Friday, December 31, 2010

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David Ricardo all'amatriciana

From Pomigliano D'Arco at Mirafiori, Termini Imerese through. History repeats itself as farce. Marchionne requires and provides, government and the opposition if they Pilate washing his hands and trade unions, once "comrades", now white-collar businessmen more than ever, they appeal to "reasonableness" of the workers to tuck happily into that place, after Vaseline. Fifty years of social gains wiped out with one stroke of a pen launched the sweater human that is a ringing success after another. Blackmail here, a provocation there and you're done. There was to be expected. The creation of a "new company" absolutely does not subscribe to the Confindustria, known coterie of donors, so as to avoid the constraints of the national contract for category in order to deal directly with the workers was considered nothing less than a prelude to the current authoritarian drift of the Lingotto. Marchionne, in what some good souls have dared to define "negotiation", laid on the table an ultimatum to the government and employees, threatening that if they had not definitely decided to abandon the contract and to accept a national trade schedules and work patterns very more intense, the Mirafiori plant was closed down, and the government would be found to appease the discontent of a few thousand more unemployed. Trade unions (with the exception of FIOM), reformers by definition, have bowed his head, trying to divert attention from the general fact of the matter and direct it to one billion euro investment promised in the event of ratification of the so-called "agreement "Sergio Marchionne. His goodness. However, in contrast to the naive and spineless blathered by the many "buddies", a sword defenders of workers' rights, which to whip Officer have brought up the "excessive" greed, lack of patriotism and other similar nonsense emeritus, the fault of this entire affair, which should lead the government to ask some questions about it, the nature of Italian capitalism, capitalism often short of capital, than of competition, and all that it entails, gives priority to the welfare parasites. As is well known to even the most obtuse hermit, Fiat has always received good money from the Italian state, without which long since have declared bankruptcy. It sounds so ridiculous to the appeal, by Marchionne, the inflexibility of the laws governing the market for the Italian workers to bend to their comfortable, where Fiat has spent the past few decades to complain and get all the "aid" that had need to stay afloat. Basically, the strategy adopted by Marchionne is to periodically pull the rope, moving claims from time to time more drastic and unacceptable, in order to reach the breaking point by the inevitable rise readily excuse to close another plant. The goal is not stated is to relocate all production, exploiting the advantages it can offer the low labor cost countries in the second and third worlds. All multinationals act in this manner, and the simultaneity with which they move rapidly ascertaining the validity of the sad old "iron law of wages" theorized English economist David Ricardo, commonly considered one of the fathers of liberalism. He had the foresight to predict that within a market system totally open and free of import tariffs, wages would have fallen steadily, to stabilize at the subsistence level. This is due to the fact that the true glut of supply in the global market for labor is theoretically infinite, replaceable, recyclable and replaceable. However, thinking in Marxist terms, the "working class" has been able to unite and devise self-defense and defense systems, which have maintained the profitability of the work to fairly high levels, while governments have passed laws and adopted social measures, social insurance and appropriate health to limit exploitation. For their part, many entrepreneurs, on the basis of Harry Ford, who understood only decent wage workers would be able to integrate into the mechanism production / consumption on which rests the whole system. The emergence of these signs has led many economists, short-sighted to condemn without appeal to the Ricardian law, and to consider the whole span of the air. They, from their stupidity, not realized that neither in the nineteenth or in much of the twentieth century there have been the free market conditions identified as prerequisites to Ricardo. The scale of the market at that time was mostly domestic, enclosed in each country, where labor supply, and specialized, it was anything but infinite, replaceable, recyclable and replaceable. The state presence was felt on the flow of capital and relocate the factories in other countries had many more difficulties than it is now. The entire market has been achieved in recent times, since it is a few years that companies are equipped to move quickly to where the profit margins are better with the same ease as individuals, taking advantage of the labor supply in low cost literally inexhaustible, that the countries which are determined to be able to provide. And few years that the countries where labor costs are kept high by the presence of constraints social security and find themselves threatened dall'affacciarsi market with hordes of citizens belonging to countries without such protection. The so-called "globalization" has not done is to relate the wealthy West with the poor countries of the second and third worlds, real tanks of cheap labor. Just as two communicating vessels in the drop of the liquid contained in them ends up jogging, so the gap that divides the profitability of the wages of the first world from the second and third is surely destined to close. Which will result in enriching their symmetrical and our impoverishment. The continuous, arrogant dictates of Marchionne that cast into despair thousands of workers are at the opening of new job opportunities for workers in Poland and Serbia. Our sense of loss resulting from taking note of the steady decline which is subject to our standard of living to match their excitement related to the increasing possibility of realization in terms of welfare will ensure that the inertia innescatasi inexorably. The "iron law of wages" is materializing with absolute fullness, and Marchionne is remembering with irritating arrogance, day after day.


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