David Ricardo all'amatriciana
From Pomigliano D'Arco at Mirafiori, Termini Imerese through. History repeats itself as farce. Marchionne requires and provides, government and the opposition if they Pilate washing his hands and trade unions, once "comrades", now white-collar businessmen more than ever, they appeal to "reasonableness" of the workers to tuck happily into that place, after Vaseline. Fifty years of social gains wiped out with one stroke of a pen launched the sweater human that is a ringing success after another. Blackmail here, a provocation there and you're done. There was to be expected. The creation of a "new company" absolutely does not subscribe to the Confindustria, known coterie of donors, so as to avoid the constraints of the national contract for category in order to deal directly with the workers was considered nothing less than a prelude to the current authoritarian drift of the Lingotto. Marchionne, in what some good souls have dared to define "negotiation", laid on the table an ultimatum to the government and employees, threatening that if they had not definitely decided to abandon the contract and to accept a national trade schedules and work patterns very more intense, the Mirafiori plant was closed down, and the government would be found to appease the discontent of a few thousand more unemployed. Trade unions (with the exception of FIOM), reformers by definition, have bowed his head, trying to divert attention from the general fact of the matter and direct it to one billion euro investment promised in the event of ratification of the so-called "agreement "Sergio Marchionne. His goodness. However, in contrast to the naive and spineless blathered by the many "buddies", a sword defenders of workers' rights, which to whip Officer have brought up the "excessive" greed, lack of patriotism and other similar nonsense emeritus, the fault of this entire affair, which should lead the government to ask some questions about it, the nature of Italian capitalism, capitalism often short of capital, than of competition, and all that it entails, gives priority to the welfare parasites. As is well known to even the most obtuse hermit, Fiat has always received good money from the Italian state, without which long since have declared bankruptcy. It sounds so ridiculous to the appeal, by Marchionne, the inflexibility of the laws governing the market for the Italian workers to bend to their comfortable, where Fiat has spent the past few decades to complain and get all the "aid" that had need to stay afloat. Basically, the strategy adopted by Marchionne is to periodically pull the rope, moving claims from time to time more drastic and unacceptable, in order to reach the breaking point by the inevitable rise readily excuse to close another plant. The goal is not stated is to relocate all production, exploiting the advantages it can offer the low labor cost countries in the second and third worlds. All multinationals act in this manner, and the simultaneity with which they move rapidly ascertaining the validity of the sad old "iron law of wages" theorized English economist David Ricardo, commonly considered one of the fathers of liberalism. He had the foresight to predict that within a market system totally open and free of import tariffs, wages would have fallen steadily, to stabilize at the subsistence level. This is due to the fact that the true glut of supply in the global market for labor is theoretically infinite, replaceable, recyclable and replaceable. However, thinking in Marxist terms, the "working class" has been able to unite and devise self-defense and defense systems, which have maintained the profitability of the work to fairly high levels, while governments have passed laws and adopted social measures, social insurance and appropriate health to limit exploitation. For their part, many entrepreneurs, on the basis of Harry Ford, who understood only decent wage workers would be able to integrate into the mechanism production / consumption on which rests the whole system. The emergence of these signs has led many economists, short-sighted to condemn without appeal to the Ricardian law, and to consider the whole span of the air. They, from their stupidity, not realized that neither in the nineteenth or in much of the twentieth century there have been the free market conditions identified as prerequisites to Ricardo. The scale of the market at that time was mostly domestic, enclosed in each country, where labor supply, and specialized, it was anything but infinite, replaceable, recyclable and replaceable. The state presence was felt on the flow of capital and relocate the factories in other countries had many more difficulties than it is now. The entire market has been achieved in recent times, since it is a few years that companies are equipped to move quickly to where the profit margins are better with the same ease as individuals, taking advantage of the labor supply in low cost literally inexhaustible, that the countries which are determined to be able to provide. And few years that the countries where labor costs are kept high by the presence of constraints social security and find themselves threatened dall'affacciarsi market with hordes of citizens belonging to countries without such protection. The so-called "globalization" has not done is to relate the wealthy West with the poor countries of the second and third worlds, real tanks of cheap labor. Just as two communicating vessels in the drop of the liquid contained in them ends up jogging, so the gap that divides the profitability of the wages of the first world from the second and third is surely destined to close. Which will result in enriching their symmetrical and our impoverishment. The continuous, arrogant dictates of Marchionne that cast into despair thousands of workers are at the opening of new job opportunities for workers in Poland and Serbia. Our sense of loss resulting from taking note of the steady decline which is subject to our standard of living to match their excitement related to the increasing possibility of realization in terms of welfare will ensure that the inertia innescatasi inexorably. The "iron law of wages" is materializing with absolute fullness, and Marchionne is remembering with irritating arrogance, day after day.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Cubefield Cheats Facebook
Small inquisitors
"If the court was right, maybe the culprit is innocent
Fyodor Dostoevsky The
Cinema has always had an extra resource compared to other forms of art, which consists nell'iperbolizzare reality and show the viewer more crude than it sounds. In summary, there is no exaggeration to say that reality is jealous of fiction. This is clearly seen in an old film by Marco Bellocchio, appropriately titled "Slap the Monster on Page One." The protagonist of the film is an influential newspaper editor in chief, very cynical and ambitious, which exploits a particularly heinous act of violence to discredit a specific political faction. From where it is, this gentleman (a very large Gian Maria Volonte) exercise all its influence to address the investigations into the history and specific direction to welcome him, in order to feed the public a monster so well packaged. It seems quite appropriate to recall certain unusual or non-original plot of this beautiful film in a sad moment as the one we are experiencing, dominated in length and breadth of the arrogance of these "journalists with the portfolio, which to advance their interests unworthy precise and unique slam it literally ruined the careers and lives of others. E 'for some years in fact, that this fine comic by the name of "Republic" follows precisely the behavior of the protagonist of the film, at the hands of a certain Mark Easter that within a year he twice slammed the front page of the "monster" of the moment. The first time it happened that the traditional label of "denial" (what a nightmare!), Mark Easter buckled to this researcher at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome Antonio Caracciolo and, as always happens in these cases, the prosecution did Following strong pressure from media and political ("Republic" is a magazine that draws about half a million copies and the owner is one of the most powerful men in Italy) on the university, who led the rector Luigi Frati to "investigate" academically Caracciolo whose figure had now been thoroughly disgraced in public. Too bad the same emphasis media that this "newspaper" (sic) reserve the usual "outrage" by Riccardo Pacifici overpaid and many beautiful souls enter university in the clergy and journalists, the news was not totally granted acquittal on "academic" of the researcher, or the sacrosanct his claim for damages. As was obvious, neither the director of "Republic" Ezio Mauro nor Mr Mark Easter have deigned to write a note to extend an apology to Caracciolo. However, if you were to stop this, it would have been something. Despite the sudden blow in the teeth, lorsignori have instead chosen to fly the same route, and this time they focused on the viewfinder Claudio Moffa, professor of political science at the University of Teramo. The charges are roughly always the same: Moffa is accused of denying the Holocaust and to challenge the existence of gas chambers. However, if the inquisitors Caracciolo "Republic" had confined themselves to bring up his passion for Carl Schmitt (one wonders if at least know who he was) for groped to discredit him (!), In the case of Moffa have instead taken from cylinder's "outrageous" name of Serge Thion and Robert Faurisson. The funny side of this whole thing is that Marco Pasqua Marco Pasqua and many scattered for Italy look good, as good "inquisitors", from entering into the matter but simply to emphasize "closeness" of the above-profile names with the accused in the matter, make a syllogism of tanning bad bill likely to personally discredit Moffa. Strange, when the "dossieraggio comes from an individual repulsive as Victor Felts and is directed against or against Boffo Fini, this is" vile personal attacks "when does the" Republic ", writing nonsense and ravings on behalf of ordinary human beings who do not have the power nor (presumably) the money to adequately defend themselves, lovers of political correctness are able to hide behind a deafening silence. It matters little that in the meantime it was found that Caracciolo was right (and, without a shadow of doubt, we will have the Moffa also). They never ask your pardon, because they know what they do. Closely resembles the "Send" Striscia la Notizia, strong with the weak and servile to the strong. In any case, entering more directly into question, remember one thing. Whilst it may be that the revisionists (although it is very convenient to call them all "deniers") are wrong or that someone has invented all of them to give a veneer of legitimacy to their belief, is not pursuing this "pre-inquisition "they will be proven wrong. The lies do not break down or with the complaint or with the excommunications nor with anathemas. Knock down the lies with truth, and the fact that many of these "interrogators" categorically refuse to go down (or maybe up?) on this ground, which is that of history, speaks volumes about their good faith. John Stuart Mill wrote that "if truth be continuously reviewed, cease to be truth. And through the hype, they become false." Neither Moffa nor Caracciolo had "denied" the Holocaust, but they are limited to simply reclaim the sacred right to investigate and correct dates for certain versions of the true light of the documents that are emerging from time to time (from the archives of Moscow, for example) on this historical event so hot for the jacket and pulled from all sides. The problem is that what Norman Finkelstein (who mentioned it in his Easter articolessa but is careful to explain who is from the "educated" readers of his newspaper) defines "Holocaust Industry" is opposed to everything with extreme hardness, and " dirty work "done by the" Republic "it is one of the most obvious examples. The objective of its powerful players and troublemakers is to elevate the Holocaust to the status of dogma, so as to immunize for millennia the Jewish people and Israel in particular, any kind of criticism. Finkelstein writes: "My father and my mother wondered why m'indignassi often in front of the falsification and exploitation of the genocide perpetrated by the Nazis. The answer most obvious being that has been used to justify criminal policies of Israel and U.S. support for that policy. The current campaign of the Holocaust industry to extort money from Europe in the name of "needy Holocaust victims" has reduced the moral stature of their martyrdom to that of a casino in Monte Carlo. But even leaving aside these concerns, I remain convinced that it is important to preserve the integrity of historical reconstruction and fight to defend it. Too many public and private resources have been invested in commemoration of the genocide, and most of this production is worthless, a tribute not to Jewish suffering but to enhancing their prestige. " When is an article by Mark Easter in this regard?
