown by them (there is, for Europe, something more oppressive and stifling of American hegemony?), It is shown how their case alarmist inexorably collide with reality. Unlike in the U.S., the seeds - the nation's total oil and gas producing economy has heavily influenced by exports, the net profits from the sale of oil, the GDP of countries with this type of economy might disappear in one fell swoop. Russia has a need to export hydrocarbons probably greater than Europe does not have to import. Subtracting the energy asset currently available, will be reduced to the recession comparable to that Yeltsin era. The same is obviously true for Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Iran, a nation condemned without appeal by the many "useful idiots" (at best) who insist on not wanting to consider the possibility that the declared uranium enrichment by Tehran is aimed at achieving non-military and civilian purposes, while the diversification of energy sources is a road that many countries are starting to take. In any case, it should be noted that the United States were well aware of the limitations inherent Soviet economy (and that still prevail in a country like Russia) already close to the end of the Cold War, when (probably in 1986) to liberalize the sale of Alaskan oil and began to make its advanced technologies in the service of the European powers in NATO member in order to facilitate the extraction of oil from the North Sea, entering large amounts of oil on the international market was in fact to promote a dramatic fall in prices per barrel (which reached $ 10 in May), which in turn sort devastating and irreversible impact on the fragile Soviet economy, as it was anchored to the oil and gas market. Secondly, there are no credible alternatives in a position to cover the possible release (very welcome in that perspective in Washington) from Moscow. The gradual decline of extractions gasifier in deposits of the Mediterranean and the North Sea reveals the undeniable fact that Europe is running out of their resources, and supplies from North African countries are not sufficient to cover requirements. The polished economist Stefano Casertano writes that "Considering the 560 billion current consumption, we must subtract 60 billion cubic meters of reduced production in Europe, and we get 500 billion. To these we add 20 more arriving in 2020 from Algeria and 60 in most other countries, added to the initial 500, we get 580 billion cubic meters of gas. To reach 640 billion cubic meters in 2020 there are still 60 billion. The first solution is called Russia. "The road indicated by Casertano is actually safer and more convenient for Europe, both from the geopolitical point of view (proximity to Russia and the extent of its huge deposits are conditions that no other producer country is able to offer), how much, and perhaps more, from the policy level. If Europe decides to turn his back unfortunately, even partially, to Russia, Putin might turn their gaze entirely to the east towards the Chinese giant, literally hungry for energy supplies. Deng Xiaoping advocated the occurrence of "hiding its claws as it develops its power" and China, faithful to this principle, has many fabric textures with Central Asian countries, wisely putting the mute to their success. In Turkmenistan, the skilled strategists in Beijing have signed agreements extremely important, which allowed the construction of a pipeline which will bring 40 billion cubic meters of gas for 30 years, and a pipeline with a capacity of 200,000 barrels of oil a day. At present, China produces about 75 billion cubic meters of gas per year and consumes about eighty, but various estimates suggest that by 2030 one third of the nation's gas needs will be fully covered by foreign imports. The pipeline will likely be a substantial improvement soon, and also will be attached to the network gasifera Kazakhstan, another major producing country. The unusual aspect of the matter is that for the first time Moscow has left a free hand to a country historically gravitating around its orbit, allowing the Turkmen Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov scaltrissimo prime minister to deal directly with China, potentially competing nation in the medium term. Against Iran has not been given the same treatment, while both Russia and China have expressed before the Security Council met specifically, his vote in favor of applying new sanctions on Tehran. Ahmadinejad and Chavez was in fact flirting with Erdogan being sidelined from the negotiations on Russia, and is probably keeping in mind this "recklessness" that Iran is good to read the outcome of the matter. Moscow intends to hold on its power plants, which even the most recalcitrant countries are forced to refer, and will integrate a cycle of mutual dependence in all countries ranging from the Straits Gibraltar of the South China Sea. The vocation of Eurasian Russia at this point seems obvious, obvious to all but the bland bureaucrats in Brussels, which even in the face of open calls to the collaboration spent by Putin at the Security Conference held in Monaco on 7 February 2007 were felt "entitled" Who knows by whom, to reach out to the Russian leader.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Liebster blog and the birthday of the blog of Emma

Fassio Knitting Emma is two years old and celebrates with a gift for her readers. If you have not already done so, you can enter the draw for a beautiful bag project created by Emma writing a comment to this post . Emma does not need any introduction, is one of the best designer on Ravelry, and has a blog, very rich in resources for the maniacs we ball. Among his many pattern, the one I prefer is the Rosa's sleeveless cardi-jumper I realized for me, a simple design and brilliant, very quick to do and very effective, suitable for all seasons, just change the yarn and the diameter of the rods and you will get a head or a transparent top winter for the summer. Work in the round, and requires no seams, with a simple game increases you get the detail of the side peaks. This is my version .
If there was anyone among you who still do not follow his blog, this is your chance to start.

Another blogger friend of Donna Magliano am ... I had the honor to assign me Liebster the Blog Award, an award for small blogs with less than 300 fixed readers. Send to a maximum of 5 other blog is optional. Thanks Donna, I do not hand over even and especially for not having the embarrassment of choosing five of the many blogs I follow, but will launch a series of posts dedicated to other blogs. This was the first.

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sclerosis humanitarian

The popular revolts that held the bank for a couple of months have rekindled the spotlight on the crucial issue of "human rights". In the view of many priests of the unique but widespread ideology that has risen to an unspecified love "Humanity" in the supreme value and indispensable, as gerontocrat Muammar Gaddafi, Hosni Mubarak and Zin El Abidin Ben Ali would have been undermined by the fury of people suffocated from severe coercive measures disrespectful of the "fundamental" rights.

