America by Friedrich List
One of the most lucid and careful observers of the unstoppable U.S. economic growth after the American Revolution innescatasi was undoubtedly the German scholar Friedrich List.
Party to the New World in the company of Marquis Lafayette (who had been invited to the USA as the "host nation"), he was soon impressed by the originality and functionality of the "American system", which had allowed the former British colony of forge ahead, and drastically reduce the gap in terms of development, which separated them from the most powerful European nations behind with centuries of history. List had enough insight to see, first, that the American Revolution had sprung from the need of the settlers to permanently sever the umbilical cord that had bound them inextricably to England, and break down the constraints set by the laissez-faire advocated by Adam Smith, who nailed the role of North America to a mere branch of the Empire. London peremptorily demanded that the colonies concentrate all their energies in strengthening the primary sector, and flooding the international market for tobacco, cotton and wheat at highly competitive prices, leaving the mother country was seized of manufacturing production. In his capital work "The Wealth of Nations," Smith predicted, in some respects, what would happen in the short, writing that if "it should happen that Americans, by association or some sort of violence, stop the import of European manufactured goods, thus giving a monopoly to their compatriots that could produce similar goods, diverting a substantial part of their capital in this enterprise, they would delay rather than accelerate, the growth of their annual production, and would hinder, not promoting, the progress of their land to prosperity and greatness. It would be even worse if, in the same way, trying to grab themselves their export trade. "A classic of liberalism: where you do not optimize the use of capital available, you end up inexorably for incurring the expense of consumer likely to clog or otherwise impair the full and proper deployment of the production system. However, engaging the prophecy of Smith went crashing against the rock embodied by George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, firmly convinced that the full redemption of the colonies would not be spent entirely for the increase in exports, but for the development and strengthening of the internal market. It was thus, in open and diametrical contrast to the basic precepts of liberalism advocated by Adam Smith, who were born U.S. anti-neoliberal nation par excellence. The Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton founded in fact, the National Bank (1791), by which issue money based on the existing demand of the productive forces, so going to break the relationship of interdependence that bind the production to the availability private bankers to extend credit. To issue currency to such an extent Hamilton thought not to limit the Bank's capital to press reserves of precious metals stored in the coffers, but to extend it to many government securities, of which the nation undertook to honor the payment by the wealth that would was produced in the following years, with the work of its citizens. These innovative measures, Hamilton approached the imposition of high protective tariffs on imports of manufactured goods at low prices, to stimulate research and innovation by domestic industry. Such duties would then be eliminated as soon as the secondary sector had provided American with the necessary tools to compete effectively in the markets international. However, pressure from large landowners and merchants soon became overwhelming for governments that had inherited the baton from Washington, the National Bank until it was closed in 1811. List arrived in the U.S. in those years, when the struggle between landowners and promoters of the "American system" was becoming increasingly bitter, and immediately took sides against the first and in favor of the latter. List is placed immediately opposite of the hinges of the liberalism of Adam Smith, dissects his doctrine and refuting many of the assumptions on which it was based "The Wealth of Nations". In fact, Smith looked with great contempt the state institution, which considered nothing more than an instrument of containment and oppression of the freedom of individuals, especially in the economic sphere. The same protectionism was seen by Smith as a high expression of "madness", as "Every nation, like every individual, to buy goods where they are freely available at the lowest price." List believed instead that the duties on imports were essential to the nation in order to guarantee a degree of prosperity comparable to that of European countries. In this way, U.S. investors would feel encouraged to improve their production systems and to modernize along the lines of their European rivals. But the deep furrow that divided incociliabilmente Smith is from List due to the different importance attributed to both labor and capital, the first gave the capital an intrinsic capacity, while the second regarded the job as the primary productive force, which is developed with the assistance of certain amount of capital. This suggests that the scope of Smith's analysis was primarily to study the dynamics that regulate trade, or exchange of goods, while the investigation concerned the discussion List of real productive force. The latter accused the British economist to have reduced the concept of capital only to raw materials, giving them too much importance, not considering the fact that the proper and profitable use of this capital depends on cultural and social conditions of a nation, as well as the opportunities offered by nature. These social and cultural List puts them under the name "Capital of the mind", stressed the recklessness of Smith, who had rather dismissed as little more than irrelevant in production processes. "So - explained List - the man who breeds pigs is, according to this school, a productive member of the community, but the one who instructs men is not a mere - producer (...). A Newton, a Watt, a Kepler is not as productive as a horse, a mule or an ox to pull (...). And we must not believe that J. B. Say has remedied this shortcoming of the doctrine Adam Smith with his invention of 'intangibles'. Producers mental (intellectual) are just as productive, according to this view, are paid with exchange values, and not as producers of production capacity. They seem to them only accumulated capital. "Shots seated at liberimo classic, as you see, are tremendous, but any hint of criticism of the List, if possible, even more radical:" The school [Liberal] has adopted as its expression favored the saying 'laissez faire, laissez passer', a word that sounds pleasing to the robbers, cheaters and thieves do not that the merchants. This perversion of abandoning the interests of industry and agriculture to the needs of commerce, without limitation, is the natural consequence of this theory, which takes account only of values, and not the ability to produce them, and considers the world as nothing more than an indivisible republic of merchants. The school does not understand that the merchant can achieve its purpose (ie the gain of exchange values) at the expense of agriculture and of the manufacturer at the expense of the nation's productive capacity and its own independence. "This is an objection very focused, driven against the very heart of liberalism, which considers the political economy as the sum of private savings, or the private interests of individuals, where history has amply demonstrated to be true the exact Instead, the act of individuals pursuing their personal interests with care does not necessarily (almost never, actually) improves the conditions of the nation, it follows the interests of the community. Thieves, robbers, usurers cultivate pique their interest, but it is quite grotesque to say that society as a whole would benefit from their activities if they were left ("laissez faire") to exercise them. This occurs both within countries since, and exponentially, the nations themselves. Speaking of a free market one-world nations to the strenuous and processing of mere individuals, Smith reasoned that every nation, as well as any individual, inexorably ends to achieve the overall interest of the human race in pursuing their specific interests. However, unlike the blind optimism shed profusely by the famous British economist, the reality is that, like The Fat Gianfranco writes, "In principle, therefore - and not only in capitalist society but also in the past - the conflict, the competition the clash are general and prominent, while the cooperation, collaboration, alliance, and subject specific aspects. It then takes into account with a minimum of realism. Enough with the 'pie' intentions that clouds the mind and mislead investigations. "Schmitt's an approach some of the relationships humans, but that does not betray any way the substantive state of affairs. It is in relation / opposition to globalist utopia Smith takes place the pragmatism of the list, which included exactly where you would go to parry by applying to the letter the dictates of liberalism: "In present day world the effect of a global free trade would not lead to a free universal republic, but on the contrary, the universal subjection of the least developed countries under the supremacy of the predominant power. The single market can only be achieved among nations that have reached a level roughly equal to that of industry and civilization, political civilization and power. " But not all. List did not just draw roughly the picture of the world that would be developed with the application of Smithian liberalism, but specifically declined, saying that "Asia, Africa and Australia will be 'civilized' England and blankets were modeled on the Anglo-Saxon economic model. Countries Continental Europe will lose importance and productivity. The world shaped by the British Liberalism, the task of France, like Spain and Portugal, will supply the UK market of the best wines, and those poor drunk. Germany will be offered to the market English little more than toys, cuckoo clocks and write philology, and sometimes the bodies of mercenaries, which will be sent to sacrifice themselves in the deserts of Asia and Africa to expand the commercial and industrial supremacy, linguistic and literary English. "Nowadays, you simply replace, in the context indicated by List, the word USA (paradoxically, anti Smithian assumptions born from above) in England and you're done. It 'is perhaps superfluous to point out that out of the "American system" (that of George Washington, of course) celebrated extensively revised and corrected by Friedrich List in his work capital "The national system of political economy" that Germany, like a phoenix, risen from the ashes several times, with politicians of the fabric of Bismarck, Hitler and Adenauer was able to grasp the good things that had indicated and prescribed (especially on how to enhance the productive forces) that old, underrated (and now forgotten) observer of American society, to apply economic models aimed at increasing the overall wealth of the nation, and not to swell as true Weimar, the pockets of a few grim vultures at the expense of the community as a whole.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Doujinshi Goku X Bulma
rid of the pig! Life on Mars
KNIT for days because I do not write ugly and I have little time and because I lack the energy to collect the thoughts that spin around in my head. I do not want
comment on the institutional breakdown, the dictatorship of air that I breathe, the stench of harems of up to now, the lies, the pathetic excuses, the end of decency, common sense and decency. I have come to the sad conclusion that in Italy (as Uncle says Scribe) Piccolotto dictators and a little 'ridiculous have much success, but since I do not agree, agree with this smart initiative :
Only, since I do not agree with eating pork, I urge you not consume meat, at least until February 6, but to unleash your imagination on the issue with anything that comes to mind: a picture, a story, an object created by you on the pig. This is my personal contribution, the Magliale, made some 'time ago.
