Breaking Point
The economic crisis culminated in recent years has attracted the praise of reckless hordes polychromatic composed of fools and backward "analysts" of yesteryear, who sang in unison their "hosanna" in the face imminent, the alleged "collapse of the system", where there was a disruption of all internal to capitalism, which has assumed such as to fully reflect the conflict that rules the great economic game, in which many actors are primary finding in opposition to one another, all against all (or a few against many, or few against few) to contend for supremacy in shots financial move frequently bedded below the waist, parallel with the repercussions they inexorably slow to take on a variety of fabrics and production (consequently) in domestic policy.
This reading of the reality of imperialism refers explicitly to the concept developed by Lenin on the eve of the Great War, which focused broadly on analysis of the competitive battle, taking place at the turn of the century, between the various world powers involved in the redesign balance of power within the world market. The clash between the horizontal power in question is developed in stages uncertain, produced two world wars and numerous conflicts over circumscribed, and led to the establishment of a bipolar world order, whose specific constraints, with its territorial divisions into "competence areas" were established at Yalta in 1945. Since then, members of the Communist bloc countries have been limited to faithfully implement the directives from the Kremlin, without taking the trouble, because there was not a need to develop an alternative strategic thinking, which put them away from an improbable - but, as you know, tragically plausible - the capitulation of the parent. It 'should instead set up a different speech to the Western powers, whose dependence on the U.S. has still obliged to optimize their skills and capabilities, in order to effectively sustain competition in markets. Distorting competition at the root by U.S. military power - that the White House could theoretically have used the allied rivals (oxymoron that returns in the full sense of reality) for non-purely "defensive" - \u200b\u200bbut the U.S. were never forced to use to assert their own success. The American production system turns out to be successful for reasons directly related to the strategic vision in which its maneuvers decided to build its own business model. Fordism had persuaded many observers that it was necessary to achieve prosperity in the U.S. largely focus on these areas affected by the phenomenon, namely the automotive and engineering industry. Specifically, this misunderstanding of economic reality drove first-rate countries such as Italy, Germany and Japan to lavish huge efforts to innovate the acts already bloated automobile sector, firmly convinced that occurring in that sector more competitive, and penetrating the market massively in the U.S. have drastically reduced the economic margin that separated them from Washington. On this gambling economy, the political classes that supported these nations came to adapt the whole political system, promoting a kind of social Keynesianism by which the states to shoulder a large part of the costs required to support expansion (or, as in Italy, survival) of these areas. The U.S. did not move a finger and took advantage of the situation to focus on many other policy areas, including emerging technologies, which still have an unquestionable superiority. The move proved successful in the light of the fact that the automobile sector was very close to saturation, and that, far from pulling any kind of development, could only produce stagnation in the countries that had bet on it. On the eastern front, the fall of the Soviet Union literally buried countries orphans of that as a veritable avalanche of huge inadequacies - due to the inability to develop winning strategies indicated earlier - which forced them (often in taxation and an overdue welcome) to cut the umbilical cord that tied them to go to Moscow en masse under the "wing" of NATO. The new world order based on the absolute supremacy of the United States completely redesigned the balance of power inside the globe, clearly tipping the scales on the side of Washington. Almost every country in the world had become, with "good" (blackmail, threats) or the "bad" (aggression, war and commercial), "allies" of the United States, who, not having to answer for their actions to any equal counterpart, did not bother too much to resort to "deterrence" economic and military to impose its will. This bad habit lasted for little more than a decade, since that is when the U.S. began to falter in spite of the emergence or re-emergence of several regional powers that are burning up the steps towards the goal, which is to break down the (declining) U.S. dominance. After years of quiet slumber, the Leninist analysis of imperialism is back just as loudly and forcefully to the fore. The exuberant growth of the emerging powers is colliding with the interests of those powers that are long, and did not intend to lose all their privileges. Everywhere in Europe is a clash between fierce large sections of the population (those located