Or at least deserved an ending like it just because of the totalitarian measures which had subjugated entire populations for decades. It is a contradictory concept but very engaging human relationships, that, despite its roots in the more extreme individualism ends up assuming a universal connotation that you want to apply "in all places and at all times." In essence, we feel the supreme value of the individual and shall register a generic "human" based not only formal equality of all individuals. On the one hand, it proclaims the unique "uniqueness" of the individual and on the other pretends to throw the entire amount of such "oneness" within a single cauldron equiparante that would enshrine equality. The paradox appears in all its evidence, as preaching the equality of all individuals there is nothing to deny that their so-called "uniqueness." The tare clear of this whole approach "humanitarian", highlighted in their time as much to Karl Marx by Joseph De Maistre, is its obvious and incoherent abstraction. In this regard, when Fyodor Dostoevsky (ne "The Idiot") wrote that "In love for humanity abstract often ends up only love themselves," he simply summarized in a single sharp expression, the extreme ideology of "human rights ", pointing to the leveling of all individuals within the 'humanity' be prevented from taking into account the fact that the rights" real ", actual, arising from the full recognition of the differences between men. And these rights are neither innate nor prior to it, but reflect certain values \u200b\u200band historical traditions, in particular historical context in which they develop. Which refers most obviously to their purely relative, which makes them suitable for some contexts and not others. Schmitt's thinking in terms correct, it should be noted that there is a universe, but a "multi-verse" policy, which prevents contain all the peoples of the earth in a single group of any kind. The same Carl Schmitt wrote that "If the various peoples, religions, classes and other groups of men on earth were so united that it is impossible and unthinkable a war between them, if the same civil war, even within an empire covering all the world, no longer to be taken into account, for ever, even as a mere possibility, even if it fell the distinction of friend and enemy, even as a mere possibility, then there is only a conception of the world, a culture, a culture, economy, morality, right, an art, not contaminated by politics, but there would be neither political nor the state. "In short, the establishment of a depoliticized world where there is no enemy and in which all the peoples of the world peacefully in unison singing the praises of the "pensée unique". This does not correspond to the extinction of the war, but will lead to its further changes to the skin, where, continuing with Carl Schmitt, "If a state fights its political enemy in the name of humanity, its not a war of humanity, but a war for which a given state is trying to steal against his opponent, a universal concept in order to identify with it (at the expense of his enemy), so how can they be wrong to use the concepts of peace, justice, progress, civilization, to claim him and shield them from the enemy " . Moreover, the vague concept of 'humanity' itself - as pointed out, once again, by Carl Schmitt - to be heavily exploited for purposes imperialiastiche, hypocritically renamed as "humanitarian intervention" in Kosovo represents a milestone. Those who argue in good faith the legality of that practice, unaware of the fact that, as the saying goes, "the paths that lead to hell is paved with good intentions, believe that reducing political institutions as carriers of poor "humanitarian credentials" will give way to the people to free themselves from their chains and start Rousseau inexorably toward the light path that leads to the attainment of achievements in different eras in Western countries. The smarter you are whitewashed tombs instead of this preposterous ideology contradicted repeatedly by history to cover with a veil ethical legitimizing their imperialist greed, by which to protect their special interests and very personal. As we have seen in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq, such actions do nothing but worsen the situation and lead to the establishment of political and economic institutions for the consumption sharks cruising in the murky waters of financial markets. On a purely legal, such legitimation have shattered the pillars of international law set in 1648 at the Peace of Westphalia, which did not provide any facility which may be part of a state or a coalition of states to interfere in the affairs of other sovereign nation in order to prevent or stop in advance so-called "human rights violations." In this case, it happened that the only remaining superpower after the collapse of the Soviet Union or the United States, it was steep (with the menial to the following European countries) as the supreme representative of an unspecified "international community" to extend its own economic model, cultural, social, and protect their interests by taking advantage of various, alleged "violations of human rights." Despite the desire to extend the same concern for justice beyond the boundaries of individual states may seem attractive in some environments, particularly nefarious, it must be remembered that justice can not in any case submit the policy, why is it that follows, and is down ' fruitful meeting of traditions and values \u200b\u200bmore or less shared within a given political community that the resulting legal constraints that reflect the broad lines of thought of the community. This suggests that any global justice is only applicable when several seemingly disparate political communities together are found to recognize the same principles. But this has never happened, and is a real deception (so dear to the various Pannella and Bonino) affirm that all peoples of the world are reflected in the West, or at least there would reflect, if only the "tyrants" of turn left them free to express themselves. But it is not necessary to apply the rhetoric of "human rights" to the global context in order to highlight the huge gray areas, as many aberrations can also be deduced from analysis of the situation prevailing within the West itself, the supreme temple of "human rights ". The imprint on irreducibly individualist whose ideology is based "humanitarian" has caused a massive hypertrophy of both claims, which refer to the "human rights" and an erosion of the social mirror, with the parallel judicial repercussions it entails. In essence, depopulated, a tendency to overlap the concept of "right" to that of "need" to be found in turn overlapped with that of "interest." Needs and interests in transforming needs into rights, we end up claiming substantially the "sacrosanct" protect their interests by passing off the latter for "rights", and as giants of the past such as Thomas Hobbes have demonstrated the overwhelming preponderance of the conflict ("homo homini lupus ") in human affairs, Western society has found itself "compelled" to come up with psychological tricks at the highest level of coercion (eg the studies of Michel Foucault and Noam Chomsky on the subject) in order to keep under control the community and partly to stem the destructive potential conflict arising from competition between individuals. This was partly translated by the mammoth growth of the judiciary, which reflects the widespread tendency to total legalization of human relationships, as the only force capable of governing the chaos. The enormous power held (or acquired by?) Judges reduced the political space in which individuals accept to delegate to judges the task of resolving their conflicting interests, tanning entrusting the tasks that normally would be for the "political" in the hands of the judges, putting it entirely to the "mercy of the court." With the outcome you know.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sports Artists Paintings


I just heard the president (of) with (s) Iglio rant school full of teachers who want to instill communist (this strange word from his lips, I would have seemed more familiar with c less) in the minds of children the principles contrary to those that their parents would like. Made me want to answer that parents who want a school to teach their kids the key revisionist history or who want to fill the pumpkin with superstitions, if they have to pay eccheccavolo.

I was reminded of a song also by Eugenio Finardi, "School", which we carry in some ways.

I wanted to know the true story of the people
how do you live and what do we really need
because the only thing the school should do to learn is to teach

I recommend you listen to everything, if you do not know.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Brazil Drivers License Template


The vigorous flowering of social groupings, better known as NGOs is a central phenomenon of our time, whose understanding is able to provide quite useful tools to make some specific predictions about the near future and take the turn that events that shook much of the Arab and Persian.