rid of the pig!
KNIT for days because I do not write ugly and I have little time and because I lack the energy to collect the thoughts that spin around in my head. I do not want
comment on the institutional breakdown, the dictatorship of air that I breathe, the stench of harems of up to now, the lies, the pathetic excuses, the end of decency, common sense and decency. I have come to the sad conclusion that in Italy (as Uncle says Scribe) Piccolotto dictators and a little 'ridiculous have much success, but since I do not agree, agree with this smart initiative :
Only, since I do not agree with eating pork, I urge you not consume meat, at least until February 6, but to unleash your imagination on the issue with anything that comes to mind: a picture, a story, an object created by you on the pig. This is my personal contribution, the Magliale, made some 'time ago.

rid of the pig!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Milena Velba Bus Grab
Palestine and its hardware and software
In November 1947 the representative of the Soviet Union voted in favor of UN resolution 181 which provided for the creation of a Jewish nation on Palestinian soil. Belarus joined the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine and Poland, countries so intertwined with government central Moscow. At the time of counting the votes in these five countries proved decisive for the approval of the resolution, as a hypothetical voting against them or their abstention would tip the balance from the Arab side, which had been expressed compactly its strict opposition to this project.
Stalin, convinced he had caught in a kind of Jewish cultural tilt in favor of socialism, as well as irreducible hostility to the occupying British, felt that the project aimed at supporting the creation of the Zionist entity in the heart of the Levant would be guaranteed a role in the implementation of the latter, get rid of the last residues imperialist British, and win the favor of political leadership that would have established a short in the buildings of Tel Aviv. A plausible and predictable rebelliousness of the Arab population affected by the partition plan would have accelerated even projects of Stalin, he would immediately exploited properly has become the excuse to invest in the Red Army of starvation role of the armed wing of the United Nations. In this way the Soviet Union would have had the opportunity to exploit a situation of great benefit to trigger propaganda activities and to weave plots to balance the diplomatic hegemony in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Levantine, which was sustained on the fifth column of Iran ( governed by Reza Pahlavi) and Turkey. While many Israeli men of state, David Ben Gurion to Golda Meir, have openly acknowledged the central role that the Soviet Union took much in the determination of the birth of Israel in maintaining its own survival (a huge quantity of arms was granted to Israel through Czechoslovakia on the eve of the war of 1948), Tel Aviv, soon freed from the bonds that bound her to Moscow. For his part, Stalin became progressively into account the fact that Israel was developing a network of alliances able to relate Soviet Zionists, Israelis and Americans, in a community of transnational interests of all harmful to the Soviet Union. Everything brought about a gradual disintegration of relations, which culminated in failure in early 1953, when the Soviet embassy in Tel Aviv exploded as a result of a terrorist attack in the preparation of which had involved several senior Israeli military leaders. The Israeli affair was probably one of the most glaring strategic errors committed by Stalin during his long career as a statesman, a real boomerang that sort fact diametrically opposed to those who had set the mustachioed Georgian. The U.S. interest for Israel, essentially dictated by the location where it is located and dall'oberante weight that is able to exercise the so-called "Israel lobby" in Congress and on government that happen from time to time, and the resulting strengthened the Washington - Tel Aviv has guaranteed to cover the Zionist military and political support needed to implement the well-known practice, extremely aggressive towards the neighborhood, and created a huge uproar among the Arab people who in turn put in place a permanent state of tension throughout the Middle East. Ever since the Suez crisis of 1956, which resolved with the actual departure from the scene by the imperialist powers under French and British - whose respective hegemonic (control of the canal, among others) were drastically downsized U.S. intervention - there was so understand the importance that the U.S. attributed to Israel, which claims and obtained an assurance that Washington would support any action in any case, from Tel Aviv to its "right of self-defense" in case of renewal of the naval blockade of the Straits of Tiran or take back the incursions of the Palestinian paramilitary group "Fedayn" . From that moment on, the United States have made increasing efforts to ensure full support to Israel, whose ambiguous and instrumental use of the concept of "security" will be a regular, Machiavelli used to legitimize all kinds of sorts. The Palestinian issue and then enrolled in the light of the facts, the ranks of geopolitical priorities that U.S. administrations have repeatedly found to manage. The U.S. has in fact supported right in the various phases of imperialism Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians (so minutely described by Ilan Pappe, Israeli scholar attached to the current revisionist "new historians") colonial expansion, which reached its peak at the June 5 1967, the day that broke the "Six Day War." It was a war generally, and also incorrect and dishonest by many historians as a defensive Zionists, where Israel was to implement a repeated series of provocations in order to stimulate the naive surrounding Arab countries - Syria and Egypt, EU allies Soviet Union - to enter into a conflict from which they could not help but go out with broken bones and hundreds of miles of territory occupied by the Israeli army. For the rest of the "Cold War" Washington axis - Tel Aviv has not suffered any cracking, as is normal to happen in a bipolar geopolitical order, as a rule, the rigidity of the blocks causes the remain stable and permanent alliances, the threats are serious but predictable, and the UN, placed between two fires of almost equal power, ineffective and therefore harmless. This has meant that the forty-year "peace process" arbitration by the United States has only served to aggravate the living conditions of the Palestinians and Israel to ensure that immunity is necessary to ensure that moved at will and without hindrance in that particular complex scenario. The disintegration of the Soviet Union and the establishment of