Today we took the wheels to the cream of beans, bear stuff, I assure you, a little 'because the possible side effects do not encourage the company to look a little' because it is a flat nutritious, perfect to prepare for and the rigors of winter hibernation. This recipe is a classic in my house, given by my mother and was later with even more success with my sister, is one of my favorites because it is a vegetarian dish, tasty, nutritious and quick to do.
Here they are: For 2 persons
200 gr. 1 box of wheels
beans 1 clove garlic, extra virgin olive oil
few tablespoons of tomato sauce a splash
plenty of lager
3 sage leaves, salt and pepper
Pass the beans with a masher, I warm up oil, garlic and sage in a crock pot and add the mashed beans. Mix for a few seconds, then add the tomato (past or concentrate) and a bit 'of beer. I leave it to feather a beer, salt and put it out.
The sauce is ready. Before the pasta if too dry, it softens with a few tablespoons of pasta cooking water.
In the picture you see a version without the tomato, it is good the same, but with the previous color is better and the taste makes money.
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