First, it is good to point out the fact that these NGOs have incontrovertibly played a crucial role in all the various attempts of color revolutions, successful or not, happened in the last few years, and methodologies used to foment discord in nations from within the political and social upheavals have seemed highly specular between them. The undisputed guru of these GMOs is certainly the U.S. tycoon George Soros, so-called "philanthropist" to advocate a model of "open society" ("Open Society") firmly anchored to the guidelines outlined at the time by the Austrian philosopher Karl Popper. In his magnum opus - "The Open Society and Its Enemies" - munch Popper distinguishes the various models of society according to their degree of "openness" and "openness" (Popper avoids recourse to the term "closure"), divided by a deep root, Schmitt mutual enmity. The "open society" is based on the central role of the individual and the fundamental connotations of which is a carrier, or rationality, discretion, atoms and the total lack of a teleological whole agenda of the individual. It follows that a society that fulfills these requirements in full all forms of waste assolutizzante entity, whichever it is, which puts in check the centrality of the individual and the characteristics associated with it. The degree of openness of a society is then given the breadth of the range the possibility that it is able to guarantee the free development of the individual, which in combination with all other atomistic individual is theoretically unlimited, totally meaningless and unrelated to the design and the achievement of any purpose group. Popper believes that the meeting of all the individual atoms would create a positive synergy, which arises from the fact that a substantial social balance weights and their weights. A model of society of which he becomes Popper, as expected, avid supporter and promoter. In contrast to this model advocated, Popper opposed to "hostile to open society", not closed, but most often defined as "totalitarian", which is built on a structure based on the individual but not on the absolute, whose quintessence made of rules, laws and infringes

tasks (even if the introduce such "absolute" freedom of choice is made for the individual) freedom coercively individual, and not subject to restrictions resulting from his will but by some outside institution. Once limited to the range of possibilities of realization of the individual, society loses the essential connotation of "openness" and would end up channeling every free individual development within specific circuits decided "from outside". Popper takes this

single aspect of society - the presence or absence of "openness" - as the supreme discriminating the first and only criterion for classification of each construct political, social, economic and philosophical. It follows that thinkers such as Plato (regarded as "obscurantism father), Georg Wilhelm Hegel, Karl Marx and Oswald Spengler end up being branded as" enemies of open society ", guilty of having introduced concepts ethical, political, sociological and cheap raw for the consumption of the individual, which do not recognize this imperative role demanded by the "open society". Right and left, progress or reaction are not recognized any weight in terms of distinguishing Popper, which flows into the cauldron of equiparante "enemies of open society" Marxists, Fascists and Socialists, and celebrates the 'opening' guaranteed by the artifices of philosophy architected as an anarchist - individualists reactionary to what Schopenhauer by extreme lighting as the Marquis De Sade. That based on the cult of the individual and its key features is certainly a doctrine simple, attractive and easily administered to the "masses" thing the Popperian George Soros is adamant. The hand of "philanthropist" in determining subversive dynamics that have shaken many countries - members of the former Soviet Union (Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia) and others (Lebanon, Iran, Myanmar) - has been recognized by virtue of their heavy role played in them by various social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter (maximum expression of individualism) and the mass media (a host of radio and television channels) just purchased directly from Non-Governmental Organizations ("George Soros' Open Society") or indirectly ("Freedom House ") due to the tycoon Goerge Soros, well aware of the fact that the media coverage of the company means to them within the insinuation of a mindset that" repetition "would amount to" proof ". Messages sent from these mass media are focusing just on the principles emphasized by Popper, in which individualism advocated extremist from morning to night does nothing but enhance the potential of the individual and foster a general nuisance to all that is the rule and rule, considered in its key Popper, mere constraints which prevent the free and full deployment of the individual will. These general guidelines have been taken by members of the mob sovversori NGOs and adapted to the specific time to time by the various countries that joined in the viewfinder. Countries where the tension caused by friction intestines linked to existing interests in open conflict between them has been exploited and properly "dressed" with clothes in a position to exercise great seduction so at some strata of the population concerned at what the so-called "international community" (composed, as usual, by the few usual suspects). In Iran it was the elusive electoral fraud and the alleged subordinate role cut out for the woman (case Sakineh in particular) to act as war horses, while in Georgia and Ukraine dissolution and authoritarianism (the usual "human rights" violations) of the ruling classes. In this way the various Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mikheil Saakashvili and Viktor Yushchenko could get the consensus needed at home and outside, to reverse - or groped to do - the situation in their favor. It 'something that can actually similar took place in Tunisia, with the revolution promptly renamed "Jasmine", and Egypt. And always behind the expected approval of George Soros. A true philanthropist. "

2003 Mini Copper Auto Transmission Noise

The bear comes to Etsy

Eventually I did. I opened my Etsy store ursino on , one of the sites most used by those who buy and sell handmade or vintage items on the Internet. I pondered over this decision for several months, encouraged by friends, pressed from the pile of items knit from looking at me sideways over the lid of the piano, encouraged by the balls in the boxes under the couch (knittaci, knittaci), held back by fear of failure, who knows what trouble you to combine, to fail.

The desire to change his life got to do, but not because I believe that such a move would allow me to leave work, rather than a turning point for me is the attitude in considering my options, a dive.

For those who want to visit me, a link and thanks!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What To Do When A Scorpio Man Is Mad At You