a unipolar world order and single-center then led to the U.S. embroiled in three separate wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq 2) in the Near East, committed to a strategy to fragment the whole area into zones separated by fault lines that theoretically would have followed the compositions / ethnic and sectarian divisions. A geopolitics of chaos aimed at creating a constellation of buffer states, ranging from Africa to the Mediterranean to Central Asia, around the resurgent Russian power, ruled by an ambitious, far-sighted strategist and unflappable as Vladimir Putin. In compliance with this strategy, the Palestinians would have had to settle for a narrow "Bantustans" contiguous to Israel, deprived of drinking water and in which they could enjoy their full sovereignty. A prospect that the discredited Abu Mazen, who barely speaks for itself, it seemed willing to accept, in the context of the grotesque "dialogue," sponsored by Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu. Two states for two peoples, therefore, in which the Palestinians expelled from the West Bank would have to flow into the ground in a tiny, impoverished territory, while the Israelis would have been to incorporate much of the resource-rich territories occupied in 1967. Hamas, legitimate representative of the Palestinian people settled along the battered Gaza Strip, did not bend to these conditions and continues to claim the right to establish a loyal to the Palestine partition plan adopted by the UN. Also to isolate Hamas finally, Israel has supported (and maybe more) unconditionally and enthusiastically the aggression on Iraq in 2003, in order to remove the most proud supporter of the Palestinian resistance. However, the legacy of Saddam Hussein was quickly picked up by the Shiite front, embodied by Iran, Syria and the powerful Lebanese movement Hezbollah, which, in tandem with the slow but steady decline in the U.S. and the parallel rise of powers like China and, of course , Russia, has forced Israel to appease their ambitions and look around for new alliances. For its part, Turkey, another emerging power, made the grim Israeli incursion at the end of December 2008, known as "Lead Time" as an excuse to radically review its position in the area. Prime Minister Recep Erdogan, assisted dall'abilissimo Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, has publicly maligned the operation, digging a furrow made that much more profound during the Israeli aggression on the "Freedom Flotilla", when he came to claim the undisputed apology from Netanyahu, on pain of breaking off diplomatic relations. In fact Turkey is pursuing a foreign policy strongly neglect Europe and the U.S. historic ally, burying the hatchet with the surrounding Arab countries with its historic enemy, Russia, Erdogan has been placed in a position to leverage on its geographic position to serve as a crossroads of many projects (such as "South Stream") with a clear vocation Eurasian. Being the good-neighborly relations fundamental to advocate a policy of so broad, Turkey has begun to look to Israel as a threat capable, with his aggression, undermine the peaceful coexistence. Hence, the choice of looking east toward Russia, Mongolia, China and Iran, and south - west, towards the emerging countries in indiolatina. And many countries have their own from that area of \u200b\u200bthe world - that Venezuela, Cuba, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil - the first to recognize the Palestinian state within the borders established in 1967, presumably annoyed by the continuous and repeated ambiguity Netanyahu - who agrees to sit at the bargaining table by refusing to start in responding to the minimum prerequisite, which is to stop building settlements in the territories illegally occupied - and willing to hear their voices high. To indiolatini was then added to Russia recently, but was limited to the mouth of President Dmitri Medvedev, to recognize the Palestinians' right to have their own state with a East Jerusalem is the capital of Russia then plug it back in the Levant in the opposite way to what Stalin did, or stretching out a hand to the Palestinians, but the formula by which this expansion has been made known links to a more serious underlying problem. Recognizing political legitimacy to a future Palestinian state but did not mention any border within which it should be born, Moscow could, consequently, to endorse the project of "two states for two peoples" described above, along the lines of American neoconservatives. However, the policy advocated in recent years by multi Vladimir Putin gives very little credence to this hypothesis. Also thanks to the extensive network of alliances woven by the Kremlin is unlikely Putin and Medvedev who choose to turn our backs on countries with which it has in place an effective and beneficial relaxation of relations, such as Iran and Turkey, to meet the sinister Zionist imperialism. The very fact that Russia has received Khaled Mashaal, one of the leaders of Hamas, with the honors normally reserved for heads of state, says a lot about the spirit behind this award. For its part, Israel does not hide its concern, knowing that Russia's move could hypothetically serve as an example that many countries, in a sort of chain reaction, could suddenly decide to emulate. E 'likely that Israel will decide, willy-nilly (at least in the long term), to exit the bell jar which is autosegregato several decades to finally dive into the reality, which will bring its political leaders to give up several claims as to maintain the Jewish character of the population or "bantustanizzare" Palestinians in areas that are not very dissimilar from reserves in which the Yankees locked indigenous peoples in India. The creation of a single state that would guarantee equal interfaith and peaceful coexistence between Arabs and Jews seems the only sensible, but hardly feasible. We'll see if the emerging powers that are only recently seeing the spotlight will to prevail, with the stick or the carrot, the spirit of solidarity on the rivalry intestine, and the basis for resolving an issue as thorny as the Palestinian one, which many of the failures are all, or nearly, which share responsibility (to varying degrees).
In November 1947 the representative of the Soviet Union voted in favor of UN resolution 181 which provided for the creation of a Jewish nation on Palestinian soil. Belarus joined the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine and Poland, countries so intertwined with government central Moscow. At the time of counting the votes in these five countries proved decisive for the approval of the resolution, as a hypothetical voting against them or their abstention would tip the balance from the Arab side, which had been expressed compactly its strict opposition to this project.
