Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Small inquisitors

"If the court was right, maybe the culprit is innocent

Fyodor Dostoevsky The

Cinema has always had an extra resource compared to other forms of art, which consists nell'iperbolizzare reality and show the viewer more crude than it sounds. In summary, there is no exaggeration to say that reality is jealous of fiction. This is clearly seen in an old film by Marco Bellocchio, appropriately titled "Slap the Monster on Page One." The protagonist of the film is an influential newspaper editor in chief, very cynical and ambitious, which exploits a particularly heinous act of violence to discredit a specific political faction. From where it is, this gentleman (a very large Gian Maria Volonte) exercise all its influence to address the investigations into the history and specific direction to welcome him, in order to feed the public a monster so well packaged. It seems quite appropriate to recall certain unusual or non-original plot of this beautiful film in a sad moment as the one we are experiencing, dominated in length and breadth of the arrogance of these "journalists with the portfolio, which to advance their interests unworthy precise and unique slam it literally ruined the careers and lives of others. E 'for some years in fact, that this fine comic by the name of "Republic" follows precisely the behavior of the protagonist of the film, at the hands of a certain Mark Easter that within a year he twice slammed the front page of the "monster" of the moment. The first time it happened that the traditional label of "denial" (what a nightmare!), Mark Easter buckled to this researcher at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome Antonio Caracciolo and, as always happens in these cases, the prosecution did Following strong pressure from media and political ("Republic" is a magazine that draws about half a million copies and the owner is one of the most powerful men in Italy) on the university, who led the rector Luigi Frati to "investigate" academically Caracciolo whose figure had now been thoroughly disgraced in public. Too bad the same emphasis media that this "newspaper" (sic) reserve the usual "outrage" by Riccardo Pacifici overpaid and many beautiful souls enter university in the clergy and journalists, the news was not totally granted acquittal on "academic" of the researcher, or the sacrosanct his claim for damages. As was obvious, neither the director of "Republic" Ezio Mauro nor Mr Mark Easter have deigned to write a note to extend an apology to Caracciolo. However, if you were to stop this, it would have been something. Despite the sudden blow in the teeth, lorsignori have instead chosen to fly the same route, and this time they focused on the viewfinder Claudio Moffa, professor of political science at the University of Teramo. The charges are roughly always the same: Moffa is accused of denying the Holocaust and to challenge the existence of gas chambers. However, if the inquisitors Caracciolo "Republic" had confined themselves to bring up his passion for Carl Schmitt (one wonders if at least know who he was) for groped to discredit him (!), In the case of Moffa have instead taken from cylinder's "outrageous" name of Serge Thion and Robert Faurisson. The funny side of this whole thing is that Marco Pasqua Marco Pasqua and many scattered for Italy look good, as good "inquisitors", from entering into the matter but simply to emphasize "closeness" of the above-profile names with the accused in the matter, make a syllogism of tanning bad bill likely to personally discredit Moffa. Strange, when the "dossieraggio comes from an individual repulsive as Victor Felts and is directed against or against Boffo Fini, this is" vile personal attacks "when does the" Republic ", writing nonsense and ravings on behalf of ordinary human beings who do not have the power nor (presumably) the money to adequately defend themselves, lovers of political correctness are able to hide behind a deafening silence. It matters little that in the meantime it was found that Caracciolo was right (and, without a shadow of doubt, we will have the Moffa also). They never ask your pardon, because they know what they do. Closely resembles the "Send" Striscia la Notizia, strong with the weak and servile to the strong. In any case, entering more directly into question, remember one thing. Whilst it may be that the revisionists (although it is very convenient to call them all "deniers") are wrong or that someone has invented all of them to give a veneer of legitimacy to their belief, is not pursuing this "pre-inquisition "they will be proven wrong. The lies do not break down or with the complaint or with the excommunications nor with anathemas. Knock down the lies with truth, and the fact that many of these "interrogators" categorically refuse to go down (or maybe up?) on this ground, which is that of history, speaks volumes about their good faith. John Stuart Mill wrote that "if truth be continuously reviewed, cease to be truth. And through the hype, they become false." Neither Moffa nor Caracciolo had "denied" the Holocaust, but they are limited to simply reclaim the sacred right to investigate and correct dates for certain versions of the true light of the documents that are emerging from time to time (from the archives of Moscow, for example) on this historical event so hot for the jacket and pulled from all sides. The problem is that what Norman Finkelstein (who mentioned it in his Easter articolessa but is careful to explain who is from the "educated" readers of his newspaper) defines "Holocaust Industry" is opposed to everything with extreme hardness, and " dirty work "done by the" Republic "it is one of the most obvious examples. The objective of its powerful players and troublemakers is to elevate the Holocaust to the status of dogma, so as to immunize for millennia the Jewish people and Israel in particular, any kind of criticism. Finkelstein writes: "My father and my mother wondered why m'indignassi often in front of the falsification and exploitation of the genocide perpetrated by the Nazis. The answer most obvious being that has been used to justify criminal policies of Israel and U.S. support for that policy. The current campaign of the Holocaust industry to extort money from Europe in the name of "needy Holocaust victims" has reduced the moral stature of their martyrdom to that of a casino in Monte Carlo. But even leaving aside these concerns, I remain convinced that it is important to preserve the integrity of historical reconstruction and fight to defend it. Too many public and private resources have been invested in commemoration of the genocide, and most of this production is worthless, a tribute not to Jewish suffering but to enhancing their prestige. " When is an article by Mark Easter in this regard?


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