Thursday, January 6, 2011

Catholic Wedding When Bride Is Protestant

Desta some sensation taken note of frenzy which revolves around the president of Puglia Nichi Vendola. His stylistic flair, its dialectics and avvocatesca pseudoraffinata and its history of political hybrid permanent comunistissmo catholic and at the same time, are all factors that have persuaded many Italians lined up in good faith on the left to identify him as a man of a possible redemption . But who is Vendola? It 's a gentleman who was entrenched behind an impressive river of words beautiful and attractive, trying to hide under the carpet a reality of favors and Favorin, close ties with certain centers of power related to waste disposal and health, a coward environmentalism facade behind which lies a region that produces more than 90% of dioxin Italian. If you want then get off the ground sull'infimo of some scum that you continue to fill the mouth of freedom of the press and other similar nonsense, it should be pointed out that Mr Vendola has repeatedly tried to silence the journalist Charles Vulpio who was carrying out an investigation on poor health care in Puglia, where Vendola accused of having exerted "pressure" to ensure that certain candidates were assigned specific roles in the field of hospital management. The curriculum Vendola, of course, does not stop there. A few weeks ago this topic was staged during a broadcast aired on Rai, a pathetic little comedy in order to throw mud on the figure of Vladimir Putin, is remembered as "The son of the cook of Stalin" (so?), Accused of having played an important role in the murder of "More than two hundred journalists" (sic), and accused of totalitarianism, all seasoned with the usual rhetoric, low alloy capable of shaking the "noble" sentiments of those "beautiful souls" who fill the ranks of "People of left, "people interested exclusively to proclaim their estrangement from the" evil "wherever it occurs. Not one of the participants in the verbal battle (between which there was some Sallusti) dedicated himself to point out this hysterical sensationalism Putin actually focuses very little with the murder of Anna Politovskaja, and that has raised a big crisis, whose economic transition on the dictates noliberali from "Shock Therapy" on the ground had left many millions of deaths and led to increased poverty mortality (according to the authoritative medical journal "Lancet") equal to 13% in a span of just over ten years. A population-torn iniquitous policy advocated by Boris Yeltsin, based on the total sale dell'ingente industrial and mining heritage inherited from the old and defunct Soviet Union. It was a small handful of oligarchs and several American companies (Exxon Mobil in particular) to derive enormous benefits from this shameful situation. Upon assuming power, Putin has put oligarchs immediately in line, telling them not to dare to interfere in the plans of economic restructuring that was going to translate into reality. Result: Roman Abramovich did not utter a word of protest, which still allows him to pursue his own interests without annoyances, while Mr. Boris Berezovsky and the many other rioters were, at best, forced to leave the country, while Mikhail Khodorkovsky was thrown in jail, where presumably will remain for decades. Once you have resolved the issue oligarchs, Putin has made sure that the oil fields sold off to private individuals (the "usual suspects") were within the heritage of the state, and that all the companies operating in strategic sectors (oil & gas, transportation, armaments) return, sometimes partly in public hands. Among other things, this has enabled Putin to reduce, during his two terms of 22% (from 36% to 14%) the percentage of Russians living below the poverty line. There are conclusive data that would no doubt be reduced to silence a humanitarian convinced (when does convenience) as Vendola. However, it is preferred, as usual, hide the reality and get off the ground sull'infimo reasoned discussion on which the young gentleman, trying to turn shit on her person. However, it is undeniable that Vendola much like himself, and sometimes the suspicion arises that believes the things he says seriously. 'S one of those politicians gripped by encirclement syndrome (believed the re-establishment of the left in Italy) who loves to point out to adoring crowds "noise of the enemy." In this regard, think of a good step by Carl Schmitt, who wrote that "self-deception is one of loneliness. The lone thinks to himself and talking to himself, and soliloquy As we know, we talk to a dangerous flatterer. " That the "people of the left" does not realize this speaks volumes about the ideology that has suffered degradation.


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