Stalin, convinced he had caught in a kind of Jewish cultural tilt in favor of socialism, as well as irreducible hostility to the occupying British, felt that the project aimed at supporting the creation of the Zionist entity in the heart of the Levant would be guaranteed a role in the implementation of the latter, get rid of the last residues imperialist British, and win the favor of political leadership that would have established a short in the buildings of Tel Aviv. A plausible and predictable rebelliousness of the Arab population affected by the partition plan would have accelerated even projects of Stalin, he would immediately exploited properly has become the excuse to invest in the Red Army of starvation role of the armed wing of the United Nations. In this way the Soviet Union would have had the opportunity to exploit a situation of great benefit to trigger propaganda activities and to weave plots to balance the diplomatic hegemony in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Levantine, which was sustained on the fifth column of Iran ( governed by Reza Pahlavi) and Turkey. While many Israeli men of state, David Ben Gurion to Golda Meir, have openly acknowledged the central role that the Soviet Union took much in the determination of the birth of Israel in maintaining its own survival (a huge quantity of arms was granted to Israel through Czechoslovakia on the eve of the war of 1948), Tel Aviv, soon freed from the bonds that bound her to Moscow. For his part, Stalin became progressively into account the fact that Israel was developing a network of alliances able to relate Soviet Zionists, Israelis and Americans, in a community of transnational interests of all harmful to the Soviet Union. Everything brought about a gradual disintegration of relations, which culminated in failure in early 1953, when the Soviet embassy in Tel Aviv exploded as a result of a terrorist attack in the preparation of which had involved several senior Israeli military leaders. The Israeli affair was probably one of the most glaring strategic errors committed by Stalin during his long career as a statesman, a real boomerang that sort fact diametrically opposed to those who had set the mustachioed Georgian. The U.S. interest for Israel, essentially dictated by the location where it is located and dall'oberante weight that is able to exercise the so-called "Israel lobby" in Congress and on government that happen from time to time, and the resulting strengthened the Washington - Tel Aviv has guaranteed to cover the Zionist military and political support needed to implement the well-known practice, extremely aggressive towards the neighborhood, and created a huge uproar among the Arab people who in turn put in place a permanent state of tension throughout the Middle East. Ever since the Suez crisis of 1956, which resolved with the actual departure from the scene by the imperialist powers under French and British - whose respective hegemonic (control of the canal, among others) were drastically downsized U.S. intervention - there was so understand the importance that the U.S. attributed to Israel, which claims and obtained an assurance that Washington would support any action in any case, from Tel Aviv to its "right of self-defense" in case of renewal of the naval blockade of the Straits of Tiran or take back the incursions of the Palestinian paramilitary group "Fedayn" . From that moment on, the United States have made increasing efforts to ensure full support to Israel, whose ambiguous and instrumental use of the concept of "security" will be a regular, Machiavelli used to legitimize all kinds of sorts. The Palestinian issue and then enrolled in the light of the facts, the ranks of geopolitical priorities that U.S. administrations have repeatedly found to manage. The U.S. has in fact supported right in the various phases of imperialism Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians (so minutely described by Ilan Pappe, Israeli scholar attached to the current revisionist "new historians") colonial expansion, which reached its peak at the June 5 1967, the day that broke the "Six Day War." It was a war generally, and also incorrect and dishonest by many historians as a defensive Zionists, where Israel was to implement a repeated series of provocations in order to stimulate the naive surrounding Arab countries - Syria and Egypt, EU allies Soviet Union - to enter into a conflict from which they could not help but go out with broken bones and hundreds of miles of territory occupied by the Israeli army. For the rest of the "Cold War" Washington axis - Tel Aviv has not suffered any cracking, as is normal to happen in a bipolar geopolitical order, as a rule, the rigidity of the blocks causes the remain stable and permanent alliances, the threats are serious but predictable, and the UN, placed between two fires of almost equal power, ineffective and therefore harmless. This has meant that the forty-year "peace process" arbitration by the United States has only served to aggravate the living conditions of the Palestinians and Israel to ensure that immunity is necessary to ensure that moved at will and without hindrance in that particular complex scenario. The disintegration of the Soviet Union and the establishment of a unipolar world order and single-center then led to the U.S. embroiled in three separate wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq 2) in the Near East, committed to a strategy to fragment the whole area into zones separated by fault lines that theoretically would have followed the compositions / ethnic and sectarian divisions. A geopolitics of chaos aimed at creating a constellation of buffer states, ranging from Africa to the Mediterranean to Central Asia, around the resurgent Russian power, ruled by an ambitious, far-sighted strategist and unflappable as Vladimir Putin. In compliance with this strategy, the Palestinians would have had to settle for a narrow "Bantustans" contiguous to Israel, deprived of drinking water and in which they could enjoy their full sovereignty. A prospect that the discredited Abu Mazen, who barely speaks for itself, it seemed willing to accept, in the context of the grotesque "dialogue," sponsored by Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu. Two states for two peoples, therefore, in which the Palestinians expelled from the West Bank would have to flow into the ground in a tiny, impoverished territory, while the Israelis would have been to incorporate much of the resource-rich territories occupied in 1967. Hamas, legitimate representative of the Palestinian people settled along the battered Gaza Strip, did not bend to these conditions and continues to claim the right to establish a loyal to the Palestine partition plan adopted by the UN. Also to isolate Hamas finally, Israel has supported (and maybe more) unconditionally and enthusiastically the aggression on Iraq in 2003, in order to remove the most proud supporter of the Palestinian resistance. However, the legacy of Saddam Hussein was quickly picked up by the Shiite front, embodied by Iran, Syria and the powerful Lebanese movement Hezbollah, which, in tandem with the slow but steady decline in the U.S. and the parallel rise of powers like China and, of course , Russia, has forced Israel to appease their ambitions and look around for new alliances. For its part, Turkey, another emerging power, made the grim Israeli incursion at the end of December 2008, known as "Lead Time" as an excuse to radically review its position in the area. Prime Minister Recep Erdogan, assisted dall'abilissimo Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, has publicly maligned the operation, digging a furrow made that much more profound during the Israeli aggression on the "Freedom Flotilla", when he came to claim the undisputed apology from Netanyahu, on pain of breaking off diplomatic relations. In fact Turkey is pursuing a foreign policy strongly neglect Europe and the U.S. historic ally, burying the hatchet with the surrounding Arab countries with its historic enemy, Russia, Erdogan has been placed in a position to leverage on its geographic position to serve as a crossroads of many projects (such as "South Stream") with a clear vocation Eurasian. Being the good-neighborly relations fundamental to advocate a policy of so broad, Turkey has begun to look to Israel as a threat capable, with his aggression, undermine the peaceful coexistence. Hence, the choice of looking east toward Russia, Mongolia, China and Iran, and south - west, towards the emerging countries in indiolatina. And many countries have their own from that area of \u200b\u200bthe world - that Venezuela, Cuba, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil - the first to recognize the Palestinian state within the borders established in 1967, presumably annoyed by the continuous and repeated ambiguity Netanyahu - who agrees to sit at the bargaining table by refusing to start in responding to the minimum prerequisite, which is to stop building settlements in the territories illegally occupied - and willing to hear their voices high. To indiolatini was then added to Russia recently, but was limited to the mouth of President Dmitri Medvedev, to recognize the Palestinians' right to have their own state with a East Jerusalem is the capital of Russia then plug it back in the Levant in the opposite way to what Stalin did, or stretching out a hand to the Palestinians, but the formula by which this expansion has been made known links to a more serious underlying problem. Recognizing political legitimacy to a future Palestinian state but did not mention any border within which it should be born, Moscow could, consequently, to endorse the project of "two states for two peoples" described above, along the lines of American neoconservatives. However, the policy advocated in recent years by multi Vladimir Putin gives very little credence to this hypothesis. Also thanks to the extensive network of alliances woven by the Kremlin is unlikely Putin and Medvedev who choose to turn our backs on countries with which it has in place an effective and beneficial relaxation of relations, such as Iran and Turkey, to meet the sinister Zionist imperialism. The very fact that Russia has received Khaled Mashaal, one of the leaders of Hamas, with the honors normally reserved for heads of state, says a lot about the spirit behind this award. For its part, Israel does not hide its concern, knowing that Russia's move could hypothetically serve as an example that many countries, in a sort of chain reaction, could suddenly decide to emulate. E 'likely that Israel will decide, willy-nilly (at least in the long term), to exit the bell jar which is autosegregato several decades to finally dive into the reality, which will bring its political leaders to give up several claims as to maintain the Jewish character of the population or "bantustanizzare" Palestinians in areas that are not very dissimilar from reserves in which the Yankees locked indigenous peoples in India. The creation of a single state that would guarantee equal interfaith and peaceful coexistence between Arabs and Jews seems the only sensible, but hardly feasible. We'll see if the emerging powers that are only recently seeing the spotlight will to prevail, with the stick or the carrot, the spirit of solidarity on the rivalry intestine, and the basis for resolving an issue as thorny as the Palestinian one, which many of the failures are all, or nearly, which share responsibility (to varying degrees).