"If the court was right, maybe the culprit is innocent
Fyodor Dostoevsky The
Cinema has always had an extra resource compared to other forms of art, which consists nell'iperbolizzare reality and show the viewer more crude than it sounds. In summary, there is no exaggeration to say that reality is jealous of fiction. This is clearly seen in an old film by Marco Bellocchio, appropriately titled "Slap the Monster on Page One." The protagonist of the film is an influential newspaper editor in chief, very cynical and ambitious, which exploits a particularly heinous act of violence to discredit a specific political faction. From where it is, this gentleman (a very large Gian Maria Volonte) exercise all its influence to address the investigations into the history and specific direction to welcome him, in order to feed the public a monster so well packaged. It seems quite appropriate to recall certain unusual or non-original plot of this beautiful film in a sad moment as the one we are experiencing, dominated in length and breadth of the arrogance of these "journalists with the portfolio, which to advance their interests unworthy precise and unique slam it literally ruined the careers and lives of others. E 'for some years in fact, that this fine comic by the name of "Republic" follows precisely the behavior of the protagonist of the film, at the hands of a certain Mark Easter that within a year he twice slammed the front page of the "monster" of the moment. The first time it happened that the traditional label of "denial" (what a nightmare!), Mark Easter buckled to this researcher at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome Antonio Caracciolo and, as always happens in these cases, the prosecution did Following strong pressure from media and political ("Republic" is a magazine that draws about half a million copies and the owner is one of the most powerful men in Italy) on the university, who led the rector Luigi Frati to "investigate" academically Caracciolo whose figure had now been thoroughly disgraced in public. Too bad the same emphasis media that this "newspaper" (sic) reserve the usual "outrage" by Riccardo Pacifici overpaid and many beautiful souls enter university in the clergy and journalists, the news was not totally granted acquittal on "academic" of the researcher, or the sacrosanct his claim for damages. As was obvious, neither the director of "Republic" Ezio Mauro nor Mr Mark Easter have deigned to write a note to extend an apology to Caracciolo. However, if you were to stop this, it would have been something. Despite the sudden blow in the teeth, lorsignori have instead chosen to fly the same route, and this time they focused on the viewfinder Claudio Moffa, professor of political science at the University of Teramo. The charges are roughly always the same: Moffa is accused of denying the Holocaust and to challenge the existence of gas chambers. However, if the inquisitors Caracciolo "Republic" had confined themselves to bring up his passion for Carl Schmitt (one wonders if at least know who he was) for groped to discredit him (!), In the case of Moffa have instead taken from cylinder's "outrageous" name of Serge Thion and Robert Faurisson. The funny side of this whole thing is that Marco Pasqua Marco Pasqua and many scattered for Italy look good, as good "inquisitors", from entering into the matter but simply to emphasize "closeness" of the above-profile names with the accused in the matter, make a syllogism of tanning bad bill likely to personally discredit Moffa. Strange, when the "dossieraggio comes from an individual repulsive as Victor Felts and is directed against or against Boffo Fini, this is" vile personal attacks "when does the" Republic ", writing nonsense and ravings on behalf of ordinary human beings who do not have the power nor (presumably) the money to adequately defend themselves, lovers of political correctness are able to hide behind a deafening silence. It matters little that in the meantime it was found that Caracciolo was right (and, without a shadow of doubt, we will have the Moffa also). They never ask your pardon, because they know what they do. Closely resembles the "Send" Striscia la Notizia, strong with the weak and servile to the strong. In any case, entering more directly into question, remember one thing. Whilst it may be that the revisionists (although it is very convenient to call them all "deniers") are wrong or that someone has invented all of them to give a veneer of legitimacy to their belief, is not pursuing this "pre-inquisition "they will be proven wrong. The lies do not break down or with the complaint or with the excommunications nor with anathemas. Knock down the lies with truth, and the fact that many of these "interrogators" categorically refuse to go down (or maybe up?) on this ground, which is that of history, speaks volumes about their good faith. John Stuart Mill wrote that "if truth be continuously reviewed, cease to be truth. And through the hype, they become false." Neither Moffa nor Caracciolo had "denied" the Holocaust, but they are limited to simply reclaim the sacred right to investigate and correct dates for certain versions of the true light of the documents that are emerging from time to time (from the archives of Moscow, for example) on this historical event so hot for the jacket and pulled from all sides. The problem is that what Norman Finkelstein (who mentioned it in his Easter articolessa but is careful to explain who is from the "educated" readers of his newspaper) defines "Holocaust Industry" is opposed to everything with extreme hardness, and " dirty work "done by the" Republic "it is one of the most obvious examples. The objective of its powerful players and troublemakers is to elevate the Holocaust to the status of dogma, so as to immunize for millennia the Jewish people and Israel in particular, any kind of criticism. Finkelstein writes: "My father and my mother wondered why m'indignassi often in front of the falsification and exploitation of the genocide perpetrated by the Nazis. The answer most obvious being that has been used to justify criminal policies of Israel and U.S. support for that policy. The current campaign of the Holocaust industry to extort money from Europe in the name of "needy Holocaust victims" has reduced the moral stature of their martyrdom to that of a casino in Monte Carlo. But even leaving aside these concerns, I remain convinced that it is important to preserve the integrity of historical reconstruction and fight to defend it. Too many public and private resources have been invested in commemoration of the genocide, and most of this production is worthless, a tribute not to Jewish suffering but to enhancing their prestige. " When is an article by Mark Easter in this regard?
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Brent Corriganparents
The discoverers of hot
Nothing new under the sun, one might say, reading the latest developments relating to "trip" to Wikileaks, that would be highlighting the specific intent to steal U.S. hegemony that Russian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn called "Girth" and the former Soviet appendix European Eurasian landmass. It seems that NATO had now drawn up a strategy on the one hand to prop up the military defenses in the three Baltic republics (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) and Poland, relying on their strong anti-Russian vocation, and also to put pressure on their associates installed in the Caucasus that have demonstration projects in order to provoke a reaction from the Kremlin to distort and manipulate properly (at the hands of the much-vaunted Anglo-Saxon media, promoters of the false and ridiculous motto "separate facts from opinion") to cause the usual "outrage "to watch the so-called" international community "(read: U.S. and Israel). In Moscow, you are wise to hide behind a thick curtain of silence very cryptic, which precludes their direct opponents of Washington every chance to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is actually boiling in the pot in that the Kremlin. Moreover, a political animal with a thickness of Vladimir Putin had realized in what direction the wind pulled already several years ago, and without any martyr of free information to Julian Assange fresh investiture was lavish in sensational vacant overruns as open as those made in recent times. To understand the dynamics and developments involving all the states bordering on Russia for all these years it is highly desirable to leave the 'affaire Wikileaks, "the pirates who flock to the west and newsrooms to focus on what fifteen years ago he wrote that old fox of Zbigniew Brzezinski in his "The Grand Chessboard" ("The Grand Chessboard"): "America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of power, especially its capacity for military intimidation. Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a popular view that inspires passion, unless it produces a condition of sudden threat to the public feeling of well being. The economic sacrifice and the sacrifice of human effort required by that are contrary to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization '. It is amazing to note the clarity that a single passage of Brzezinski, assembled his steely conviction of disintegrating Russian power, is able to explain everything that has happened in the Rimland, that strip of land surrounding the heartland, the "heart of the earth." Brzezinski focuses on the fact that democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization, but not imperialism per se, and in the light of this assumption that explains the hostility towards the unfortunate Brezinski neoconservative adventurism and its predilection for made a strategy of alliances, conspiracies, and close proximity to ensure that times to protect American interests abroad are not directly the U.S. Marines, but interposed foreign associates (politicians, soldiers, priests, gangsters, mobsters, and journalists who so on and so forth) to recruit around the world through a network of sub-groups of the CIA masked by non-governmental organizations, to sponsor through the widespread use of all the media (perhaps purchased by generous funds provided by the "philanthropist" George Soros Popper). This technique, implemented with skill and tenacity, has meant that in many of the former Soviet republics would rise to power, following the so-called "color revolutions", individuals highly subservient to U.S. and animated by a strong hostility towards Russia. It was fomenting discord of various types (with methods described in another article) internal states in order to enhance the popular fury, and then channeling the energy of the masses in ways more acceptable to Washington in order to get those "changes " functional to the protection of American interests. Thus, the arches were opened crisis in Kyrgyzstan, and especially in Ukraine, with the motions of the square eloquently referred to as (respectively) "Tulip Revolution" and "Orange Revolution" that led to the settlements of Kurmanbek Bakiyev in Bishkek on the throne and Viktor Yushchenko in Kiev on that. With the rise to power and his companion filoatlantico Jushenko Julia Tymoshenko, the U.S. proved to have made the most of the tips of Brzezinski, who wrote that "Russia without Ukraine can still strive for imperial situation, but essentially become an empire of Asia, probably contained in strenuous conflict with the nations of Central Asia Islamic states that would be incurred by their friends in the south. "Another major front in order to curb the domination of Russia and the Caucasus, which significantly Brzezinski defines" Eurasian Balkans ", in reference to the remarkable similarities that the area in question is with that dominated by the Central mountain range. The crucial strategic area, which includes Georgia, Chechnya and all the republics that stretch along the strip that divides the territory from the Caspian to the Black Sea, is mainly due to its rich soil and galaxy of multi-confessional in open conflict between ethnic groups that their houses; factor, the latter particularly important, because it confers a high coefficient of ungovernable area, thus avoiding that it ends under the control of any of the great Eurasian powers. In Chechnya, is undergoing a bloody dispute between Moscow and Grozny, which claims independence always categorically denied by the Russian central bodies. In this context, we distinguish some fringe terrorist (which is found wherever there are American interests to be protected) macchiatesi for particularly heinous attacks, like the massacre of children in Beslan, or the seizure, which developed into a tragedy, the audience of the Moscow theater, and just as devoid of logic, completely counterproductive to the cause that the rebels claim to lead. This logic, however, you suddenly linear if you put the seemingly illogical destabilizing events in the wider plan concocted by Brzezinski, who aims to make eternal the balkanization and jeopardize the ability of Russian influence in the area. Eloquent in this sense, are some "closeness" of some leaders of the Chechen guerrillas with the U.S., as in the case of Rizvan Chitigov, on whose body was gunned down by Russian forces found a permanent residence permit in the U.S., or