The obsession of borrowed Iranian

And then, as if by magic, the upheavals that have recently shaken the North African area overlooking the Mediterranean would have expanded like wildfire, reaching first the Levant and then the Middle East. At least that tells us the great international press, that with this latest "effort" brings to three attempts to foment discord in organized outside Iranian society which could lead to a real coup against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

the summer of 2009 took place in Iran a real color revolution, during which the mob tried to Pentagon strategists to slip through the cracks of existing tensions in the endogenous complex Iranian society to pave the way for a welcome change of guard in Washington. At that time Iran was rocked by a clash of the top, where the rich Ayatollah Akbar Rafsanjani and his companion Mir Hossein Mousavi are exploiting the overwhelming election victory by secular Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to contest the regularity, and to give rise to manifestations of Piazza likely to destabilize the status quo. Ahmadinejad could count on the support of the Pasdaran and that of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, while on the other side, after a short period of impasse, including Ayatollah Mohammad Khatami decided to find out the cards and make public their support the Rafsanjani faction - Mousavi. Ahmadinejah enjoyed the support of the poorer segments of the population scattered all over the country, while his opponents were supported by the high middle class living in the suburbs of major cities in the Iranian elite. The outcome of the election (a difference of 11 million votes in favor of Ahmadinejad) was in itself obvious, since perfectly fits together with the data recorded during the previous vote, in which to receive a hard lesson from the former mayor of Tehran was directly Akbar Rafsanjani. All these clues confirming the high popularity of the Iranian people against Ahmadinejad's not enough to persuade the authoritative Western media, who were quick to to their positions held by Mousavi and to enhance the "authenticity" of the so-called "green wave" that was putting it upside down some parts of the Iranian capital. The heavy hand of the CIA Evins reckless use the rioters (who, among other things, protesting with signs written in English, bearing the slogan "Where is my vote?" So as not to confuse the message recipients. ..) did the usual social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, especially in the exaltation of the false martyr Neda, and do not fall under the alleged atrocities committed by the Pasdaran better clarified. In any case, everything turned out to be a hoax, Ahmadinejad maintained his government post and "demonstrators" are among their ranks with his tail between his legs. Just a year after he returned to Chania media unleashed on the Iranian regime, staging a grotesque and pitiful funeral mass for the "martyr" and murderous faithless Sakineh, whose face was covered by a chador antiraniano slogans taken as a myriad of demonstrators in major squares Western , who evidently had not found something better to do than tearing his clothes in public for the fate of a dire Carneades any, without the slightest care of what was happening in the U.S., where a certain Teresa Lewis was conducted on death row after being recognized guilty of offenses similar to those committed by the elusive Sakineh. Outrage and solidarity, AC and variable geometry, for sentimental European and American protesters. Now, the thing you are doing much more serious, since the riots of the Maghreb are subject to an obvious manipulation by the U.S., who are trying in every way to trigger a chain reaction of riots involving the entire geographical area which extends from the southern shores of the Mediterranean to Central Asia. As expected, Iran was classified as a priority. On 14 February the opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi have held a demonstration in Tehran in order to challenge the current government, which has prompted the usual Western media to talk about "chaos in Iran and the days counted could count on which the regime. Not a word about the fact that some "demonstrators" armed and opened fire on an ordinary passer-by, or on the eve of the event that the Iranian secret services have intercepted a phone call in which Mir Hossein Mousavi was talking with a member of the CIA demonstrations that would be held the following day or on the ground like mushrooms to be in television and radio stations financed by the U.S. and British governments. All trying desperately not exist similarities between Egypt and Iran, and to condemn without appeal to the bloody violence of the body of the Pasdaran, which was ascribed the murder without any evidence of passing, quickly turned into a "demonstrator" (Where he was a member of the guards "Basij"). For his part, Barack Obama has decided to play cards, expressing the hope that "Egypt is an example for the entire Middle East region," and that "the Iranians are also free to express themselves." So eloquent statements had not even heard the aftermath of the Iranian elections of 2009. The truth is that the fog that enveloped the Iranian affair are long dissolves, leaving the picture is sufficiently clear. The election of Obama nano perched on the shoulders of giant Zbigniew Brzezinski marked a tactical retreat from the extremist positions taken by the neoconservative warmongers. This Washington groped led to a sort of appeasement towards the Iranian president, offering favorable terms in return for giving up nuclear power and a true record of the change in energy policy, which wants as much as possible without ties to Moscow and Beijing. The Iranian president has unceremoniously turned down the offer, which is not too pleasing to his opponent Rafsanjani, who considers the radical opposition to the United States as a political move too reckless and utterly reckless. At that point the U.S. has decided to play the card outside interference. And in style Soros, or invading Iran with an army of NGOs and funding television and radio broadcasters on the lines of "Radio Free Europe", tanning throwing gasoline on the fire in the wake of the Iranian society existing internal friction (friction that relate to a large extent in the field of foreign policy choices made by Ahmadinejad, as shown above), so lay the groundwork for the formation of what would later become known as the "Green Wave", the principal in the attempted color revolution in 2009. In this light, the recent statements by Obama seem not merely tactical moves that are to join in the wider strategic plan to destabilize Iran, which until now has seen the U.S. ringed failure after another.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kates Playground Uncensored Streaming

From Suez to Cairo

The shock wave triggered by movements of North Africa is clearly pushing the major hegemonic powers in the region to question the future to come, and to devise appropriate countermeasures to contain dangerous distortions of power relationships within the complex chessboard Mediterranean.

