Risks and Opportunities to the turmoil that for months and months, shaking the Italian political scene, he went to join the general turmoil in the Arab world triggered by movements in Tunisia, which have acted as a detonator of the complex powder keg in the Middle East and North Africa (which involves all the Arab countries ranging from Morocco to Pakistan) in constant danger of explosion.
After the failures of almost every color revolutions - with the consolation Georgian - try (Iran) and only in principle go in port (Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan), the United States are now celebrate the supposed "desire for democracy" of the Tunisian people, who took to the streets purports to give rise to revolt eloquently dubbed by the U.S. press as "Jasmine Revolution", a term that refers ominously to actual riots instigated by Washington in the watchmaking countries that once formed part of the Soviet Union (especially), in which GM financed by the usual "philanthropists" to turn (Soros in particular) and political factions closely linked to the centers of power in the U.S., in apparent convergence of interests, have joined forces to throw in a single cauldron equiparante real reasons del'esistente popular discontent and false or vastly inflated in this explosive concoction to heighten the tension to breaking point, which should have culminated in the overthrow of the orders made unwelcome in Washington. However, the detonator of the revolution of Tunisia does not seem to be craving that was not "democratic" as indicated by the press made in USA (as always reduces everything to an event of very organic to their own interests), but the exponential growth of prices for basic necessities - such as bread, milk and other foods - due to the voracity of the "locusts" that are literally destroying the financial world production (brushing industries pushed foot), thus rocketing the prices of the goods mentioned above, and the recklessness of the crack linked to the president just kicked, Ben Ali, who after hearing the saber-rattling, it was decided to direct that the prices were tiered. This did not do much to appease the popular fury, which has also cut down on the Tunisian government, urging Ben Ali to an ignominious flight. This has given rise to an ill-concealed relief to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who despite his loquacity was proverbial "strangely" quietened the obvious economic motives of the riot to release the usual corny public statements peppered with humanitarian rhetoric, praising the " popular sovereignty "of desirable and that the" thirst for democracy "Tunisia is promptly subsided. The reason that led her to focus on that workhorse explains very clearly the lively Webster Tarpley, who stresses that "The economic turmoil in the course represents a real problem for the imperialists in Washington, as the guidelines State Department tend to define human rights exclusively in political and religious terms, never as a matter of economic or social rights. price controls, wage policies, unemployment allowance, tools of welfare, right to health, housing policies, rights trade union control over banks, tariffs and other protectionist instruments to national self-defense has no place in the repeated mantra from Washington. " First mystery (Pulcinella) revealed. The exaltation of certain attitudes that Ben Ali would take nabob, operated by the usual clockwork cablegrams of Wikileaks and amplified by certain publications, however, recalls very closely the smear campaign mounted, long ago, the Georgian President Edouard Shevardnadze from several German newspapers, which, accusing him of having bought a luxury villa in the town of Baden Baden with taxpayers' money, we hope to put in full light the corruption that snaked inside his government. The news turned out to have been invented from scratch, but only after Shevardnadze was forced to leave his post to his successor, Mikheil Saakashvili, during the only color revolution successful, the so-called "Rose". The fact also that Hillary Clinton has called on companies like Google to stop adapt to the requirements of complaint submitted by governments, "tyrannical", to protect the so-called "free network" in reference to the Tunisian government's decision to obscure the Internet (over dyeing of ridicule) is easily interpreted as yet another tribute to social networks like Facebook and Twitter, the subversive potential of which have been widely demonstrated during the most colossal failure "colored", that of the so-called "green wave" in Iran. However, the revolt of Tunisia seems to be driven by solid and understandable reasons, which must be recognized a respectable degree of authenticity. So that appears to confer a great deal of credibility to the argument that the U.S. is really trying in every way to take control of the riot, to pull on their side so that it flows from the effects welcome to mob installed strategists in the Pentagon and the Department of State. They WOULD BE and then trying to channel the popular wave for right conduct, to exploit the popular discontent that exists in many countries in Africa and Asia to trigger a domino effect of revolutions (colored or not) along the lines of the Tunisian model, a vortex that sucks in their coils so unpopular presidents in Washington as Gaddafi in Libya and Assad (and race) in Syria as faithful gerontocrat atlantism but made inadequate by the recent geopolitical dynamics as (precisely) Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt. In Egypt there is an ongoing insurgency that many have assimilated to that of Tunisia, but the common points of contact does not seem many. In Egypt (despite the attention that the Western press is devoting to El Baradei) in Tunisia as the rebels do not appear to have barricaded themselves behind the figure of a single leader, but the