that of ' Ilias Akhmadov exile, to which they readily granted U.S. political asylum even though they were one of the most wanted in Russia. On the Georgian, the "rose revolution" led to the overthrow of President Eduard Shevardnadze and the subsequent establishment of Mikhail Saakashvili, the individual who openly defied the Red Army in the hot summer of 2008, intervening militarily in the autonomous regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, provoking a violent reaction from the Kremlin. Putin and Medvedev moved with unexpected firmness, so as to frighten even the then present a number of neoconservative warmongering Bush administration. All these maneuvers designed to isolate Moscow and curb the momentum through the establishment of a myriad of buffer states hostile to Moscow could indeed deal a final blow to hard and its prospects for recovery, but Putin was able to read real-time situation and actively strove to find effective countermeasures to U.S. dangerous offensive conduct following the wise "advice" of geostrategy Brezinski. Reaffirming the role of the state on the megalomania of the Mafia - oligarchs, some of them directly in the pay of the great Anglo-Saxon finance (Mikhail Khodorkhovskij all), and using the vast resources of Russia more markedly in key offensive and commercially, Putin has managed to restore the hegemony of Russia on the Rimland and the Central Asian republics. Fabric texture Eurasian diplomacy with all countries, he managed to regain the favor of some, and to improve relationships with others. Ukraine has quickly forgotten the dark years lived under Yushchenko, the star of the ill-arm Putin's iron bound to royalties, and is now entrusted to the pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovich, who immediately normalize relations with Moscow, while Poland is the sworn enemy is giving rise to a kind of appeasement, which began near the air disaster in which died a large part of the "staff" tied to Kacynsky. The Chinese giant is now a close trading partner (especially arms and oil), with which Russia is not disdain to make huge joint military maneuvers and several European countries, most notably Italy and Germany, are making great strides towards Moscow, thereby removing the 'troublemakers hives to Pentagon planners. It was certainly not necessary that the media was unleashed CHANIA on the "bombs" because of Wikileaks Putin (and anyone who has ever paused to reflect with a modicum of objectivity on the reality) was aware of U.S. desires, and is at least unusual and I suspect that none of the documents "hot" contains a critique of the cloth or a "revelation" on Israel, while some of them containing information about the alleged, stunning Chinese position in regard to the dispute between the two Koreas (China favor a single state under the aegis of South Korea, according to Wikileaks) and the heavy impact of the current policy held by Erdogan could have on the historical relations of friendship with the U.S., have been published with a timing that's really premeditated. In essence, the whole affair Wikileaks "seems just another U.S. attempt to reassert its directives. The European countries are strongly encouraged to look very well 'woes dall'assecondare Eurasian Putin, Turkey to reconsider its recent policy choices, not to leave China entirely of line. And everyone should remember that Russia is "bad." That world would be without Wikileaks?
Nothing new under the sun, one might say, reading the latest developments relating to "trip" to Wikileaks, that would be highlighting the specific intent to steal U.S. hegemony that Russian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn called "Girth" and the former Soviet appendix European Eurasian landmass. It seems that NATO had now drawn up a strategy on the one hand to prop up the military defenses in the three Baltic republics (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) and Poland, relying on their strong anti-Russian vocation, and also to put pressure on their associates installed in the Caucasus that have demonstration projects in order to provoke a reaction from the Kremlin to distort and manipulate properly (at the hands of the much-vaunted Anglo-Saxon media, promoters of the false and ridiculous motto "separate facts from opinion") to cause the usual "outrage "to watch the so-called" international community "(read: U.S. and Israel). In Moscow, you are wise to hide behind a thick curtain of silence very cryptic, which precludes their direct opponents of Washington every chance to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is actually boiling in the pot in that the Kremlin. Moreover, a political animal with a thickness of Vladimir Putin had realized in what direction the wind pulled already several years ago, and without any martyr of free information to Julian Assange fresh investiture was lavish in sensational vacant overruns as open as those made in recent times. To understand the dynamics and developments involving all the states bordering on Russia for all these years it is highly desirable to leave the 'affaire Wikileaks, "the pirates who flock to the west and newsrooms to focus on what fifteen years ago he wrote that old fox of Zbigniew Brzezinski in his "The Grand Chessboard" ("The Grand Chessboard"): "America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of power, especially its capacity for military intimidation. Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a popular view that inspires passion, unless it produces a condition of sudden threat to the public feeling of well being. The economic sacrifice and the sacrifice of human effort required by that are contrary to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization '. It is amazing to note the clarity that a single passage of Brzezinski, assembled his steely conviction of disintegrating Russian power, is able to explain everything that has happened in the Rimland, that strip of land surrounding the heartland, the "heart of the earth." Brzezinski focuses on the fact that democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization, but not imperialism per se, and in the light of this assumption that explains the hostility towards the unfortunate Brezinski neoconservative adventurism and its predilection for made a strategy of alliances, conspiracies, and close proximity to ensure that times to protect American interests abroad are not directly the U.S. Marines, but interposed foreign associates (politicians, soldiers, priests, gangsters, mobsters, and journalists who so on and so forth) to recruit around the world through a network of sub-groups of the CIA masked by non-governmental organizations, to sponsor through the widespread use of all the media (perhaps purchased by generous funds provided by the "philanthropist" George Soros Popper). This technique, implemented with skill and tenacity, has meant that in many of the former Soviet republics would rise to power, following the so-called "color revolutions", individuals highly subservient to U.S. and animated by a strong hostility towards Russia. It was fomenting discord of various types (with methods described in another article) internal states in order to enhance the popular fury, and then channeling the energy of the masses in ways more acceptable to Washington in order to get those "changes " functional to the protection of American interests. Thus, the arches were opened crisis in Kyrgyzstan, and especially in Ukraine, with the motions of the square eloquently referred to as (respectively) "Tulip Revolution" and "Orange Revolution" that led to the settlements of Kurmanbek Bakiyev in Bishkek on the throne and Viktor Yushchenko in Kiev on that. With the rise to power and his companion filoatlantico Jushenko Julia Tymoshenko, the U.S. proved to have made the most of the tips of Brzezinski, who wrote that "Russia without Ukraine can still strive for imperial situation, but essentially become an empire of Asia, probably contained in strenuous conflict with the nations of Central Asia Islamic states that would be incurred by their friends in the south. "Another major front in order to curb the domination of Russia and the Caucasus, which significantly Brzezinski defines" Eurasian Balkans ", in reference to the remarkable similarities that the area in question is with that dominated by the Central mountain range. The crucial strategic area, which includes Georgia, Chechnya and all the republics that stretch along the strip that divides the territory from the Caspian to the Black Sea, is mainly due to its rich soil and galaxy of multi-confessional in open conflict between ethnic groups that their houses; factor, the latter particularly important, because it confers a high coefficient of ungovernable area, thus avoiding that it ends under the control of any of the great Eurasian powers. In Chechnya, is undergoing a bloody dispute between Moscow and Grozny, which claims independence always categorically denied by the Russian central bodies. In this context, we distinguish some fringe terrorist (which is found wherever there are American interests to be protected) macchiatesi for particularly heinous attacks, like the massacre of children in Beslan, or the seizure, which developed into a tragedy, the audience of the Moscow theater, and just as devoid of logic, completely counterproductive to the cause that the rebels claim to lead. This logic, however, you suddenly linear if you put the seemingly illogical destabilizing events in the wider plan concocted by Brzezinski, who aims to make eternal the balkanization and jeopardize the ability of Russian influence in the area. Eloquent in this sense, are some "closeness" of some leaders of the Chechen guerrillas with the U.S., as in the case of Rizvan Chitigov, on whose body was gunned down by Russian forces found a permanent residence permit in the U.S., or that of ' Ilias Akhmadov exile, to which they readily granted U.S. political asylum even though they were one of the most wanted in Russia. On the Georgian, the "rose revolution" led to the overthrow of President Eduard Shevardnadze and the subsequent establishment of Mikhail Saakashvili, the individual who openly defied the Red Army in the hot summer of 2008, intervening militarily in the autonomous regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, provoking a violent reaction from the Kremlin. Putin and Medvedev moved with unexpected firmness, so as to frighten even the then present a number of neoconservative warmongering Bush administration. All these maneuvers designed to isolate Moscow and curb the momentum through the establishment of a myriad of buffer states hostile to Moscow could indeed deal a final blow to hard and its prospects for recovery, but Putin was able to read real-time situation and actively strove to find effective countermeasures to U.S. dangerous offensive conduct following the wise "advice" of geostrategy Brezinski. Reaffirming the role of the state on the megalomania of the Mafia - oligarchs, some of them directly in the pay of the great Anglo-Saxon finance (Mikhail Khodorkhovskij all), and using the vast resources of Russia more markedly in key offensive and commercially, Putin has managed to restore the hegemony of Russia on the Rimland and the Central Asian republics. Fabric texture Eurasian diplomacy with all countries, he managed to regain the favor of some, and to improve relationships with others. Ukraine has quickly forgotten the dark years lived under Yushchenko, the star of the ill-arm Putin's iron bound to royalties, and is now entrusted to the pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovich, who immediately normalize relations with Moscow, while Poland is the sworn enemy is giving rise to a kind of appeasement, which began near the air disaster in which died a large part of the "staff" tied to Kacynsky. The Chinese giant is now a close trading partner (especially arms and oil), with which Russia is not disdain to make huge joint military maneuvers and several European countries, most notably Italy and Germany, are making great strides towards Moscow, thereby removing the 'troublemakers hives to Pentagon planners. It was certainly not necessary that the media was unleashed CHANIA on the "bombs" because of Wikileaks Putin (and anyone who has ever paused to reflect with a modicum of objectivity on the reality) was aware of U.S. desires, and is at least unusual and I suspect that none of the documents "hot" contains a critique of the cloth or a "revelation" on Israel, while some of them containing information about the alleged, stunning Chinese position in regard to the dispute between the two Koreas (China favor a single state under the aegis of South Korea, according to Wikileaks) and the heavy impact of the current policy held by Erdogan could have on the historical relations of friendship with the U.S., have been published with a timing that's really premeditated. In essence, the whole affair Wikileaks "seems just another U.S. attempt to reassert its directives. The European countries are strongly encouraged to look very well 'woes dall'assecondare Eurasian Putin, Turkey to reconsider its recent policy choices, not to leave China entirely of line. And everyone should remember that Russia is "bad." That world would be without Wikileaks?