Monday, January 17, 2011
Cricket Respiration The Experiment Answers
If modern history has passed under the sign of a Europe capable of reaching its peak in economic, cultural and political, the millennium that we just can not overlook that seal the full redemption of the Asian powers, risvegliatesi rather quickly from their ancestral torpor.
China and India are destined to wear the clothes for them unpublished, of the major empires of the century to come, regardless of the relative strengths they are able to establish between them before with the declining empires (USA) and re-emerging (Russia) in the company of which will go to redraw the geopolitical world, irreversibly destined for multipolarity. The superficial and pragmatic tendency of typical Anglo-Saxon, also regularly imported from this part of the Atlantic, throwing both countries in a single equiparante cauldron, from which springs a single geopolitical conglomerate known as the "Chindia", betrays a clumsy and blatantly ideological Occidentalism that has nothing to do with the rigorous analysis of concrete in practice. In fact, despite the close geographical proximity and the many similarities that emerge from the comparison of their respective, ancient history, China and India are two very different countries, whose interests in the long-term follow parallel lines at the moment but sooner or later destined to converge, or to a point or meeting, which could trigger a positive synergy for both, or confrontation, which would result in an apocalyptic confrontation with the results unpredictable. Projecting the data recorded on the near future, in terms of trends in recent years can be predicted that within two decades the world markets will face a question Sino - Indian electricity, oil and gas more than doubled, a sign evidence of a commonality of needs that refers to a mirror identity of objectives, goals However, India aims to achieve in ways very different from what we wanted instead of China. Not without reason, China has in fact been associated with hardware, because of its strong tendency to plan the development with a pragmatic approach and quiet, free from any ideological system, and faithful to the guidance given at the time by Deng Xiao Ping, the second which "must hide its claws as it becomes a great power." Beijing has moved wisely in recent years, looking in all directions, weaving a myriad of diplomatic plots regardless of the skeletons in the closet, real or imaginary, its strategic partners. In doing so, has managed to acquire sources of supply abroad and to enter into negotiations for the construction of gas and oil pipelines for the transport. This is a highly structured and centralized empire, which carries out a forced march towards economic growth directly related to the depletion of the infinite manpower available to it. In opposition to this centralized model, structured development, ranks India, instead turn to the software, by virtue of his concept of growth closely linked to the specific identity of a company formed by a galaxy of religions, ethnicities, social groups profoundly different from each other, but living in a strange, symbiotic harmony. India is a third world country with the atomic bomb, who inherited language and method (and structures) for teaching science from the old British Empire, which with a population exceeding one billion people produces plenty of engineers and computer scientists (and others) quality in industrial quantities ( Bangalore has long been the main information center of the planet). India's success is due precisely to this unusual mix of ingredients such as scientific knowledge, research, English, low production costs, demographics. However, the expertise that India has chosen to highlight are used almost entirely in the service sector or in services, which alone are not enough to absorb the oceans labor-poor who inevitably will come from the countryside, which happens regularly where growth is caused so sudden. In this respect, the Chinese giant, with its industrialization, has managed to integrate into production processes a slice (proportionally) greater labor force. But India is endowed with a social and political complex and balanced than that of China, has best welfare and social security services, has a growing population (unlike the Chinese, saturated, which is getting old) and very bright prospects before him. At the same time, India is highly decentralized, it has 28 states with large in-house autonomy and a veritable galaxy of ethnic and religious minorities. The French analyst of Indian origin as Carpentier De Gourdon it comes to divide India into four geopolitical regions, each oriented to political and ethnic reasons, to a specific geopolitical area outside. While this "open" sets the regions in question, and then India, in a position to deepen relations with the neighbors on the other hand it feeds the separatist drive, as in Kashmir and Jammu. On the other hand, India is founded on a democracy that can smooth out even more effectively with the major imbalances that inevitably accompanies its massive economic growth, and his choice of taking money away from investment to target it with measures to protect the welfare state must be viewed in this light. China's economic growth began with the reforms by Deng Xiaoping in 1978 has raised the standard of living of many millions of Chinese but has also caused deep imbalances in income between different parts of the country. In order to avoid future social polarization, the Communist Party is watching with growing interest in the Indian model in order to hook the irrepressible growth of technological progress (search) and make it less dependent on pure exploitation of workers. China remains the second largest economy in the world, which holds the main straight and gold reserves, among other companies, a giant hydrocarbon as the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC). The fact of being in public ownership allows companies such as CNPC, to be very competitive markets (especially the Anglo-Saxon competitors) by virtue of the fact that the negotiating table as a priority by putting the best interest of the country, allowing them to place themselves in position to overshadow the immediate interest to offer better deals to producer countries (Enrico Mattei revised and corrected). And they are not only relations to be treated and managed oil in this way, China has successfully demonstrated to interpret business with this spirit of "do ut des" in Sudan, where he helped to modernize roads, railways and infrastructure oil, or Angola, where the commercial co-operation has led to the construction of certain hospitals. China also holds a large share of U.S. public debt, which currently does not seem willing to collect, partly because they do not have the interest (the balance would be expected to condemn the U.S. to bankruptcy, which would lead to further cracking of relations and closure for Chinese goods to the U.S. market as a succulent), partly because it does not have enough strength to openly challenge Washington. For their part the U.S. are having to contain the momentum of China, and have begun to do so, as usual, to build on old grievances Sino - Indian dating back to 1962 (when a dispute degenerated into open warfare) to foment discord between the two (divide and rule) and encourage India to conclude a series of defensive military agreements with Singapore, Vietnam and Japan, forming a sort of encirclement around China, which in turn, has responded by intensifying relations with Pakistan and installing a giant naval base in Myanmar. The real problem for the U.S. is that their historic powers of persuasion and dissuasion is dissolving in parallel with the decline of unipolarity that has seen them in command for two decades. All kinds of distinctly non-military pressure is weakening day by day. Hence, Bush's decision to modernize and strengthen the strategic arsenal American. Will help anything? At the time, you can only note that the study of tactical maneuvers between India and China did not reveal a dormant but mutual distrust will be difficult to affect the progressive relaxation of relations welcome shift for some years, especially with the arrival of India, as an observer in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, a body aimed at promoting the intensification of political, cultural, economic and military among the countries that join it. In fact, China and India have every reason to finally bury the hatchet and work together to promote the effective integration of Asian countries. Here is India to have to learn from China, which in recent years has become the bearer of an acute strategic plan based on the economic - from which, as noted, may well many other forms of collaboration - the whole Asian continent. In this context, Russia, for reasons linked to its geographical position and its resources will be called to fill the role of mediator. The first steps in this direction have already been made (trade agreements with China and pipelines, military agreements with India, and sponsoring joint exercises), but for the moment, all is silent. What is clear is that the Unicentro is disappearing on the horizon, and towards which the multipolarity the world is starting to see each individual power to pursue their own interests, not necessarily mirror and converging. In the hope that each player knows with vision and evaluate the reasonableness of reality.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Best Dishwashers Brands
