The obsession of borrowed Iranian
And then, as if by magic, the upheavals that have recently shaken the North African area overlooking the Mediterranean would have expanded like wildfire, reaching first the Levant and then the Middle East. At least that tells us the great international press, that with this latest "effort" brings to three attempts to foment discord in organized outside Iranian society which could lead to a real coup against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
the summer of 2009 took place in Iran a real color revolution, during which the mob tried to Pentagon strategists to slip through the cracks of existing tensions in the endogenous complex Iranian society to pave the way for a welcome change of guard in Washington. At that time Iran was rocked by a clash of the top, where the rich Ayatollah Akbar Rafsanjani and his companion Mir Hossein Mousavi are exploiting the overwhelming election victory by secular Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to contest the regularity, and to give rise to manifestations of Piazza likely to destabilize the status quo. Ahmadinejad could count on the support of the Pasdaran and that of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, while on the other side, after a short period of impasse, including Ayatollah Mohammad Khatami decided to find out the cards and make public their support the Rafsanjani faction - Mousavi. Ahmadinejah enjoyed the support of the poorer segments of the population scattered all over the country, while his opponents were supported by the high middle class living in the suburbs of major cities in the Iranian elite. The outcome of the election (a difference of 11 million votes in favor of Ahmadinejad) was in itself obvious, since perfectly fits together with the data recorded during the previous vote, in which to receive a hard lesson from the former mayor of Tehran was directly Akbar Rafsanjani. All these clues confirming the high popularity of the Iranian people against Ahmadinejad's not enough to persuade the authoritative Western media, who were quick to to their positions held by Mousavi and to enhance the "authenticity" of the so-called "green wave" that was putting it upside down some parts of the Iranian capital. The heavy hand of the CIA Evins reckless use the rioters (who, among other things, protesting with signs written in English, bearing the slogan "Where is my vote?" So as not to confuse the message recipients. ..) did the usual social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, especially in the exaltation of the false martyr Neda, and do not fall under the alleged atrocities committed by the Pasdaran better clarified. In any case, everything turned out to be a hoax, Ahmadinejad maintained his government post and "demonstrators" are among their ranks with his tail between his legs. Just a year after he returned to Chania media unleashed on the Iranian regime, staging a grotesque and pitiful funeral mass for the "martyr" and murderous faithless Sakineh, whose face was covered by a chador antiraniano slogans taken as a myriad of demonstrators in major squares Western , who evidently had not found something better to do than tearing his clothes in public for the fate of a dire Carneades any, without the slightest care of what was happening in the U.S., where a certain Teresa Lewis was conducted on death row after being recognized guilty of offenses similar to those committed by the elusive Sakineh. Outrage and solidarity, AC and variable geometry, for sentimental European and American protesters. Now, the thing you are doing much more serious, since the riots of the Maghreb are subject to an obvious manipulation by the U.S., who are trying in every way to trigger a chain reaction of riots involving the entire geographical area which extends from the southern shores of the Mediterranean to Central Asia. As expected, Iran was classified as a priority. On 14 February the opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi have held a demonstration in Tehran in order to challenge the current government, which has prompted the usual Western media to talk about "chaos in Iran and the days counted could count on which the regime. Not a word about the fact that some "demonstrators" armed and opened fire on an ordinary passer-by, or on the eve of the event that the Iranian secret services have intercepted a phone call in which Mir Hossein Mousavi was talking with a member of the CIA demonstrations that would be held the following day or on the ground like mushrooms to be in television and radio stations financed by the U.S. and British governments. All trying desperately not exist similarities between Egypt and Iran, and to condemn without appeal to the bloody violence of the body of the Pasdaran, which was ascribed the murder without any evidence of passing, quickly turned into a "demonstrator" (Where he was a member of the guards "Basij"). For his part, Barack Obama has decided to play cards, expressing the hope that "Egypt is an example for the entire Middle East region," and that "the Iranians are also free to express themselves." So eloquent statements had not even heard the aftermath of the Iranian elections of 2009. The truth is that the fog that enveloped the Iranian affair are long dissolves, leaving the picture is sufficiently clear. The election of Obama nano perched on the shoulders of giant Zbigniew Brzezinski marked a tactical retreat from the extremist positions taken by the neoconservative warmongers. This Washington groped led to a sort of appeasement towards the Iranian president, offering favorable terms in return for giving up nuclear power and a true record of the change in energy policy, which wants as much as possible without ties to Moscow and Beijing. The Iranian president has unceremoniously turned down the offer, which is not too pleasing to his opponent Rafsanjani, who considers the radical opposition to the United States as a political move too reckless and utterly reckless. At that point the U.S. has decided to play the card outside interference. And in style Soros, or invading Iran with an army of NGOs and funding television and radio broadcasters on the lines of "Radio Free Europe", tanning throwing gasoline on the fire in the wake of the Iranian society existing internal friction (friction that relate to a large extent in the field of foreign policy choices made by Ahmadinejad, as shown above), so lay the groundwork for the formation of what would later become known as the "Green Wave", the principal in the attempted color revolution in 2009. In this light, the recent statements by Obama seem not merely tactical moves that are to join in the wider strategic plan to destabilize Iran, which until now has seen the U.S. ringed failure after another.
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