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Converting From W/w To W/v Density
The triumph of the "pensée unique"
The majestic display rhetoric on freedom of thought and expression is undoubtedly one of the most significant rituals that characterize our fairs Western democracies. Rivers of words high-sounding concepts that refer to the noble and apparently made sacred in the "Old Continent" son of the French Revolution.
As often happens, however, very rarely statements and actions are on the same wavelength. In today's democracies, citizens strangers to the fetishism of membership left and right, they feel helpless, chained, crushed in a kind of ideological stranglehold that crushes all reasoning is not aligned, it inhibits the paralyzing and ultimately destroy it. The ideology in question, which some have properly defined "unique thought", is the only religion propagated and protected by an efficient police apparatus of opinion. The arrogance, the arrogance displayed by this unit reached unsustainable levels by the collapse of the Soviet Union, which could lead some thinkers like Adorno and Horkheimer to speak of totalitarianism. The "unique thought" essentially consists in protecting the economic interests of the great agents of international finance capital. This new ideology was formulated at the conference held in Bretton Woods in 1944. Its basic structures are institutions like the World Bank, the IMF, the World Trade Organization, artfully designed to spread widely through substantial funding, the dogmas on which stands the new secular religion. Propaganda organs such as the Wall Street Journal or the Financial Times, often owned by financial groups dominating, then close the circle with a constant work in spreading the belief, knowing that these beautiful society of the spectacle, the obsessive repetition of a thesis is equivalent to its empirical demonstration. The free economy from state control, in favor of the fluidity of a market with an innate ability to self-correction, based on competition that stimulates the modernizing thrust, these are the foundations of the "pensée unique", deductible from the statements of every politician, and right left. The rampant unemployment, job insecurity to which workers are forced to adapt, the destruction of the ecosystem, the appalling imbalance between wealth and poverty are considered simple faults, when innocent allegations to discredit this world gorgeous from the seeds of the "pensée unique". E 'paradoxical that this economic era, which resulted in a deep economic crisis still exists, coincides with an overwhelming ideological consensus, imposed by the media and revealed hundreds of surveys. Critics however are regularly marginalized, isolated, cornered, emphasizing those if they had forgotten about the continued relevance of the concept expressed by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his famous speech at the Harvard University 8 June 1978, when he stated that "In USSR silence opponents should shut them up, here in the West simply subtract them the microphone. "You can pretty much agree that the" pensée unique "is founded on the primacy of economics over politics, reduced to mere" administration ", a coterie of bureaucrats employed in the financial markets, real holders real power. A political class indifferent to the terrible problems that afflict millions of people, but ready to translate into law the guidance given by the agents of capital, which demand a strong currency, the severity of the budget, reducing labor costs. A dangerous logic, which in the name of globalization promotes the relocation of companies, leading wages and social security level with Western ones, much lower, of the competing countries in the Far East, resulting in a real income transfer from low to high. The myriad of measures patently unfair and unbalanced are regularly carried out under the pressure of financial markets. Europe's "Lisbon Treaty" gave the final proof of this, and many have spoken of a "step forward" and "Progress". Spontaneously wonder where is the "progress" in the degeneration of a system that has led, among other things, the dismantling of the welfare state, lower wages and job insecurity.
The majestic display rhetoric on freedom of thought and expression is undoubtedly one of the most significant rituals that characterize our fairs Western democracies. Rivers of words high-sounding concepts that refer to the noble and apparently made sacred in the "Old Continent" son of the French Revolution.
As often happens, however, very rarely statements and actions are on the same wavelength. In today's democracies, citizens strangers to the fetishism of membership left and right, they feel helpless, chained, crushed in a kind of ideological stranglehold that crushes all reasoning is not aligned, it inhibits the paralyzing and ultimately destroy it. The ideology in question, which some have properly defined "unique thought", is the only religion propagated and protected by an efficient police apparatus of opinion. The arrogance, the arrogance displayed by this unit reached unsustainable levels by the collapse of the Soviet Union, which could lead some thinkers like Adorno and Horkheimer to speak of totalitarianism. The "unique thought" essentially consists in protecting the economic interests of the great agents of international finance capital. This new ideology was formulated at the conference held in Bretton Woods in 1944. Its basic structures are institutions like the World Bank, the IMF, the World Trade Organization, artfully designed to spread widely through substantial funding, the dogmas on which stands the new secular religion. Propaganda organs such as the Wall Street Journal or the Financial Times, often owned by financial groups dominating, then close the circle with a constant work in spreading the belief, knowing that these beautiful society of the spectacle, the obsessive repetition of a thesis is equivalent to its empirical demonstration. The free economy from state control, in favor of the fluidity of a market with an innate ability to self-correction, based on competition that stimulates the modernizing thrust, these are the foundations of the "pensée unique", deductible from the statements of every politician, and right left. The rampant unemployment, job insecurity to which workers are forced to adapt, the destruction of the ecosystem, the appalling imbalance between wealth and poverty are considered simple faults, when innocent allegations to discredit this world gorgeous from the seeds of the "pensée unique". E 'paradoxical that this economic era, which resulted in a deep economic crisis still exists, coincides with an overwhelming ideological consensus, imposed by the media and revealed hundreds of surveys. Critics however are regularly marginalized, isolated, cornered, emphasizing those if they had forgotten about the continued relevance of the concept expressed by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his famous speech at the Harvard University 8 June 1978, when he stated that "In USSR silence opponents should shut them up, here in the West simply subtract them the microphone. "You can pretty much agree that the" pensée unique "is founded on the primacy of economics over politics, reduced to mere" administration ", a coterie of bureaucrats employed in the financial markets, real holders real power. A political class indifferent to the terrible problems that afflict millions of people, but ready to translate into law the guidance given by the agents of capital, which demand a strong currency, the severity of the budget, reducing labor costs. A dangerous logic, which in the name of globalization promotes the relocation of companies, leading wages and social security level with Western ones, much lower, of the competing countries in the Far East, resulting in a real income transfer from low to high. The myriad of measures patently unfair and unbalanced are regularly carried out under the pressure of financial markets. Europe's "Lisbon Treaty" gave the final proof of this, and many have spoken of a "step forward" and "Progress". Spontaneously wonder where is the "progress" in the degeneration of a system that has led, among other things, the dismantling of the welfare state, lower wages and job insecurity.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Protestant Bride Catholic Groom
trails inaccessible to non-violence
"Anger is a gift."
Malcolm X
The non-violent opposition to oppression was a practical rather discussed over the entire twentieth century and was often bent to unworthy purposes by various instrumental politicians interested in their approach to figure one of the few performers who made it big. The historical figure who brought this sensitive doctrine at the center of world attention was certainly Mohandas "Mahatma" (great spirit, affibbiatogli name by the great poet Rabindranath Tagore) Gandhi. The writer has always had great admiration for this spiritual leader, who achieved the liberation of their country using methods in many ways unprecedented in human history complex. Reading the stories about the campaign of "Satyagraha" (Indian word that means non-violent struggle) you can test the moral and political fabric of which he was made man. Leveraging on the terrible conditions in which the peasants of Kheda, Gandhi was able to organize a huge non-violent peasant movement capable of stubbornly pursuing a massive strike for 21 consecutive days, forcing the British Empire to sit at the negotiating table and to grant a agreement that significantly improved the conditions of the strikers. The excellent technique in the "Mahatma" he used was to assume firsthand the unspeakable suffering that the British Empire committed against the Indian population and to overthrow, in a kind of aikido, the whole pain sull'oppressore. However, the non-violent doctrine could count on the British Empire began inexorably into the sunset, and structured so as to recognize a degree of credibility to the indigenous peoples, and it is exactly because of this reason that led to the revolt led by Gandhi defeat of the British Empire and the independence of India August 15, 1947. The core principle around which rotates the non-violent practice, however, presupposes that both the oppressor as the oppressed share the same principle of humanity. Gandhi did not immediately grasped this subtlety, and in fact, in the aftermath of the tragic "Crystal Night" of November 10, 1938 (when the Nazi SS perpetrated a real pogrom against the Jewish population living in Germany), sent to a German Jewish message in which he wrote: "If I were a jew who is born, lives and works in Germany, claiming the right to consider my house like the highest of the kind Germans, and challenges him to shoot me or throw me in jail. If a jew or all Jews to accept the advice offered here, they could certainly be worse than now. In addition, the suffering endured voluntarily give them an inner strength and joy that not even one thousand declarations of solidarity will never be able to produce. The calculated violence of Hitler may even result in the widespread slaughter of Jews. However, if the Jewish mind was ready to voluntary suffering, even the massacre I have imagined could be turned into a day of thanksgiving and joy for the salvation that, though the hand of the tyrant, God has given to the race. "Gandhi, putting black white on these thoughts, persevered in a trust misplaced confidence in his opponent, proving he does not fully understand the nature of Nazi ideology. The protective armor developed by Hitler in his "Mein Kampf" was in fact able to put his followers away from "humanitarian temptation" to play on the doctrine of non-violent. Hitler has just set itself the goal of cleaning up humanity from its ills and has convinced the German people to support him, if you want to pursue a goal so high and great, you can not run the risk of "compassion" stand in the way that leads to fulfillment. If, instead of the British Empire, the non-violent movement had had to deal with the armies of the Third Reich things would have been in a very different way, as a difference, a perception of the asymmetric principle of humanity between the oppressor and oppressed can not doubling the size of the massacre. It 's highly likely that the Indian population would face massacre total defiance of the Third Reich on this ground. Gandhi was still able to learn at a high price and this terrible lesson the hard way when he attempted to unify politically the India resorting to the usual non-violent methods, fresh from the success gained against the British Empire. The "Satyagraha" came out in pieces, as it battles against the unwavering resolve of the Muslim League leader Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who said that Gandhi could aspire to the maximum to represent the Hindus, not Muslims. Jinnah was erected on these foundations that the nation of Pakistan, and was the fracture that separates a man like Gandhi as Jinnah, who were born from a dispute which then triggered the conflict between India and Pakistan decades. "Only violence aid where violence reigns, "wrote Bertolt Brecht, but not always the case. That's not violence that Hitler called with contempt" spineless submission, however, remains a rarely traveled road. If the Tutsis had voluntarily and queued in front of the Gandhian efficient torturers of the Government of Rwanda "Interhahamwé" I would have gone to pieces, and their sacrifice would not have led the perpetrators to feel remorse. It follows that the Satyagraha has a value only and exclusively when the sacrifice is made for a purpose precise, and only insofar as the oppressor, the oppressed recognize a degree of humanity. Without these basic conditions, non-violence, in the opinion of the writer, has the same effect as a gun unloaded.