To be precise, some of the disruptions feared by them have already materialized in Lebanon, where Hezbollah has come out much stronger after they have been breaking partnership with the ambiguous double agent Saad Hariri (a political move that highlights the genius strategic movement headed by Nasrallah) and Jordan, where King Abdallah According moved ahead by demanding a change of government that might prove extremely indigestible allocated to tenants in the buildings in Washington and Tel Aviv. But if the U.S. is very clearly hiding behind a cryptic murmur made continuous leaps forward and symmetrical withdrawn (where direct-to unscrupulous and Barack Obama go along with the tentative standard positions taken by Hillary Clinton) trying to turn Machiavellian turned in their favor, Israel seems so bewildered and stunned that we sometimes fail to find a decent attitude to be taken before a situation so dangerous. In fact, the fall of Hosni Mubarak, adding the inversion au (and the public slapping of the Israeli leadership by Prime Minister Recep Erdogan is the aftermath of the "Lead Time" is the occasion of the attack on Freedom Flotilla) in key pro-Iranian made years ago by the historian turkish ally, Israel has relegated the most comprehensive regional isolation, and laid bare the paucity of strategic an entire political class brought up on bread and Zionism, able only to highlight the eyes of the allies "urgent need" to support the now unpresentable pharaoh Mubarak and to restart work on the construction of a "security barrier" along the border Egyptian. Another wall, after that of Jerusalem, with which Netanyahu and company are planning to put Israel away from the responsibilities that sooner or later have to decide to take. The same is true For European countries, that in addressing the issue have not gone beyond the issue of cheeps faint hope of a peaceful conclusion of the fighting in Egypt and condemned the "excesses" of the rioters. All except the U.S., if they are well entrenched behind their "walls" - physical or not - being very careful not to put a spoke in the wheel to the "democratic transfer" (which no one knows how it should be carried out) of power - advocated by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton - in Egypt. The last time that Egypt was in the middle of a genuine international dispute was during the Suez crisis of 1956, a historical parenthesis certainly not devoid of teachings. At the time Egypt was led by an able and astute colonel of the army provided the policy named Jamal Nasser, who, after having chased the fat King Farouk had immediately pledged to forge diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union at the same time hoping to be able to maintain cordial relations with the United States. The Gordian knot of his political contradictions was cut with a sharp blow by President Eisenhower, who punished his duplicity by denying the necessary funding for the construction of the Aswan Dam. The broad popular support it enjoyed, linked to its strategic vision of pan-Arab clear vocation, however, persuaded Nasser to play all out, or to declare the unilateral nationalization of the Suez Canal. It was a huge gamble policy with which the Egyptian president had first to collect the revenues needed for the construction of the Aswan Dam and the other to demonstrate to the world his political depth, saying with a single stroke of a pen full Egyptian sovereignty. The channel, however, was managed by a consortium of the British Empire which was the majority shareholder, and was itself considered a highway, a promontory from which the British government ruled the "Way of the Indies", a true melting-pot of world trade from which Britain could monitor communications with Europe, Asia and Africa. At the time, was the Conservative Prime Minister Anthony Eden, who considered Nasser a sort of Mussolini reviewed and corrected where necessary to address a hard lesson. As soon as he learned the news on the nationalization of the Suez Canal, he immediately instructed the military to devise a plan to invade Egypt, which would contain the channel under the aegis of the British and finally unseat the dangerous Jamal Nasser. He found in the French prime minister, the Socialist Guy Mollet, the shoulder was looking for. The motive of the latter, however, was primarily due to the fear that tolerating the audacity to Nasser Europe would have suffered from the same mistake made with Hitler at the Conference of Monaco. In essence, Mollet feared that merely sketch in front of the ruthlessness of Nasser would not have done nothing but provide it with valid reasons to increase its megalomania, and aim, therefore, continue to raise. A suicide tactics would quickly undermine the foundations of the French colonial domination on neighboring Algeria. Transferred to this the obsessions of the past, Eden and Mollet found fertile ground to forge a solid alliance Anglo - French antinasseriana key. It remained to find a third ally and a pretext to intervene. They found one and the other in Israel, whose leadership aspired to finally get rid of a fierce and powerful anti-Zionist as Nasser. The parties met at Sevres 22 to 24 October 1956, and put in place operational plans. Once that the Israeli army had launched a rapid and powerful preemptive attack of the armed forces stationed along the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, France and Britain have warned that a ceasefire would be followed bipartisan - if Nasser had not stopped, as was expected - continues air strikes on Egyptian ports and airports over the military occupation of the channel. Everything went word for word according to plan. The Israeli army overthrew the Egyptian armed forces and penetrated the Sinai like a knife through butter, Nasser refused to stop fighting and Egypt was briefly brought to its knees by aviation Anglo - French, while the USSR, undertaken to deal with the insurgents in Budapest, he merely yelling sterile and not very credible threats of retaliation against invaders. And while the operation seemed to turn for the better, what happened to the European powers had not taken into account. Annoyed at not having been consulted by the allies, U.S. President Eisenhower decided to deal a blow to England, instructing the Treasury Department to sell pounds on New York Stock Exchange, scaling tanning rude British imperial aspirations and at the same time and ordered to France beware the dall'assecondare similar projects in future. Eden fell into a deep crisis and resigned a few months from happening, to shoulder the burden his successor, Harold MacMillan to rebuild the country, while Nasser remained firmly in place with the final nationalization of the Suez Canal and an enormous international prestige gained in his pocket. Within a few months, Britain was forced to abandon their dreams of glory in its entirety to satisfy those of the United States, the French fell to deal with the Algerian nationalism and call a "Father of the Nation" of farsightedness and such as Charles De Gaulle airport to ferry the country permanently outside dell'anacronistica colonial perspective, as Israel rules with greater precision the balance of power with the neighborhood. For their part, the United States were limited to take over the imperial legacy left them by the British, and to roughly everything that had been banned by England. Eden and Mollet read the reality with the retrograde and myopic lens of the past, and did not know what the signs of the change of era. This compromise for decades, the presence Anglo - French or in its limited however, and quite a bit, the ability of influenza. Today, as then there is the urgency to acquire the best tools to interpret what is happening in Egypt and all its neighbors. However, what is visible is the massive Israeli inadequacy, his inability to understand the inevitability of making a radical overhaul of all its positions in the region that is matched by all'avvilente European inconsistency, his lack of a comprehensive political project independent of Washington. Just as Israel must now realize that the United States are no longer the all-powerful masters of the world - always ready to rush to their aid - and that the walls can not protect it more than they have done with the whites of South Africa (and to seize the bandwagon to act accordingly), so European countries should reflect on the current geopolitics, he sees a slow but steady decline in the U.S., and again to reconsider its order of priorities. The difference is that in dealing with the Suez crisis were unable to come to terms with its decline, but now do not know how to deal with the U.S.. O (as is more likely) do not want. For decades, in fact, no European country has been able to influence the trend of the major international events (more or less by Scott Suez onwards), if not strictly in the context of collective action led by the United States. Some of these countries, like France and Germany, have managed to limit to pursue their narrow garden plots, where they were allocated specific resources to be exploited or older remnants, relics of the "good old days gone by." There are still the instruments of foreign policy - diplomacy and armies, for example - but are merely ornamental old memorabilia to show off with permission from Washington. It is therefore crumbs and nothing more. Because the truth is that in all these years have been woven rave in front of a supposedly "united Europe", but in practice the powers of the Old Continent have done nothing but look askance at, each concerned to compete effectively with other, giving priority to national interests across continents. And this division, for the maintenance of which has been specially created an assembly of bureaucrats and businessmen the epitome (the "EU") has been very instrumental in power dominated. However, many European nations did in fact have many convergent interests, and are backed by a strong community of ambitions and cultural orientations. The fact that these convergences and commonalities are not exploited and that still, in dealing with special events such as the movements of North Africa, all answering the European expect that there Fiondini first to the U.S. - where, said en passant, the Mediterranean is a few miles to kilometers , unlike that for us - and then contend for the leftovers courtesy such as "loyalty bonus" is a very reliable indicator of the degree of corruption inside the nomenklatura of the individual states, so that they are only acting to confirm the real and substantial reasons for their success and indicate who are the direct beneficiaries of their work. It 's very likely that during the Suez crisis of Eden and Mollet acted in good faith, believe to pursue interests of their countries, while in this congregation of businessmen is frankly hard to give the benefit of the doubt.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Examples Of A Alpha Ka