first country has a strong team like the Muslim Brotherhood which there is no track in the political landscape of the second. Tunisia has also turned against a political class that pro-Western course, but for purely economic reasons, or against a political class in power for two decades, devoted to the maintenance of their specific interests and indifferent to the continuing deterioration of living conditions of the population. The reasons that led insurgency seem Egyptian, relating mostly to three decades of subjugation of Mubarak atlantism more extreme, the policy is completely bound to the wishes of Washington and Tel Aviv and, therefore, highly repressive towards religious factions (as, precisely, the Muslim Brotherhood) against Israel and solidarity with the Arab neighbors. The importance that the Israeli government recognizes as an ally Mubarak is seen inter alia from the fact that the same Israeli press recently given prominence to the news that the Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman would have had that the Israeli ambassadors in Europe, Russia and the U.S. did this to the countries concerned of the urgency of supporting the Mubarak regime. The U.S., meanwhile, did not hide some concern for what is happening in Egypt, although not say too much as their allies in Tel Aviv. Barack Obama has been limited to a mere stigmatize, in a very cryptic, "excesses" of the crowd (which did not report the story in Tunisia) and to hope for a normal transition to democracy ". In fact, the situation of Tunisia, in which there is functional chaotic instability in Washington, much less cause for concern in the White House than the Egyptian, who sees a strong faction allegedly disposed towards the West or the Muslim Brotherhood, in a favorable position compared to all others in the race to succeed Mubarak exile. It 's probably what was responsible for the reverence with which Westerners are treating the seeds - Carneades El Baradei, who most likely will enjoy their full support, particularly in the election, thanks to the note "flexibility" (or "control") to its "democratic practice." But destabilization might be overwhelming (so would hope the U.S., according to this reading), and involve openly hostile countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and to ensure that dangerous factions like Hezbollah forces are in the favor of candidates far more soft and "reasonable", or as decadent as the billionaire Hariri intertwined with real Saudis, historic allies of the USA. In general, however, it is possible that the turbulence is throwing general restlessness many African and Asian governments are instrumental (but not that he falls) to the project of balkanization weblog act to undermine U.S. interests at the foundation of the great rival powers, namely Iran, Russia and China, who are scoring the winning shots in the entire area affected by the turbulent phenomenon. The appeasement of the radical Turkey in respect of the three powers mentioned has made it more urgent imperative to isolate Iran, to harm the business of gold that China is closing with many African countries and to limit the reach of Gazprom, the armed wing with which Putin is tightening in several European countries embrace the Russian energy. The destabilization of Pakistan, especially after its rapprochement with Islamabad to Beijing and involving them in discussions aimed to involve Gazprom in the construction of gas pipeline with Iran, proceeds continuously. Ambitious South Stream project, with which Putin has managed to put in close contact (with all the consequences that it entails) diplomats of several countries in Europe and Asia, the U.S. and Brussels bureaucrats have tried to respond with the utopian Nabucco pipeline, designed to ease the natural interdependence between Europe and Russia. A few days ago has matured to the secession of southern Sudan - a country with which China has long maintained close commercial and diplomatic ties - in the context of a long civil war (although completely different in nature than in Tunisia or Egypt) chock-full of interference external. These operations all registrable in the U.S. strategic plan. These recent turmoil does not seem to fruit of that tree, and it would be wrong to assimilate the other. However, countries affected by the riots would do well to remain vigilant about upcoming developments, and to carefully manage this situation, which on the one hand gives them leeway imagined for gerontocrat who had remained in place thanks to decades of intrigues, favors and backroom deals, but which sees them at the same time extremely exposed and vulnerable. If they could bring together the mutual interests may find the strength needed to make a U-turn, perhaps reclaiming the control of their resources without incurring the same fate of the old Persian statesman Mossadeq, sacrificial lamb of imperialism. Meanwhile, the environment may stem from parasites and subservient to the powers that be, as Hezbollah is doing, and put a price control on basic necessities, as they did at the time the revolutionaries French. Once established these constraints are likely to adopt an economic policy geared towards protectionism and to stimulate the optimization of its domestic production on a truly independent from other countries. A critical reading of the thought of Friedrich List, as well as to dispose Ruollah his time Ayatollah Khomeini Iran after the Islamic Revolution, which culminated with the expulsion of his enslaved as a parasite on the Shah Reza Pahlavi. Certainly will not be easy to govern the chaos of today, but as always correspond to the risks and opportunities and countries such as Tunisia and Egypt (and others, of course) could be seized to shake off their torpor atavistic, which he had nailed to decades in a subordinate position to define very limited would be an understatement.