"Anger is a gift."
Malcolm X
The non-violent opposition to oppression was a practical rather discussed over the entire twentieth century and was often bent to unworthy purposes by various instrumental politicians interested in their approach to figure one of the few performers who made it big. The historical figure who brought this sensitive doctrine at the center of world attention was certainly Mohandas "Mahatma" (great spirit, affibbiatogli name by the great poet Rabindranath Tagore) Gandhi. The writer has always had great admiration for this spiritual leader, who achieved the liberation of their country using methods in many ways unprecedented in human history complex. Reading the stories about the campaign of "Satyagraha" (Indian word that means non-violent struggle) you can test the moral and political fabric of which he was made man. Leveraging on the terrible conditions in which the peasants of Kheda, Gandhi was able to organize a huge non-violent peasant movement capable of stubbornly pursuing a massive strike for 21 consecutive days, forcing the British Empire to sit at the negotiating table and to grant a agreement that significantly improved the conditions of the strikers. The excellent technique in the "Mahatma" he used was to assume firsthand the unspeakable suffering that the British Empire committed against the Indian population and to overthrow, in a kind of aikido, the whole pain sull'oppressore. However, the non-violent doctrine could count on the British Empire began inexorably into the sunset, and structured so as to recognize a degree of credibility to the indigenous peoples, and it is exactly because of this reason that led to the revolt led by Gandhi defeat of the British Empire and the independence of India August 15, 1947. The core principle around which rotates the non-violent practice, however, presupposes that both the oppressor as the oppressed share the same principle of humanity. Gandhi did not immediately grasped this subtlety, and in fact, in the aftermath of the tragic "Crystal Night" of November 10, 1938 (when the Nazi SS perpetrated a real pogrom against the Jewish population living in Germany), sent to a German Jewish message in which he wrote: "If I were a jew who is born, lives and works in Germany, claiming the right to consider my house like the highest of the kind Germans, and challenges him to shoot me or throw me in jail. If a jew or all Jews to accept the advice offered here, they could certainly be worse than now. In addition, the suffering endured voluntarily give them an inner strength and joy that not even one thousand declarations of solidarity will never be able to produce. The calculated violence of Hitler may even result in the widespread slaughter of Jews. However, if the Jewish mind was ready to voluntary suffering, even the massacre I have imagined could be turned into a day of thanksgiving and joy for the salvation that, though the hand of the tyrant, God has given to the race. "Gandhi, putting black white on these thoughts, persevered in a trust misplaced confidence in his opponent, proving he does not fully understand the nature of Nazi ideology. The protective armor developed by Hitler in his "Mein Kampf" was in fact able to put his followers away from "humanitarian temptation" to play on the doctrine of non-violent. Hitler has just set itself the goal of cleaning up humanity from its ills and has convinced the German people to support him, if you want to pursue a goal so high and great, you can not run the risk of "compassion" stand in the way that leads to fulfillment. If, instead of the British Empire, the non-violent movement had had to deal with the armies of the Third Reich things would have been in a very different way, as a difference, a perception of the asymmetric principle of humanity between the oppressor and oppressed can not doubling the size of the massacre. It 's highly likely that the Indian population would face massacre total defiance of the Third Reich on this ground. Gandhi was still able to learn at a high price and this terrible lesson the hard way when he attempted to unify politically the India resorting to the usual non-violent methods, fresh from the success gained against the British Empire. The "Satyagraha" came out in pieces, as it battles against the unwavering resolve of the Muslim League leader Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who said that Gandhi could aspire to the maximum to represent the Hindus, not Muslims. Jinnah was erected on these foundations that the nation of Pakistan, and was the fracture that separates a man like Gandhi as Jinnah, who were born from a dispute which then triggered the conflict between India and Pakistan decades. "Only violence aid where violence reigns, "wrote Bertolt Brecht, but not always the case. That's not violence that Hitler called with contempt" spineless submission, however, remains a rarely traveled road. If the Tutsis had voluntarily and queued in front of the Gandhian efficient torturers of the Government of Rwanda "Interhahamwé" I would have gone to pieces, and their sacrifice would not have led the perpetrators to feel remorse. It follows that the Satyagraha has a value only and exclusively when the sacrifice is made for a purpose precise, and only insofar as the oppressor, the oppressed recognize a degree of humanity. Without these basic conditions, non-violence, in the opinion of the writer, has the same effect as a gun unloaded.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Efudix And Hydrocotisone
History and Memory
, delusional claims of some picturesque Italian politician, designed to throw in a nice pot equiparante all twentieth-century historical events have raised a heated crawl space, where the intricate tangle of politicians and intellectuals of the court has given rise to the usual competition for those who shoot the biggest. The mountain of nonsense incurred by them, however, provided an opportunity for greedy reflect on what is, in the opinion of the writer, the real cancer of the present era, consisting of the general inability to relate constructively with the past. This inability is now even encouraged by the extensive process of propaganda designed to discredit the objective and detached attitude essential to adopt a correct and Lenin with the historical facts, in favor of ideological partisanship to a more appropriate memory and self-sterile, subjective and biased by definition. History and memory are not complementary, and the constant work of one overlapping the other is a practice that is more suited to politicians, who have an interest to advocate an ideological reading of events, and free spirits willing to analyze the history correctly. The memory is made, however, absolutely essential when it comes to establish an identity and to ensure the survival of individuals and social groups. However, it solidifies through a process of sacralization of memory, which drives those who you call to replace the past to the present, moving on a particular sufferings and joys of contemporary dating and earlier ages. This leads inevitably appeals to those who make absolute their pain and place it on a higher plane than where you put the pain perceived by others. Memory is also hard, and this makes them immune to criticism and second thoughts. It avoids the contextualization of events, freeing the specific facts from which they were completed, the that should give pause to those who claim to associate justice. The Court's objective is to establish a proportionality between crime and punishment, the duty of lawyers to identify the terms. Tying justice to the memory would be to translate it, in fact, in revenge. In many ways it can be said with reasonable certainty that memory and history are located in two opposite polarities for the way they deal with the past. Bent to certain instrumental purposes, the memory becomes a pivotal role, writes Alain de Benoist, "The memory leads to retreat on non singular identity incomparable judged by the mere fact that one identifies with those who are its victims, while the historian must break as it can with all forms of subjectivity '. This is leveraging this "withdrawal of identity" in the aftermath of 11 September 2001 that "someone" was able to proclaim the ridiculous slogan "We are all Americans." E' relying on this "withdrawal of identity" that is now accused of anti-Semitism if you report the scandal of the common acceptance of Hiroshima and Auschwitz common unacceptability of (absolutely prevailing double standards). And the light of the differences identified and described above that History condemns the Nuremberg trials and condemn those in The Hague while memory deify them, that history does not distinguish between the victims and the memory is extremely selective, that history esacra Israeli politics and the memory brings his sureties to justify it no matter what. E 'duty of any democratic state to educate citizens by providing them with historical knowledge, not a memorial, in the past, endowing them with the keys of interpretation are essential to understanding the dynamics present.