A new model and the sea in winter

I'm back with a new model. Baby It's Cold Outside is a scarf designed for the most sensitive to cold, because it is buttoned and adheres well to the neck, without running too much air, but especially for those who want a quick projects to do, but not too boring, with the braid and short rows. Perfect for getting comfortable with these techniques in a non-traumatic, due to the coarse yarn and easy to work, is also a great last minute gift, because you end up in a few hours. The pattern name is the title of a song, a classic Frank Loesser, starring among others, by Dean Martin, Ella Fitzgerald, Ray Charles, Dionne Warwick.

What more do you want?

I would like another beautiful day like the one pictured, to go to dig with their paws on rocky shore in the wet ceerca colored glasses. I will stop here, because I would like other things more complicated, so I leave you the link to last post the friend CIAM

The pattern is in testing and will be available soon. The yarn is Puno1 of Filitaly Lab (info)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Go Fight Win Cheer Sayings

Risks and Opportunities

to the turmoil that for months and months, shaking the Italian political scene, he went to join the general turmoil in the Arab world triggered by movements in Tunisia, which have acted as a detonator of the complex powder keg in the Middle East and North Africa (which involves all the Arab countries ranging from Morocco to Pakistan) in constant danger of explosion.

After the failures of almost every color revolutions - with the consolation Georgian - try (Iran) and only in principle go in port (Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan), the United States are now celebrate the supposed "desire for democracy" of the Tunisian people, who took to the streets purports to give rise to revolt eloquently dubbed by the U.S. press as "Jasmine Revolution", a term that refers ominously to actual riots instigated by Washington in the watchmaking countries that once formed part of the Soviet Union (especially), in which GM financed by the usual "philanthropists" to turn (Soros in particular) and political factions closely linked to the centers of power in the U.S., in apparent convergence of interests, have joined forces to throw in a single cauldron equiparante real reasons del'esistente popular discontent and false or vastly inflated in this explosive concoction to heighten the tension to breaking point, which should have culminated in the overthrow of the orders made unwelcome in Washington. However, the detonator of the revolution of Tunisia does not seem to be craving that was not "democratic" as indicated by the press made in USA (as always reduces everything to an event of very organic to their own interests), but the exponential growth of prices for basic necessities - such as bread, milk and other foods - due to the voracity of the "locusts" that are literally destroying the financial world production (brushing industries pushed foot), thus rocketing the prices of the goods mentioned above, and the recklessness of the crack linked to the president just kicked, Ben Ali, who after hearing the saber-rattling, it was decided to direct that the prices were tiered. This did not do much to appease the popular fury, which has also cut down on the Tunisian government, urging Ben Ali to an ignominious flight. This has given rise to an ill-concealed relief to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who despite his loquacity was proverbial "strangely" quietened the obvious economic motives of the riot to release the usual corny public statements peppered with humanitarian rhetoric, praising the " popular sovereignty "of desirable and that the" thirst for democracy "Tunisia is promptly subsided. The reason that led her to focus on that workhorse explains very clearly the lively Webster Tarpley, who stresses that "The economic turmoil in the course represents a real problem for the imperialists in Washington, as the guidelines State Department tend to define human rights exclusively in political and religious terms, never as a matter of economic or social rights. price controls, wage policies, unemployment allowance, tools of welfare, right to health, housing policies, rights trade union control over banks, tariffs and other protectionist instruments to national self-defense has no place in the repeated mantra from Washington. " First mystery (Pulcinella) revealed. The exaltation of certain attitudes that Ben Ali would take nabob, operated by the usual clockwork cablegrams of Wikileaks and amplified by certain publications, however, recalls very closely the smear campaign mounted, long ago, the Georgian President Edouard Shevardnadze from several German newspapers, which, accusing him of having bought a luxury villa in the town of Baden Baden with taxpayers' money, we hope to put in full light the corruption that snaked inside his government. The news turned out to have been invented from scratch, but only after Shevardnadze was forced to leave his post to his successor, Mikheil Saakashvili, during the only color revolution successful, the so-called "Rose". The fact also that Hillary Clinton has called on companies like Google to stop adapt to the requirements of complaint submitted by governments, "tyrannical", to protect the so-called "free network" in reference to the Tunisian government's decision to obscure the Internet (over dyeing of ridicule) is easily interpreted as yet another tribute to social networks like Facebook and Twitter, the subversive potential of which have been widely demonstrated during the most colossal failure "colored", that of the so-called "green wave" in Iran. However, the revolt of Tunisia seems to be driven by solid and understandable reasons, which must be recognized a respectable degree of authenticity. So that appears to confer a great deal of credibility to the argument that the U.S. is really trying in every way to take control of the riot, to pull on their side so that it flows from the effects welcome to mob installed strategists in the Pentagon and the Department of State. They WOULD BE and then trying to channel the popular wave for right conduct, to exploit the popular discontent that exists in many countries in Africa and Asia to trigger a domino effect of revolutions (colored or not) along the lines of the Tunisian model, a vortex that sucks in their coils so unpopular presidents in Washington as Gaddafi in Libya and Assad (and race) in Syria as faithful gerontocrat atlantism but made inadequate by the recent geopolitical dynamics as (precisely) Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt. In Egypt there is an ongoing insurgency that many have assimilated to that of Tunisia, but the common points of contact does not seem many. In Egypt (despite the attention that the Western press is devoting