Nuremberg and its
As you know, Tareq Aziz, the former number two in the Rais old Saddam Hussein, was recently sentenced to hang by a court in Baghdad. The great efforts made by the ridiculous and serve the Iraqi authorities have not prevented some of those who have eyes to see the veil of Maya hypocrisy and see the real motives eminently political, of the award. But beyond these obvious superfluous, should focus on what is undoubtedly the appearance of the whole thing very worthy, the fact is, that once again the winners will have assumed the right to judge the vanquished. This trend is not in itself new, but rooted in little more than sixty years ago, and more specifically in the pews of Nuremberg, where representatives of the courts victorious powers of World War II began its "expertise" in the service their superiors to "explore" the responsibility of the vanquished and arbitrarily decide the fates. As happens in every trial ruling already written respecting, honoring the mob to Nuremberg lawyers who were "on the right side" had the temerity to suggest "to the proper authorities" to decree the establishment of ad hoc criminal offenses, punishable with retroactive effect, and to steal their defendants for evaluation by the same court, by themselves wanted and financed, thus undermining any slightest credibility and legitimacy. To fill (albeit partially) the chasm created by the shameful and deafening silence reserved for the affair by "intellectuals" of the time, took off his timely and authoritative voice of Benedetto Croce, who in a famous speech to the Italian Parliament in July 1947 said "worrying signs of spiritual turmoil are the present day (you even have the courage to admit it) the courts without any basis in law, that the winner has set up to judge, condemn and hang under the names of war criminals, politicians and generals of the conquered peoples, leaving the difference in practice, free from hypocrisy, to a time not giving won the district or any of their men and they require delivery to put them to death, continuing and concluding with this war. "parallel to the acute and relevant criticisms at the time by the Cross, went everywhere creeping suspicion that the Winners of titles not available at all to judge the vanquished. He wanted (and still want) truly believe that the United States, USSR and Great Britain had not been stained with many of the same crimes for which they were convicted of the Nazi? History made large span (the bombing of civilians in Dresden and Hamburg, "wanton destruction", etc..) Regarding this matter. But leave of Nuremberg and coming to current issues, we need to ask about the real stuff that winners are made of today, considering that the urge to try those losers no signs of setbacks. After the fall of the USSR and the establishment of unipolarity, international law has suffered an even more marked distortion and was reduced to nothing more than real military arm of the United States, who use it exclusively in times where its actions coincide with their goals politicians, but that does not recognize any legitimacy when it is subjected to American military or political opinion. Thus, Milosevic, Karadzic and Hussein have been or will be processed as any American or English or Italian, whatever the atrocities carried out (and I have made many) appeared in the halls of "justice" in The Hague, Carla Del without any Bridge staged no hysterical rag clothes. In the end, the only certainty that emerges from this murky affair is that in many courts of "justice" imposed around the world (The Hague, Baghdad, etc..) "have exchanged "the" luck "to the infinitely less respectable Uncle Sam, and Tareq Aziz, after Saddam Hussein (whose hanging has been described by Bush as a "milestone on the path of democracy"), it is the last of the scapegoats, the last piece of meat to be sacrificed ' altar of imperialism and brutal murderess adorned as usual but this time with educated and attractive trappings of humanitarianism, the opium of the people on which forges the unfortunate contemporary zeitgeist.
As you know, Tareq Aziz, the former number two in the Rais old Saddam Hussein, was recently sentenced to hang by a court in Baghdad. The great efforts made by the ridiculous and serve the Iraqi authorities have not prevented some of those who have eyes to see the veil of Maya hypocrisy and see the real motives eminently political, of the award. But beyond these obvious superfluous, should focus on what is undoubtedly the appearance of the whole thing very worthy, the fact is, that once again the winners will have assumed the right to judge the vanquished. This trend is not in itself new, but rooted in little more than sixty years ago, and more specifically in the pews of Nuremberg, where representatives of the courts victorious powers of World War II began its "expertise" in the service their superiors to "explore" the responsibility of the vanquished and arbitrarily decide the fates. As happens in every trial ruling already written respecting, honoring the mob to Nuremberg lawyers who were "on the right side" had the temerity to suggest "to the proper authorities" to decree the establishment of ad hoc criminal offenses, punishable with retroactive effect, and to steal their defendants for evaluation by the same court, by themselves wanted and financed, thus undermining any slightest credibility and legitimacy. To fill (albeit partially) the chasm created by the shameful and deafening silence reserved for the affair by "intellectuals" of the time, took off his timely and authoritative voice of Benedetto Croce, who in a famous speech to the Italian Parliament in July 1947 said "worrying signs of spiritual turmoil are the present day (you even have the courage to admit it) the courts without any basis in law, that the winner has set up to judge, condemn and hang under the names of war criminals, politicians and generals of the conquered peoples, leaving the difference in practice, free from hypocrisy, to a time not giving won the district or any of their men and they require delivery to put them to death, continuing and concluding with this war. "parallel to the acute and relevant criticisms at the time by the Cross, went everywhere creeping suspicion that the Winners of titles not available at all to judge the vanquished. He wanted (and still want) truly believe that the United States, USSR and Great Britain had not been stained with many of the same crimes for which they were convicted of the Nazi? History made large span (the bombing of civilians in Dresden and Hamburg, "wanton destruction", etc..) Regarding this matter. But leave of Nuremberg and coming to current issues, we need to ask about the real stuff that winners are made of today, considering that the urge to try those losers no signs of setbacks. After the fall of the USSR and the establishment of unipolarity, international law has suffered an even more marked distortion and was reduced to nothing more than real military arm of the United States, who use it exclusively in times where its actions coincide with their goals politicians, but that does not recognize any legitimacy when it is subjected to American military or political opinion. Thus, Milosevic, Karadzic and Hussein have been or will be processed as any American or English or Italian, whatever the atrocities carried out (and I have made many) appeared in the halls of "justice" in The Hague, Carla Del without any Bridge staged no hysterical rag clothes. In the end, the only certainty that emerges from this murky affair is that in many courts of "justice" imposed around the world (The Hague, Baghdad, etc..) "have exchanged "the" luck "to the infinitely less respectable Uncle Sam, and Tareq Aziz, after Saddam Hussein (whose hanging has been described by Bush as a "milestone on the path of democracy"), it is the last of the scapegoats, the last piece of meat to be sacrificed ' altar of imperialism and brutal murderess adorned as usual but this time with educated and attractive trappings of humanitarianism, the opium of the people on which forges the unfortunate contemporary zeitgeist.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Bad Furnace Carbon Monoxide
All democrats the c. .. other former comrades who make mistakes