at the base), for which the belt is tightening more and more, especially with regard to the welfare and (soon) health, with those businesses located at the summit, claiming that tax less burdensome to not lose ground to those Americans and those related to emerging countries. The European powers, far from being compact, they are often divided by conflicting interests, as they are nailed to the inadequacy of gerontocrat who lead them, aged in the shadow of the Berlin Wall and totally without the means to produce a comprehensive strategic thinking adequate time in which we live. Some of them are bent as the sole wears logic Atlantic, while many others (the so-called "Left") are nothing but mere mouthpiece of the sectors parasitic intertwined in Washington, which follow the guidelines verbatim. The Italian example is very eloquent in this regard. A twenty-year duration of single combat staged by the theater of politics, where so-called "right" and so-called "left" will have to market election pouring mud on each other, spending on flood of words and energy on trivial matters extremely rearguard battles daughters of ideologies sclerotizzatisi few decades ago. No one who points the finger at the king was naked, and they undertake to break the intolerable inertia that has lasted too long, in which the finance subject to the powers that be continue to keep international life in those areas capitalist strongly anchored to the engineering / automotive regularly short of capital, the competition that much prefer the welfare system (such as Fiat) parasitic so dear to the romantics Keynesian (and some left unions tout court), who applaud public subsidies - are considered "necessary" - promptly granted, and to keep such verminous Italian political class has wielded the ax tax on domestic production base, composed mainly by self-employed. The chatter around the labor market continues to hold the counter, with the oligarchs who demand compelling and indisputable disposals and pension insurance to act as a counterbalance the romantic mentioned above, that pontificating on the stability of full-time work carefully avoiding to deal with what is there. Is not absolutely clear that the writer's intention to bring grist to the mill of the oligarchies, but to set a serious discussion on a topic of such great importance, in dealing with the wreckage of which almost all the so-called "left" alternative or extreme have turned their backs on reality merely rant sull'inaccettabilità of job insecurity, tanning persuaded to proclaim their total alienation from "evil." In Russia, Vladimir Putin has long taken measures which would give rise to the discomfort of the human category just described, that the scandal has unanimously shouted "reactionary." In reality, Putin has preferred to tighten the belt with respect to allocate more funds for social spending aimed at stimulating Russia's resurgence, which was duly verified and incontrovertibly thanks all'intelligentissimo role saddled by Putin to the state energy company Gazprom. In Italy however the debate turns on completely different topics, ranging dall'ignobile draft fragment ENI - in compliance with the directives issued by the Brussels bureaucrats, the epitome - so as to break the "sad and anti-liberal" monopoly and make it attractive to some giant alien to the downsizing of Finmeccanica imposed desk after work dirty work from the usual judiciary acting in AC and variable geometry, the usual "joyous war machine" of occhettiana memory. No one who stresses the urgency to make a radical university reform, stating presessantottini education levels, to allocate funds to promote research, to exploit the impending polycentrism to free themselves from the subordination of the Atlantic, and weave plots diplomatic vocation clear Machiavellian, that is designed to use its leading companies to close large contracts (as he recently did, albeit quietly, Finmeccanica) with key strategic countries (Russia, Iran and Turkey) in order to trigger an intensification of relations capable of shifting large benefits for all parties involved. At present there are no forces in Italy nor sufficiently cohesive and structured political factions involved to support them, but only a chaotic and apocalyptic cauldron in which the parasites stand out (by far) numerically on innovators, as opposed to what may well enjoy the ' unconditional support of big business and international legitimacy without any minions seated in Brussels. Same thing, apart from sporadic positions taken by Germany, which is roughly the rest of Europe, plagued by the same ills that afflict the "beautiful country", which is still a distinction in terms of failure and duplicity of its representatives. The Italian political class and many of its financial and business circles have reached the point of no return, a level of corruption and verminosità that make difficult to envisage any place inside the national charity. Which is why it is good to be on the alert, and reflect more carefully on that famous passage in which Lenin pointed out that "A revolution without firing squads do not have reason to be." And to draw the necessary conclusions.
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