to El Baradei) in Tunisia as the rebels do not appear to have barricaded themselves behind the figure of a single leader, but the first country has a strong team like the Muslim Brotherhood which there is no track in the political landscape of the second. Tunisia has also turned against a political class that pro-Western course, but for purely economic reasons, or against a political class in power for two decades, devoted to the maintenance of their specific interests and indifferent to the continuing deterioration of living conditions of the population. The reasons that led insurgency seem Egyptian, relating mostly to three decades of subjugation of Mubarak atlantism more extreme, the policy is completely bound to the wishes of Washington and Tel Aviv and, therefore, highly repressive towards religious factions (as, precisely, the Muslim Brotherhood) against Israel and solidarity with the Arab neighbors. The importance that the Israeli government recognizes as an ally Mubarak is seen inter alia from the fact that the same Israeli press recently given prominence to the news that the Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman would have had that the Israeli ambassadors in Europe, Russia and the U.S. did this to the countries concerned of the urgency of supporting the Mubarak regime. The U.S., meanwhile, did not hide some concern for what is happening in Egypt, although not say too much as their allies in Tel Aviv. Barack Obama has been limited to a mere stigmatize, in a very cryptic, "excesses" of the crowd (which did not report the story in Tunisia) and to hope for a normal transition to democracy ". In fact, the situation of Tunisia, in which there is functional chaotic instability in Washington, much less cause for concern in the White House than the Egyptian, who sees a strong faction allegedly disposed towards the West or the Muslim Brotherhood, in a favorable position compared to all others in the race to succeed Mubarak exile. It 's probably what was responsible for the reverence with which Westerners are treating the seeds - Carneades El Baradei, who most likely will enjoy their full support, particularly in the election, thanks to the note "flexibility" (or "control") to its "democratic practice." But destabilization might be overwhelming (so would hope the U.S., according to this reading), and involve openly hostile countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and to ensure that dangerous factions like Hezbollah forces are in the favor of candidates far more soft and "reasonable", or as decadent as the billionaire Hariri intertwined with real Saudis, historic allies of the USA. In general, however, it is possible that the turbulence is throwing general restlessness many African and Asian governments are instrumental (but not that he falls) to the project of balkanization weblog act to undermine U.S. interests at the foundation of the great rival powers, namely Iran, Russia and China, who are scoring the winning shots in the entire area affected by the turbulent phenomenon. The appeasement of the radical Turkey in respect of the three powers mentioned has made it more urgent imperative to isolate Iran, to harm the business of gold that China is closing with many African countries and to limit the reach of Gazprom, the armed wing with which Putin is tightening in several European countries embrace the Russian energy. The destabilization of Pakistan, especially after its rapprochement with Islamabad to Beijing and involving them in discussions aimed to involve Gazprom in the construction of gas pipeline with Iran, proceeds continuously. Ambitious South Stream project, with which Putin has managed to put in close contact (with all the consequences that it entails) diplomats of several countries in Europe and Asia, the U.S. and Brussels bureaucrats have tried to respond with the utopian Nabucco pipeline, designed to ease the natural interdependence between Europe and Russia. A few days ago has matured to the secession of southern Sudan - a country with which China has long maintained close commercial and diplomatic ties - in the context of a long civil war (although completely different in nature than in Tunisia or Egypt) chock-full of interference external. These operations all registrable in the U.S. strategic plan. These recent turmoil does not seem to fruit of that tree, and it would be wrong to assimilate the other. However, countries affected by the riots would do well to remain vigilant about upcoming developments, and to carefully manage this situation, which on the one hand gives them leeway imagined for gerontocrat who had remained in place thanks to decades of intrigues, favors and backroom deals, but which sees them at the same time extremely exposed and vulnerable. If they could bring together the mutual interests may find the strength needed to make a U-turn, perhaps reclaiming the control of their resources without incurring the same fate of the old Persian statesman Mossadeq, sacrificial lamb of imperialism. Meanwhile, the environment may stem from parasites and subservient to the powers that be, as Hezbollah is doing, and put a price control on basic necessities, as they did at the time the revolutionaries French. Once established these constraints are likely to adopt an economic policy geared towards protectionism and to stimulate the optimization of its domestic production on a truly independent from other countries. A critical reading of the thought of Friedrich List, as well as to dispose Ruollah his time Ayatollah Khomeini Iran after the Islamic Revolution, which culminated with the expulsion of his enslaved as a parasite on the Shah Reza Pahlavi. Certainly will not be easy to govern the chaos of today, but as always correspond to the risks and opportunities and countries such as Tunisia and Egypt (and others, of course) could be seized to shake off their torpor atavistic, which he had nailed to decades in a subordinate position to define very limited would be an understatement.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Can My Wife Get Pregnant If She's Clipped

Breaking Point

The economic crisis culminated in recent years has attracted the praise of reckless hordes polychromatic composed of fools and backward "analysts" of yesteryear, who sang in unison their "hosanna" in the face imminent, the alleged "collapse of the system", where there was a disruption of all internal to capitalism, which has assumed such as to fully reflect the conflict that rules the great economic game, in which many actors are primary finding in opposition to one another, all against all (or a few against many, or few against few) to contend for supremacy in shots financial move frequently bedded below the waist, parallel with the repercussions they inexorably slow to take on a variety of fabrics and production (consequently) in domestic policy.