It is now inevitable in the coming months the Italian people will once again solemnly called to the polls, to "express" their "sovereign will". E 'likely Napolitano has already prepared in the usual discourse barrel full of rhetoric by which urge the good citizens to exercise their "sacred right and duty" enshrined in the Constitution emeritus other similar nonsense. What will happen is not predictable, but one thing is certain interests that revolve around these elections are many and substantial, and due for the most part, the usual "hand" which has greatly interfered in Italian political life. What is clearly demonstrated by the continuous convoluted policy made by the Speaker of the House and his band of loyal (which is only now discovering a universe that Berlusconi of corruption and profiteering whores at will) caught on the fly by the "claims" which immediately rushed to envisage the possibility of creating a "united front" aimed at stemming the cross "comes Berlusconi" France or Spain, provided that if Magna, said the papal papal. But leaving aside these self-evident truth at the moment and moving on to more serious things, you need to focus on so-called "historical precedent" and their respective outcomes to take stock of the situation and formulate a credible estimates on these crucial Italian elections. First, it is perhaps good to recall what is probably the most striking and instructive case in order to understand the real significance of concurrent elections with (and often overlapping a) accurate and specific historical forces, political and economic, that the election of Republican George Bush in 2000. E 'per se curious (and very telling, especially if you are bombarded by full-time orgy of rhetoric Atlanticist) and the U.S., unlike in European countries, the percentage of regular hidden and not voting and just show Only the percentages in favor of this or that candidate, but never mind. On that occasion took place a real stroke of a pen, which legitimized the appointment of Bush without even a single senator, regardless of factions, would deign to allow a shred of investigation as to shed light on the blatant irregularities reported by several representatives of ethnic minorities. For its part, the 'environmentalist' Al Gore, who at first spoke of "coup", was closed immediately in an eloquent silence that has, by signing its own death sentence in this manner and demonstrating a courage more consonant with the notorious "Heroes of the Sixth" in Milan. The Supreme Court, looking good and have an accurate vote count, "imposed" authorities of the Bush victory. Now, approaching the murky issue with the method of Marx's investigation, and then starting from the identification of the interests involved, it may include some of the reasons why the centers of U.S. power to bet on that horse. From a First, the possible ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement requiring the signatories to limit emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere and to adapt to other measures, however, by sorting these serious repercussions on the national economy and profits of the oil lobby, was a danger to avoid at all costs, while on the other hand loomed the need to swell the coffers of the powerful military lobby, so as to restart the ambitious project of the Reagan "Star Wars" in order to powerfully bring to attention the 'emerging power of China, which has become the main enemy to be killed by neo-conservative sect in power, completely unaware of the glossy and much more forward-looking theories conceived in the skill strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski. It goes without saying, therefore, that once introduced the president wanted at home, the centers of power "made in USA" are regularly focused elsewhere, on the many elections that take place in strategically important countries, and have labored to replicate the same course, perhaps less brazenly outside national borders. The re-election of Boris Yeltsin is indeed grotesque inserted fully into the category of this kind of operation, especially in light of the fact that it was conducted at the expense of genuine and skilled candidate mole (or "post") Communist Gennady Zjuganov, intends to vigorously oppose the colossal project of selling off the huge industrial infrastructure of the old Soviet Union, for the benefit of so-called "oligarchs" and agents of the great American capitalist. During his first term, President Yeltsin had revealed a totally subservient to U.S. interests in the area and had become a carrier of an economic program nothing short of disastrous, resulting in a widespread recession that made the unprecedented record peak - 19% in 1992. Yeltsin had succeeded, after a series of position papers is printed markedly authoritarian, centralizing more power in their hands, but September 21, 1993 went too far, arbitrarily dissolving the Parliament and making them invisible to the Court Constitutional (which until then had been a close ally), which recognized the illegality of the act. Parliament deposed him and the Russian population intensified the protests, which culminated with the occupation of the Parliament of many citizens in league with several deputies. In his recent biography, Mikhail Kassianov, a former staff member of Boris Yeltsin, has revealed that at the time, the Russian president was cash-strapped, and stood before the chancellor Helmut Kohl and French President Jacques Chirac to begging for some money that would serve to pay the army, which otherwise would have left to his fate. The two European politicians conceded a credit equal to approximately € 5 billion, a figure that would allow Yeltsin to buy back the favor of the army and set off against the occupiers of the Parliament, in order to restore order in Russia (quite fitting expression for the individual). Thus, Yeltsin could pave the way for his re-election, which occurred regularly in a manner nothing short of ridiculous and fraudulent, CIA agents in the delight of the mob who organized all the staging and major agents of U.S. capitalism. What happened in Russia until the rise to power of Putin, it is notorious even the most ardent Atlanticist court. Now the usual suspects are watching with great interest the Italian elections, as I am concerned to hoard Rate how little remained of national autonomy. They tried for years in every way to throw open the doors to their cronies who now call the "united front", without collecting the minimum result, despite many efforts. For some time, they are able to foment the internal strife to the majority, even summoning the screditatissimo Fini and his gang that between a rejection and a sortie forward, including a reference to the legality and a raving hypocrite on so-called "Caesars" (category called into question in a totally unjustified), they immediately worked to destabilize the situation giving rise to "sober" admiration in radical circles - Chic reference the self-styled "Democratic Party" that can not be more democratic, just in spite of the so-called "electoral mandate" of which was invested by the Italian people. So much for "democracy."
It is now inevitable in the coming months the Italian people will once again solemnly called to the polls, to "express" their "sovereign will". E 'likely Napolitano has already prepared in the usual discourse barrel full of rhetoric by which urge the good citizens to exercise their "sacred right and duty" enshrined in the Constitution emeritus other similar nonsense. What will happen is not predictable, but one thing is certain interests that revolve around these elections are many and substantial, and due for the most part, the usual "hand" which has greatly interfered in Italian political life. What is clearly demonstrated by the continuous convoluted policy made by the Speaker of the House and his band of loyal (which is only now discovering a universe that Berlusconi of corruption and profiteering whores at will) caught on the fly by the "claims" which immediately rushed to envisage the possibility of creating a "united front" aimed at stemming the cross "comes Berlusconi" France or Spain, provided that if Magna, said the papal papal. But leaving aside these self-evident truth at the moment and moving on to more serious things, you need to focus on so-called "historical precedent" and their respective outcomes to take stock of the situation and formulate a credible estimates on these crucial Italian elections. First, it is perhaps good to recall what is probably the most striking and instructive case in order to understand the real significance of concurrent elections with (and often overlapping a) accurate and specific historical forces, political and economic, that the election of Republican George Bush in 2000. E 'per se curious (and very telling, especially if you are bombarded by full-time orgy of rhetoric Atlanticist) and the U.S., unlike in European countries, the percentage of regular hidden and not voting and just show Only the percentages in favor of this or that candidate, but never mind. On that occasion took place a real stroke of a pen, which legitimized the appointment of Bush without even a single senator, regardless of factions, would deign to allow a shred of investigation as to shed light on the blatant irregularities reported by several representatives of ethnic minorities. For its part, the 'environmentalist' Al Gore, who at first spoke of "coup", was closed immediately in an eloquent silence that has, by signing its own death sentence in this manner and demonstrating a courage more consonant with the notorious "Heroes of the Sixth" in Milan. The Supreme Court, looking good and have an accurate vote count, "imposed" authorities of the Bush victory. Now, approaching the murky issue with the method of Marx's investigation, and then starting from the identification of the interests involved, it may include some of the reasons why the centers of U.S. power to bet on that horse. From a First, the possible ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement requiring the signatories to limit emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere and to adapt to other measures, however, by sorting these serious repercussions on the national economy and profits of the oil lobby, was a danger to avoid at all costs, while on the other hand loomed the need to swell the coffers of the powerful military lobby, so as to restart the ambitious project of the Reagan "Star Wars" in order to powerfully bring to attention the 'emerging power of China, which has become the main enemy to be killed by neo-conservative sect in power, completely unaware of the glossy and much more forward-looking theories conceived in the skill strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski. It goes without saying, therefore, that once introduced the president wanted at home, the centers of power "made in USA" are regularly focused elsewhere, on the many elections that take place in strategically important countries, and have labored to replicate the same course, perhaps less brazenly outside national borders. The re-election of Boris Yeltsin is indeed grotesque inserted fully into the category of this kind of operation, especially in light of the fact that it was conducted at the expense of genuine and skilled candidate mole (or "post") Communist Gennady Zjuganov, intends to vigorously oppose the colossal project of selling off the huge industrial infrastructure of the old Soviet Union, for the benefit of so-called "oligarchs" and agents of the great American capitalist. During his first term, President Yeltsin had revealed a totally subservient to U.S. interests in the area and had become a carrier of an economic program nothing short of disastrous, resulting in a widespread recession that made the unprecedented record peak - 19% in 1992. Yeltsin had succeeded, after a series of position papers is printed markedly authoritarian, centralizing more power in their hands, but September 21, 1993 went too far, arbitrarily dissolving the Parliament and making them invisible to the Court Constitutional (which until then had been a close ally), which recognized the illegality of the act. Parliament deposed him and the Russian population intensified the protests, which culminated with the occupation of the Parliament of many citizens in league with several deputies. In his recent biography, Mikhail Kassianov, a former staff member of Boris Yeltsin, has revealed that at the time, the Russian president was cash-strapped, and stood before the chancellor Helmut Kohl and French President Jacques Chirac to begging for some money that would serve to pay the army, which otherwise would have left to his fate. The two European politicians conceded a credit equal to approximately € 5 billion, a figure that would allow Yeltsin to buy back the favor of the army and set off against the occupiers of the Parliament, in order to restore order in Russia (quite fitting expression for the individual). Thus, Yeltsin could pave the way for his re-election, which occurred regularly in a manner nothing short of ridiculous and fraudulent, CIA agents in the delight of the mob who organized all the staging and major agents of U.S. capitalism. What happened in Russia until the rise to power of Putin, it is notorious even the most ardent Atlanticist court. Now the usual suspects are watching with great interest the Italian elections, as I am concerned to hoard Rate how little remained of national autonomy. They tried for years in every way to throw open the doors to their cronies who now call the "united front", without collecting the minimum result, despite many efforts. For some time, they are able to foment the internal strife to the majority, even summoning the screditatissimo Fini and his gang that between a rejection and a sortie forward, including a reference to the legality and a raving hypocrite on so-called "Caesars" (category called into question in a totally unjustified), they immediately worked to destabilize the situation giving rise to "sober" admiration in radical circles - Chic reference the self-styled "Democratic Party" that can not be more democratic, just in spite of the so-called "electoral mandate" of which was invested by the Italian people. So much for "democracy."
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Catholic Wedding When Bride Is Protestant
Desta some sensation taken note of frenzy which revolves around the president of Puglia Nichi Vendola. His stylistic flair, its dialectics and avvocatesca pseudoraffinata and its history of political hybrid permanent comunistissmo catholic and at the same time, are all factors that have persuaded many Italians lined up in good faith on the left to identify him as a man of a possible redemption . But who is Vendola? It 's a gentleman who was entrenched behind an impressive river of words beautiful and attractive, trying to hide under the carpet a reality of favors and Favorin, close ties with certain centers of power related to waste disposal and health, a coward environmentalism facade behind which lies a region that produces more than 90% of dioxin Italian. If you want then get off the ground sull'infimo of some scum that you continue to fill the mouth of freedom of the press and other similar nonsense, it should be pointed out that Mr Vendola has repeatedly tried to silence the journalist Charles Vulpio who was carrying out an investigation on poor health care in Puglia, where Vendola accused of having exerted "pressure" to ensure that certain candidates were assigned specific roles in the field of hospital management. The curriculum Vendola, of course, does not stop there. A few weeks ago this topic was staged during a broadcast aired on Rai, a pathetic little comedy in order to throw mud on the figure of Vladimir Putin, is remembered as "The son of the cook of Stalin" (so?), Accused of having played an important role in the murder of "More than two hundred journalists" (sic), and accused of totalitarianism, all seasoned with the usual rhetoric, low alloy capable of shaking the "noble" sentiments of those "beautiful souls" who fill the ranks of "People of left, "people interested exclusively to proclaim their estrangement from the" evil "wherever it occurs. Not one of the participants in the verbal battle (between which there was some Sallusti) dedicated himself to point out this hysterical sensationalism Putin actually focuses very little with the murder of Anna Politovskaja, and that has raised a big crisis, whose economic transition on the dictates noliberali from "Shock Therapy" on the ground had left many millions of deaths and led to increased poverty mortality (according to the authoritative medical journal "Lancet") equal to 13% in a span of just over ten years. A population-torn iniquitous policy advocated by Boris Yeltsin, based on the total sale dell'ingente industrial and mining heritage inherited from the old and defunct Soviet Union. It was a small handful of oligarchs and several American companies (Exxon Mobil in particular) to derive enormous benefits from this shameful situation. Upon assuming power, Putin has put oligarchs immediately in line, telling them not to dare to interfere in the plans of economic restructuring that was going to translate into reality. Result: Roman Abramovich did not utter a word of protest, which still allows him to pursue his own interests without annoyances, while Mr. Boris Berezovsky and the many other rioters were, at best, forced to leave the country, while Mikhail Khodorkovsky was thrown in jail, where presumably will remain for decades. Once you have resolved the issue oligarchs, Putin has made sure that the oil fields sold off to private individuals (the "usual suspects") were within the heritage of the state, and that all the companies operating in strategic sectors (oil & gas, transportation, armaments) return, sometimes partly in public hands. Among other things, this has enabled Putin to reduce, during his two terms of 22% (from 36% to 14%) the percentage of Russians living below the poverty line. There are conclusive data that would no doubt be reduced to silence a humanitarian convinced (when does convenience) as Vendola. However, it is preferred, as usual, hide the reality and get off the ground sull'infimo reasoned discussion on which the young gentleman, trying to turn shit on her person. However, it is undeniable that Vendola much like himself, and sometimes the suspicion arises that believes the things he says seriously. 'S one of those politicians gripped by encirclement syndrome (believed the re-establishment of the left in Italy) who loves to point out to adoring crowds "noise of the enemy." In this regard, think of a good step by Carl Schmitt, who wrote that "self-deception is one of loneliness. The lone thinks to himself and talking to himself, and soliloquy As we know, we talk to a dangerous flatterer. " That the "people of the left" does not realize this speaks volumes about the ideology that has suffered degradation.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Mudroom Lockers With Bench For Sale
About wool dolls, bears the sun (in the previous post) are finding the house, there are only 6 small!
Happy 2011 to all, bears, earth and Mars.
PS: Small update, the bears have been two !!!!!
PS2: the pattern is available in Italian and English, on Ravelry
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