, delusional claims of some picturesque Italian politician, designed to throw in a nice pot equiparante all twentieth-century historical events have raised a heated crawl space, where the intricate tangle of politicians and intellectuals of the court has given rise to the usual competition for those who shoot the biggest. The mountain of nonsense incurred by them, however, provided an opportunity for greedy reflect on what is, in the opinion of the writer, the real cancer of the present era, consisting of the general inability to relate constructively with the past. This inability is now even encouraged by the extensive process of propaganda designed to discredit the objective and detached attitude essential to adopt a correct and Lenin with the historical facts, in favor of ideological partisanship to a more appropriate memory and self-sterile, subjective and biased by definition. History and memory are not complementary, and the constant work of one overlapping the other is a practice that is more suited to politicians, who have an interest to advocate an ideological reading of events, and free spirits willing to analyze the history correctly. The memory is made, however, absolutely essential when it comes to establish an identity and to ensure the survival of individuals and social groups. However, it solidifies through a process of sacralization of memory, which drives those who you call to replace the past to the present, moving on a particular sufferings and joys of contemporary dating and earlier ages. This leads inevitably appeals to those who make absolute their pain and place it on a higher plane than where you put the pain perceived by others. Memory is also hard, and this makes them immune to criticism and second thoughts. It avoids the contextualization of events, freeing the specific facts from which they were completed, the that should give pause to those who claim to associate justice. The Court's objective is to establish a proportionality between crime and punishment, the duty of lawyers to identify the terms. Tying justice to the memory would be to translate it, in fact, in revenge. In many ways it can be said with reasonable certainty that memory and history are located in two opposite polarities for the way they deal with the past. Bent to certain instrumental purposes, the memory becomes a pivotal role, writes Alain de Benoist, "The memory leads to retreat on non singular identity incomparable judged by the mere fact that one identifies with those who are its victims, while the historian must break as it can with all forms of subjectivity '. This is leveraging this "withdrawal of identity" in the aftermath of 11 September 2001 that "someone" was able to proclaim the ridiculous slogan "We are all Americans." E' relying on this "withdrawal of identity" that is now accused of anti-Semitism if you report the scandal of the common acceptance of Hiroshima and Auschwitz common unacceptability of (absolutely prevailing double standards). And the light of the differences identified and described above that History condemns the Nuremberg trials and condemn those in The Hague while memory deify them, that history does not distinguish between the victims and the memory is extremely selective, that history esacra Israeli politics and the memory brings his sureties to justify it no matter what. E 'duty of any democratic state to educate citizens by providing them with historical knowledge, not a memorial, in the past, endowing them with the keys of interpretation are essential to understanding the dynamics present.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Bfp 10 Days After Ovidrel
Ethics and technical
, delusional claims of some picturesque Italian politician, designed to throw in a nice pot equiparante all twentieth-century historical events have raised a heated crawl space, where the intricate tangle of politicians intellectuals and the court has given rise to the usual competition to those who shoot bigger. The mountain of nonsense incurred by them, however, provided an opportunity for greedy reflect on what is, in the opinion of the writer, the real cancer of the present era, consisting of the general inability to relate constructively with the past. This inability is now even encouraged by the extensive process of propaganda designed to discredit the objective and detached attitude essential to adopt a correct and Lenin with the historical facts, in favor of ideological partisanship to a more appropriate memory and self-sterile, subjective and biased by definition. History and memory are not complementary, and the constant work overlay on top of one is a practice that is more suited to politicians, who have an interest to advocate an ideological reading of events, and not the free spirits who wish to analyze the history correctly. The memory is made, however, absolutely indispensable when it comes to establish an identity and to ensure the survival of individuals and social groups. However, it solidifies through a process of sacralization of memory, which drives those who you call to replace the past to the present, moving on a particular sufferings and joys of contemporary dating and earlier ages. This leads inevitably appeals to those who make absolute their pain and to place on a higher plane than where you put the pain perceived by others. Memory is also hard, and this makes them immune to criticism and second thoughts. It avoids the contextualization of events, freeing the specific facts from which they were completed, which should give pause to those who claim to be associated with the judiciary. The Court's objective is to establish a proportionality between crime and punishment, the duty of lawyers to identify the terms. Tying justice to the memory would be to translate it, in fact, in revenge. In many ways it can be said with reasonable certainty that memory and history are located in two opposite polarities for the way they relate with the past. Bent to certain instrumental purposes, the memory becomes a pivotal role, writes Alain de Benoist, "The memory leads to retreat on non singular identity incomparable judged by the mere fact that one identifies with those who are its victims, while historic to be broken as it can with any form of subjectivity. " E 'relying on this "withdrawal of identity" in the aftermath of 11 September 2001 that "someone" was able to proclaim the ridiculous slogan "We are all Americans." E 'relying on this "withdrawal of identity" that is now accused of anti-Semitism if you report the scandal of the town of Hiroshima acceptability and unacceptability of the common Auschwitz (absolutely double standards prevailing). And it is the light of the differences identified and described above that history condemns the Nuremberg trials and condemn those in The Hague while memory deify them, that history does not distinguish between the victims and the memory is extremely selective, that history esacra Israeli politics and the memory brings his sureties to justify it no matter what. E 'duty of any democratic state to educate citizens by providing them with historical knowledge, not a memorial, in the past, endowing them with the keys of interpretation are essential to understanding the dynamics present.
, delusional claims of some picturesque Italian politician, designed to throw in a nice pot equiparante all twentieth-century historical events have raised a heated crawl space, where the intricate tangle of politicians intellectuals and the court has given rise to the usual competition to those who shoot bigger. The mountain of nonsense incurred by them, however, provided an opportunity for greedy reflect on what is, in the opinion of the writer, the real cancer of the present era, consisting of the general inability to relate constructively with the past. This inability is now even encouraged by the extensive process of propaganda designed to discredit the objective and detached attitude essential to adopt a correct and Lenin with the historical facts, in favor of ideological partisanship to a more appropriate memory and self-sterile, subjective and biased by definition. History and memory are not complementary, and the constant work overlay on top of one is a practice that is more suited to politicians, who have an interest to advocate an ideological reading of events, and not the free spirits who wish to analyze the history correctly. The memory is made, however, absolutely indispensable when it comes to establish an identity and to ensure the survival of individuals and social groups. However, it solidifies through a process of sacralization of memory, which drives those who you call to replace the past to the present, moving on a particular sufferings and joys of contemporary dating and earlier ages. This leads inevitably appeals to those who make absolute their pain and to place on a higher plane than where you put the pain perceived by others. Memory is also hard, and this makes them immune to criticism and second thoughts. It avoids the contextualization of events, freeing the specific facts from which they were completed, which should give pause to those who claim to be associated with the judiciary. The Court's objective is to establish a proportionality between crime and punishment, the duty of lawyers to identify the terms. Tying justice to the memory would be to translate it, in fact, in revenge. In many ways it can be said with reasonable certainty that memory and history are located in two opposite polarities for the way they relate with the past. Bent to certain instrumental purposes, the memory becomes a pivotal role, writes Alain de Benoist, "The memory leads to retreat on non singular identity incomparable judged by the mere fact that one identifies with those who are its victims, while historic to be broken as it can with any form of subjectivity. " E 'relying on this "withdrawal of identity" in the aftermath of 11 September 2001 that "someone" was able to proclaim the ridiculous slogan "We are all Americans." E 'relying on this "withdrawal of identity" that is now accused of anti-Semitism if you report the scandal of the town of Hiroshima acceptability and unacceptability of the common Auschwitz (absolutely double standards prevailing). And it is the light of the differences identified and described above that history condemns the Nuremberg trials and condemn those in The Hague while memory deify them, that history does not distinguish between the victims and the memory is extremely selective, that history esacra Israeli politics and the memory brings his sureties to justify it no matter what. E 'duty of any democratic state to educate citizens by providing them with historical knowledge, not a memorial, in the past, endowing them with the keys of interpretation are essential to understanding the dynamics present.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Meloxicam With Excederin
The sun bear collection is on sale and no religion too
This is a promotional post for a project of solidarity ursi, is not just grim advertising, but almost. I warn you now, so if you are interested you can stop reading. In a
old post I talked about the bears of the sun was getting ready to finance the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center. It took many months of work to make the bears, the tickets with their stories, to decide how to organize shipments, determine the bid amount payable to win the bids, but eventually we did.
Bears looking for new homes are 18, some have already been adopted. There are still two big bears and small bears 8 to 30 and cost $ 25 (plus $ 5 for shipping). To buy the bears should be paid paypal account the contribution of Jeanette McDermott, founder of Ursa Freedom Project, can be found on its website
If you would like to learn more, go to Project Freedom Ursa or send me a message via blogger especially to reserve your favorite bear.
spottone thank those who have read it through and those who want to contribute to this small initiative. I promise that the next post will come back to knitting, recipes and Ruglio rash.
This is a promotional post for a project of solidarity ursi, is not just grim advertising, but almost. I warn you now, so if you are interested you can stop reading. In a
old post I talked about the bears of the sun was getting ready to finance the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center. It took many months of work to make the bears, the tickets with their stories, to decide how to organize shipments, determine the bid amount payable to win the bids, but eventually we did.

Bears looking for new homes are 18, some have already been adopted. There are still two big bears and small bears 8 to 30 and cost $ 25 (plus $ 5 for shipping). To buy the bears should be paid paypal account the contribution of Jeanette McDermott, founder of Ursa Freedom Project, can be found on its website
If you would like to learn more, go to Project Freedom Ursa or send me a message via blogger especially to reserve your favorite bear.
spottone thank those who have read it through and those who want to contribute to this small initiative. I promise that the next post will come back to knitting, recipes and Ruglio rash.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Table Tennis Language
From Homer Finian
strange time that we are going through, marked by a reshuffling of cards twisted and tangled as if it were rarely seen in an extremely complex political landscape even as the Italian one.