This reading of the reality of imperialism refers explicitly to the concept developed by Lenin on the eve of the Great War, which focused broadly on analysis of the competitive battle, taking place at the turn of the century, between the various world powers involved in the redesign balance of power within the world market. The clash between the horizontal power in question is developed in stages uncertain, produced two world wars and numerous conflicts over circumscribed, and led to the establishment of a bipolar world order, whose specific constraints, with its territorial divisions into "competence areas" were established at Yalta in 1945. Since then, members of the Communist bloc countries have been limited to faithfully implement the directives from the Kremlin, without taking the trouble, because there was not a need to develop an alternative strategic thinking, which put them away from an improbable - but, as you know, tragically plausible - the capitulation of the parent. It 'should instead set up a different speech to the Western powers, whose dependence on the U.S. has still obliged to optimize their skills and capabilities, in order to effectively sustain competition in markets. Distorting competition at the root by U.S. military power - that the White House could theoretically have used the allied rivals (oxymoron that returns in the full sense of reality) for non-purely "defensive" - \u200b\u200bbut the U.S. were never forced to use to assert their own success. The American production system turns out to be successful for reasons directly related to the strategic vision in which its maneuvers decided to build its own business model. Fordism had persuaded many observers that it was necessary to achieve prosperity in the U.S. largely focus on these areas affected by the phenomenon, namely the automotive and engineering industry. Specifically, this misunderstanding of economic reality drove first-rate countries such as Italy, Germany and Japan to lavish huge efforts to innovate the acts already bloated automobile sector, firmly convinced that occurring in that sector more competitive, and penetrating the market massively in the U.S. have drastically reduced the economic margin that separated them from Washington. On this gambling economy, the political classes that supported these nations came to adapt the whole political system, promoting a kind of social Keynesianism by which the states to shoulder a large part of the costs required to support expansion (or, as in Italy, survival) of these areas. The U.S. did not move a finger and took advantage of the situation to focus on many other policy areas, including emerging technologies, which still have an unquestionable superiority. The move proved successful in the light of the fact that the automobile sector was very close to saturation, and that, far from pulling any kind of development, could only produce stagnation in the countries that had bet on it. On the eastern front, the fall of the Soviet Union literally buried countries orphans of that as a veritable avalanche of huge inadequacies - due to the inability to develop winning strategies indicated earlier - which forced them (often in taxation and an overdue welcome) to cut the umbilical cord that tied them to go to Moscow en masse under the "wing" of NATO. The new world order based on the absolute supremacy of the United States completely redesigned the balance of power inside the globe, clearly tipping the scales on the side of Washington. Almost every country in the world had become, with "good" (blackmail, threats) or the "bad" (aggression, war and commercial), "allies" of the United States, who, not having to answer for their actions to any equal counterpart, did not bother too much to resort to "deterrence" economic and military to impose its will. This bad habit lasted for little more than a decade, since that is when the U.S. began to falter in spite of the emergence or re-emergence of several regional powers that are burning up the steps towards the goal, which is to break down the (declining) U.S. dominance. After years of quiet slumber, the Leninist analysis of imperialism is back just as loudly and forcefully to the fore. The exuberant growth of the emerging powers is colliding with the interests of those powers that are long, and did not intend to lose all their privileges. Everywhere in Europe is a clash between fierce large sections of the population (those located at the base), for which the belt is tightening more and more, especially with regard to the welfare and (soon) health, with those businesses located at the summit, claiming that tax less burdensome to not lose ground to those Americans and those related to emerging countries. The European powers, far from being compact, they are often divided by conflicting interests, as they are nailed to the inadequacy of gerontocrat who lead them, aged in the shadow of the Berlin Wall and totally without the means to produce a comprehensive strategic thinking adequate time in which we live. Some of them are bent as the sole wears logic Atlantic, while many others (the so-called "Left") are nothing but mere mouthpiece of the sectors parasitic intertwined in Washington, which follow the guidelines verbatim. The Italian example is very eloquent in this regard. A twenty-year duration of single combat staged by the theater of politics, where so-called "right" and so-called "left" will have to market election pouring mud on each other, spending on flood of words and energy on trivial matters extremely rearguard battles daughters of ideologies sclerotizzatisi few decades ago. No one who points the finger at the king was naked, and they undertake to break the intolerable inertia that has lasted too long, in which the finance subject to the powers that be continue to keep international life in those areas capitalist strongly anchored to the engineering / automotive regularly short of capital, the competition that much prefer the welfare system (such as Fiat) parasitic so dear to the romantics Keynesian (and some left unions tout court), who applaud public subsidies - are considered "necessary" - promptly granted, and to keep such verminous Italian political class has wielded the ax tax on domestic production base, composed mainly by self-employed. The chatter around the labor market continues to hold the counter, with the oligarchs who demand compelling and indisputable disposals and pension insurance to act as a counterbalance the romantic mentioned above, that pontificating on the stability of full-time work carefully avoiding to deal with what is there. Is not absolutely clear that the writer's intention to bring grist to the mill of the oligarchies, but to set a serious discussion on a topic of such great importance, in dealing with the wreckage of which almost all the so-called "left" alternative or extreme have turned their backs on reality merely rant sull'inaccettabilità of job insecurity, tanning persuaded to proclaim their total alienation from "evil." In Russia, Vladimir Putin has long taken measures which would give rise to the discomfort of the human category just described, that the scandal has unanimously shouted "reactionary." In reality, Putin has preferred to tighten the belt with respect to allocate more funds for social spending aimed at stimulating Russia's resurgence, which was duly verified and incontrovertibly thanks all'intelligentissimo role saddled by Putin to the state energy company Gazprom. In Italy however the debate turns on completely different topics, ranging dall'ignobile draft fragment ENI - in compliance with the directives issued by the Brussels bureaucrats, the epitome - so as to break the "sad and anti-liberal" monopoly and make it attractive to some giant alien to the downsizing of Finmeccanica imposed desk after work dirty work from the usual judiciary acting in AC and variable geometry, the usual "joyous war machine" of occhettiana memory. No one who stresses the urgency to make a radical university reform, stating presessantottini education levels, to allocate funds to promote research, to exploit the impending polycentrism to free themselves from the subordination of the Atlantic, and weave plots diplomatic vocation clear Machiavellian, that is designed to use its leading companies to close large contracts (as he recently did, albeit quietly, Finmeccanica) with key strategic countries (Russia, Iran and Turkey) in order to trigger an intensification of relations capable of shifting large benefits for all parties involved. At present there are no forces in Italy nor sufficiently cohesive and structured political factions involved to support them, but only a chaotic and apocalyptic cauldron in which the parasites stand out (by far) numerically on innovators, as opposed to what may well enjoy the ' unconditional support of big business and international legitimacy without any minions seated in Brussels. Same thing, apart from sporadic positions taken by Germany, which is roughly the rest of Europe, plagued by the same ills that afflict the "beautiful country", which is still a distinction in terms of failure and duplicity of its representatives. The Italian political class and many of its financial and business circles have reached the point of no return, a level of corruption and verminosità that make difficult to envisage any place inside the national charity. Which is why it is good to be on the alert, and reflect more carefully on that famous passage in which Lenin pointed out that "A revolution without firing squads do not have reason to be." And to draw the necessary conclusions.