too naive to understand a critical time like this requires the presence of a strong government, strong enough to be able to effectively tackle the situation and put in a position to take countermeasures to large-scale shared by the whole coalition. What is the reason then this serious political instability, which leads, among other things, responding to what is perhaps the most serious economic crisis in eighty years this part? To identify the causes are different, but all converging, and traced to a single project, one that provides the total dismemberment of the Italian state, for the benefit of the large international finance and his henchmen to be found in ailing industries that are coming back to lay down the law, just as they did two decades ago about . Come to order. It was February 17, 1992, when Mario Chiesa, Milan-known exponent of the PSI, was caught red-handed following an investigation held by the public prosecutor Antonio Di Pietro. As you know, his arrest sparked an unstoppable chain reaction that involved some of the highest political leadership and institutional factors, Craxi and Arnaldo Forlani. Had shown a very well known reality of endemic corruption even the most obtuse hermits, but that was skillfully exploited by the press, related to certain powers that be, who mounted a massive media campaign aimed at discrediting the axis DC - PSI, indicating the urgency to make a drastic "change of course. " While the cyclone "Tangentopoli" was raging, the President of the Republic Francesco Cossiga resigned, yielding to pressure exerted on him by various members of the PDS (Violante all) following the scandal of Gladio, was found "accidentally" at the beginning of that ' year. The tussle for the Quirinale was so officially open. The endless discussions that had delayed some of the appointment of a successor to Cossiga dashed, however, on Capable of rock, on the occasion of the attack that cost the life of Judge Giovanni Falcone and bodyguards. The axis DC - PSI, already greatly weakened by "Tangentopoli", suffered as the final blow, and his top men, overwhelmed by the attacks of the press and public that, in addition to corruption, accused them of not wanting to protect Falcone, fell between the undisguised satisfaction of the "sinister", which is already rubbing his hands. On the "Republic", Scalfari was putting pressure on a "guarantor of the constitution" to the situation was quickly identified. The day after the 'invitation' to Scalfari, the parliament designated, incidentally, a Christian Democrat "Atypical" as Oscar Luigi Scalfaro to fill the role until then had been occupied by a loose cannon as Cossiga. A few days later, the British organization called the "British Invisibles," which brought together a large number of privatized companies at the time of deregulation promoted by Margaret Thatcher, public invited bankers, directors of IRI and members of Confindustria, the undersecretary of Treasure of the government led by Giuliano Amato, Mario Draghi, the Italian financial environment and other characters to spend a leisurely cruise on the yacht "Britannia", a yacht owned by Queen Elizabeth. The English organization, following the privatizations that took place at home, had accumulated an enviable wealth of expertise in finance and had identified the industrial and financial hand to the Italian state as a favorite target on which to focus their attentions. Now, the specific topics of discussion touched by the 'crew "of the" Britannia "were not available, but what took place after the" meeting "(which is very" Anglo-Saxon finance) is a huge sell-off campaign much of the industrial heritage and public financial, in which the great Anglo-Saxon finance has played a key role from the beginning. Amato happened to so Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, who distinguished himself further as a loyalty to the verb "privatize" (or rather, sell out). It was up to elections in March 1994 paved the way: privatization was booming, a class welfare policy was bleeding to death under the blows of the mob in the pool of Milan magistrates, the parasitic Confindustria agnelliana returned to fully bend the policy to their interests, the great Anglo-Saxon finance rise gradually saw their portfolios and the PDS was more than ready to take over the reins of the nation. However, these proven mechanisms of "quid pro quo" between the puppets and puppeteers, fits the rich Milanese businessman Silvio Berlusconi, who won a surprise election, with the support of the League and the MSI (the last tour dall'antifascista Gianfranco Fini hours). The reasons that forced Berlusconi to enter politics are purely opportunistic, taking into account the context in which this decision (even then he hovered over suspicions of collusion with the Mafia, and it is likely that if it had not "taken the field "The fall of the" sponsor "socialist would soon led to his arrest). The first Berlusconi government, following the turnaround of the League, but fell in December of that year, and everything returned to normal. Scalfaro appointed Lamberto Dini to form the notorious "technical government", which restored the process of divestiture of state assets in order, there was the courage to support, "reduce public debt." Very few did this incontestable fact that the majority of companies included in the "balance" was in surplus (Eni, Finmeccanica, Enel, Nuovo Pignone, Efim, etc.) and selling prices set were obscenely low. Dini came to government after the "accident" Prodi and D'Alema, which accelerated further price slashing in the general joy of the major agents of capital overseas and behind the praises of those Maestrini the "pensée unique" that credit rating agencies . Berlusconi, given up too quickly (as is done today), has been shown to have a lot of hair on my stomach, and is returned to the government, not once but twice, as opposed to the final "clear all" claimed by the great international finance and his loyal goons "claims" are going to flirt with a guy like Vladimir Putin and dangerous by promoting projects with a clear vocation Eurasian as the development of gas pipeline South Stream "in which he acts a joint - venture between Gazprom and Eni. The first big international finance has mandated their organs of communication ("Economist", "Wall Street Journal," Time, "but also" Republic "," Le Monde ", etc.) to discredit the tenant Arcore caricature its image with vulgar and ridiculous "scandal" sex, and then noted the failure of this tactic to destabilize the coalition government from within, first by taking the usual judicial process, which always acts in AC and variable geometry the other summoning a handful of renegades of fascism, which, after several seasons experienced dedicated dell'apologia Pinochet's Chile and the dictatorship of the colonels in Greece, have suddenly rediscovered sensitive to human rights and, horrified the malice of Putin and Gaddafi, no longer feel to support a leader as "cynical" to deal with such monsters. Now the press describes them as rebels, Alekos Panagoulis as the twenty-first century, spends pages and pages to describe the deeds "courageous" for various purposes, Blowjob and grenades. Without the debitissime proportions, comes to mind a passage in "Poetics, where Aristotle writes that" Homer has mainly taught others how you have to say is false. " Homer has actually invented out of whole cloth, but with sublime poetry that was equipped with a release, an epic, passing miserable operations for glorious battles of conquest idealistic, and a coterie of strategists vile, greedy and opportunistic, to an army of uncontrollable but brave heroes as Achilles and Agamemnon as arrogant but brave. To this gang of turncoats is Ulysses into mind the creator of the deception of the Trojan Horse, it was not for the simplicity and the utter lack of wits between them relentlessly from the great king of Ithaca.
strange time that we are going through, marked by a reshuffling of cards twisted and tangled as if it were rarely seen in an extremely complex political landscape even as the Italian one.
too naive to understand a critical time like this requires the presence of a strong government, strong enough to be able to effectively tackle the situation and put in a position to take countermeasures to large-scale shared by the whole coalition. What is the reason then this serious political instability, which leads, among other things, responding to what is perhaps the most serious economic crisis in eighty years this part? To identify the causes are different, but all converging, and traced to a single project, one that provides the total dismemberment of the Italian state, for the benefit of the large international finance and his henchmen to be found in ailing industries that are coming back to lay down the law, just as they did two decades ago about . Come to order. It was February 17, 1992, when Mario Chiesa, Milan-known exponent of the PSI, was caught red-handed following an investigation held by the public prosecutor Antonio Di Pietro. As you know, his arrest sparked an unstoppable chain reaction that involved some of the highest political leadership and institutional factors, Craxi and Arnaldo Forlani. Had shown a very well known reality of endemic corruption even the most obtuse hermits, but that was skillfully exploited by the press, related to certain powers that be, who mounted a massive media campaign aimed at discrediting the axis DC - PSI, indicating the urgency to make a drastic "change of course. " While the cyclone "Tangentopoli" was raging, the President of the Republic Francesco Cossiga resigned, yielding to pressure exerted on him by various members of the PDS (Violante all) following the scandal of Gladio, was found "accidentally" at the beginning of that ' year. The tussle for the Quirinale was so officially open. The endless discussions that had delayed some of the appointment of a successor to Cossiga dashed, however, on Capable of rock, on the occasion of the attack that cost the life of Judge Giovanni Falcone and bodyguards. The axis DC - PSI, already greatly weakened by "Tangentopoli", suffered as the final blow, and his top men, overwhelmed by the attacks of the press and public that, in addition to corruption, accused them of not wanting to protect Falcone, fell between the undisguised satisfaction of the "sinister", which is already rubbing his hands. On the "Republic", Scalfari was putting pressure on a "guarantor of the constitution" to the situation was quickly identified. The day after the 'invitation' to Scalfari, the parliament designated, incidentally, a Christian Democrat "Atypical" as Oscar Luigi Scalfaro to fill the role until then had been occupied by a loose cannon as Cossiga. A few days later, the British organization called the "British Invisibles," which brought together a large number of privatized companies at the time of deregulation promoted by Margaret Thatcher, public invited bankers, directors of IRI and members of Confindustria, the undersecretary of Treasure of the government led by Giuliano Amato, Mario Draghi, the Italian financial environment and other characters to spend a leisurely cruise on the yacht "Britannia", a yacht owned by Queen Elizabeth. The English organization, following the privatizations that took place at home, had accumulated an enviable wealth of expertise in finance and had identified the industrial and financial hand to the Italian state as a favorite target on which to focus their attentions. Now, the specific topics of discussion touched by the 'crew "of the" Britannia "were not available, but what took place after the" meeting "(which is very" Anglo-Saxon finance) is a huge sell-off campaign much of the industrial heritage and public financial, in which the great Anglo-Saxon finance has played a key role from the beginning. Amato happened to so Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, who distinguished himself further as a loyalty to the verb "privatize" (or rather, sell out). It was up to elections in March 1994 paved the way: privatization was booming, a class welfare policy was bleeding to death under the blows of the mob in the pool of Milan magistrates, the parasitic Confindustria agnelliana returned to fully bend the policy to their interests, the great Anglo-Saxon finance rise gradually saw their portfolios and the PDS was more than ready to take over the reins of the nation. However, these proven mechanisms of "quid pro quo" between the puppets and puppeteers, fits the rich Milanese businessman Silvio Berlusconi, who won a surprise election, with the support of the League and the MSI (the last tour dall'antifascista Gianfranco Fini hours). The reasons that forced Berlusconi to enter politics are purely opportunistic, taking into account the context in which this decision (even then he hovered over suspicions of collusion with the Mafia, and it is likely that if it had not "taken the field "The fall of the" sponsor "socialist would soon led to his arrest). The first Berlusconi government, following the turnaround of the League, but fell in December of that year, and everything returned to normal. Scalfaro appointed Lamberto Dini to form the notorious "technical government", which restored the process of divestiture of state assets in order, there was the courage to support, "reduce public debt." Very few did this incontestable fact that the majority of companies included in the "balance" was in surplus (Eni, Finmeccanica, Enel, Nuovo Pignone, Efim, etc.) and selling prices set were obscenely low. Dini came to government after the "accident" Prodi and D'Alema, which accelerated further price slashing in the general joy of the major agents of capital overseas and behind the praises of those Maestrini the "pensée unique" that credit rating agencies . Berlusconi, given up too quickly (as is done today), has been shown to have a lot of hair on my stomach, and is returned to the government, not once but twice, as opposed to the final "clear all" claimed by the great international finance and his loyal goons "claims" are going to flirt with a guy like Vladimir Putin and dangerous by promoting projects with a clear vocation Eurasian as the development of gas pipeline South Stream "in which he acts a joint - venture between Gazprom and Eni. The first big international finance has mandated their organs of communication ("Economist", "Wall Street Journal," Time, "but also" Republic "," Le Monde ", etc.) to discredit the tenant Arcore caricature its image with vulgar and ridiculous "scandal" sex, and then noted the failure of this tactic to destabilize the coalition government from within, first by taking the usual judicial process, which always acts in AC and variable geometry the other summoning a handful of renegades of fascism, which, after several seasons experienced dedicated dell'apologia Pinochet's Chile and the dictatorship of the colonels in Greece, have suddenly rediscovered sensitive to human rights and, horrified the malice of Putin and Gaddafi, no longer feel to support a leader as "cynical" to deal with such monsters. Now the press describes them as rebels, Alekos Panagoulis as the twenty-first century, spends pages and pages to describe the deeds "courageous" for various purposes, Blowjob and grenades. Without the debitissime proportions, comes to mind a passage in "Poetics, where Aristotle writes that" Homer has mainly taught others how you have to say is false. " Homer has actually invented out of whole cloth, but with sublime poetry that was equipped with a release, an epic, passing miserable operations for glorious battles of conquest idealistic, and a coterie of strategists vile, greedy and opportunistic, to an army of uncontrollable but brave heroes as Achilles and Agamemnon as arrogant but brave. To this gang of turncoats is Ulysses into mind the creator of the deception of the Trojan Horse, it was not for the simplicity and the utter lack of wits between them relentlessly from the great king of Ithaca.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Free Dowload Of Mapuka Clips
the strategy of tension, the second act The slap
a cause of some surprise to witness the dismay that the Western media continue to flaunt in the face of brutality that for years and years are still gripped by setbacks and exhausted the defenseless Iraqi people. But if you are not limited to merely contemplate reality with their myopic ideological lenses to our beloved media, and you choose to identify with the parameters imposed by the Marxist method of inquiry, which aims to identify and consider the interests at stake, it then has the opportunity to put the pieces in their correct order in order to derive a credible reconstruction of the facts. Today's Iraq is actually the scene of an immense carnage that would, according to the so-called "official sources", the three fundamental components of Shiites, Sunnis and Christians face each other between their attacks strictly committed to the sound of leather on the defenseless civilian population . This thesis starts from the embarrassing implausible assumption that Iraq's minorities covassero decades and a visceral hatred of each other, and that only the iron fist of the "bloody" Saddam Hussein has been able to prevent the situation worsens. As if by magic, has suddenly risen to the honor of record, the "controversial" site "counter" Wikileaks, that through the excellent work done by the same "issue" (of course) Director Julian Assange, he could not know how to get several hundreds of thousands of secret documents that would extract some skeletons of the closet of shame U.S. army in Iraq, and believed to contain ample evidence "unequivocally" that can ascertain the active role played by Syria, Lebanon and Iran in fueling the Iraqi civil war. And while the Western media gave great prominence to all the self-styled and discutibilissime "incontestable truth" revealed by Wikileaks, Julian Assange was joined by an arrest warrant International issued by a Swedish court, which had previously been found guilty of numerous abuses of a sexual nature. Meanwhile in Lebanon raged a push and pull between the Special Tribunal established by the UN and the assets of the Shiite movement Hezbollah, with the first one, by Antonio Cassese, contested the second alleged responsibility in the planning and execution of the attack in February 2005, which cost the life of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and Hezbollah, which in turn, to the mouth of its undisputed leader Hassan Nasrallah, vigorously rejected the accusations by making even quite convincing evidence of Mossad involvement in the operation, obtained mediated a meticulous job of spying (Something incriminating wiretaps and readily decoded encrypted messages). It 'very likely that the assassination of Rafik Hariri, a key element of Israeli strategy in decades, aiming to divide and put the Lebanese armed forces against each other. A welcome shift strategy in 1982, when a terrible attack, the perpetrators of which, incidentally, were never identified, crushed the life of President Bashir Gemayel, and provoked fierce retaliation of the Christian team, which benefited from equipment and roof logistics provided by neo - Israeli allies to enter the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila and perpetuate the well-known massacre of Palestinians equally well-known dimensions. However, if the assassination of Gemayel, then sort the desired effect, that of Hariri has been a real boomerang for Israel as it has done nothing but strengthen the position of Hezbollah and further strengthen the international agreement - with the Shiite 'Iran, whose president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has recently been welcomed with great pomp and jubilation in the streets of Beirut popular. For its part, the current president of the Lebanese national unity government, that Saad Hariri, son of assassinated former president, has finally decided to break the Gordian knot of the role actually played by Syria in the matter, cleared of all charges and admitting have to his time bowing to pressure from the old hyena of John Bolton, the representative of mold neonconservatore Uncle Sam at the UN has always been interested in breaking the so-called "axis of evil" Beirut - Damascus - Tehran. At that Tehran, in this regard, even the pathetic and grotesque flashbacks "colored" (see also our "Revival colored in Iran?") Extolling the various Sakineh turn led to those "changes" so desired by the so-called "community international "(read: USA, Israel and the servile bureaucrats in Brussels), even willing to support the rich Rafsajani Ayatollah Akbar Mousavi and his companion even to disintegrate the autonomist and hegemonic desires embodied by Ahmadinejad. In Meanwhile, Turkey has definitely appeased their appetites Atlantic to Europe and turn our gaze to the east and make important agreements with Iran, and Erdogan has also succeeded in curbing definitely not laughable undertaking the danger of the army, the historical bastion of the secularist Atlanticist more ironclad guarantees from the time of Ataturk. In this flower arrangements and alliances Israel is relegated to the complete isolation, which has most likely pushed the mob and cunning Mossad planners to embrace the old talassocratica strategy of divide and rule, in order to avoid the specter cohesion of the pan - Arab and wire - to the benefit of maintaining the current Iranian chaos controlled, highly functional to protect the interests of Tel Aviv and Washington, with "allies" in the queue. A sort of tension strategy aimed to deepen the level of confrontation in order to avoid slipping which could be highly dangerous. Just like in Italy when a bomb decimated a large group of peaceful bank accounts or a bomb exploded in the middle of a rally or a head of government was kidnapped and killed like a dog or the waiting room of a station collapsed due to of a huge explosion (with well-known bloodshed) is circumscribed the scope of responsibilities to the usual fascists and communists, slamming highly omissions coverage, ambiguity and connivance, now in Iraq brings forward a speculative operation, limiting the radius to the usual exalted, that in a country reduced to utter ruin, would find nothing better to do than to slay as many civilians as possible. It matters little that the so-called "IED" (Improvised Explosive Device) attacks which are usually made of appalling cruelty, far from those rudimentary mortaletti that commonly would be expected from these so-called "guerrillas" are actually equipped with sophisticated weapons systems booster capable of producing highly destructive effects, it matters little that the much-celebrated Wikileaks and its famous conductor, which has become a veritable mouth of truth, they have extracted from the cylinder no "secret document" that can cast full light on the role played by the infamous agency "private security" Blackwater and his minions repeatedly caught red-handed in activities "unclear", as the handling of explosives or unprovoked violence perpetrated on civilians, or that of the British agents disguised as activists of a famous Shiite party unmasked by Iraqi police while carrying explosives, arrested and then "released" in mysterious circumstances, which are, moreover, been the subject of a misunderstanding "between the British interior minister, who acknowledged as based reports that they had been released following an assault on the army of His Majesty the prison where they were detained, and the defense, who spoke instead of "negotiation". The same thing is happening in Lebanon, the UN special tribunal, properly instructed as usual, has sought to impose the entire responsibility of the deal on Hariri Hezbollah and Syria, in order to force the government of unity Lebanese national to distance themselves from the "Party of God." Needless to dwell on the repercussions that such a choice would in all probability yielded (Hezbollah is a movement that can bring down more than a million people on the streets of Beirut) on the precarious political balance in Lebanon, because history has already been expressed eloquently about . However, Unlike Iraq, Lebanon has repeatedly shown, however, the situation, it is true that twice in the last fifteen years has dealt two blows to sound IDF (Israeli army), being able to effectively counteract the Israeli military and technological superpower with tenacity, motivation, preparation and thorough knowledge of the enemy, showing that he fully understood the lessons of Sun Tzu. The failures of the Washington - Tel Aviv are visible to all, and only serve to undermine the foundations of the delicate balance of power on which the rectum is chaotic and in many respects incomprehensible balance in the Middle East.
a cause of some surprise to witness the dismay that the Western media continue to flaunt in the face of brutality that for years and years are still gripped by setbacks and exhausted the defenseless Iraqi people. But if you are not limited to merely contemplate reality with their myopic ideological lenses to our beloved media, and you choose to identify with the parameters imposed by the Marxist method of inquiry, which aims to identify and consider the interests at stake, it then has the opportunity to put the pieces in their correct order in order to derive a credible reconstruction of the facts. Today's Iraq is actually the scene of an immense carnage that would, according to the so-called "official sources", the three fundamental components of Shiites, Sunnis and Christians face each other between their attacks strictly committed to the sound of leather on the defenseless civilian population . This thesis starts from the embarrassing implausible assumption that Iraq's minorities covassero decades and a visceral hatred of each other, and that only the iron fist of the "bloody" Saddam Hussein has been able to prevent the situation worsens. As if by magic, has suddenly risen to the honor of record, the "controversial" site "counter" Wikileaks, that through the excellent work done by the same "issue" (of course) Director Julian Assange, he could not know how to get several hundreds of thousands of secret documents that would extract some skeletons of the closet of shame U.S. army in Iraq, and believed to contain ample evidence "unequivocally" that can ascertain the active role played by Syria, Lebanon and Iran in fueling the Iraqi civil war. And while the Western media gave great prominence to all the self-styled and discutibilissime "incontestable truth" revealed by Wikileaks, Julian Assange was joined by an arrest warrant International issued by a Swedish court, which had previously been found guilty of numerous abuses of a sexual nature. Meanwhile in Lebanon raged a push and pull between the Special Tribunal established by the UN and the assets of the Shiite movement Hezbollah, with the first one, by Antonio Cassese, contested the second alleged responsibility in the planning and execution of the attack in February 2005, which cost the life of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and Hezbollah, which in turn, to the mouth of its undisputed leader Hassan Nasrallah, vigorously rejected the accusations by making even quite convincing evidence of Mossad involvement in the operation, obtained mediated a meticulous job of spying (Something incriminating wiretaps and readily decoded encrypted messages). It 'very likely that the assassination of Rafik Hariri, a key element of Israeli strategy in decades, aiming to divide and put the Lebanese armed forces against each other. A welcome shift strategy in 1982, when a terrible attack, the perpetrators of which, incidentally, were never identified, crushed the life of President Bashir Gemayel, and provoked fierce retaliation of the Christian team, which benefited from equipment and roof logistics provided by neo - Israeli allies to enter the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila and perpetuate the well-known massacre of Palestinians equally well-known dimensions. However, if the assassination of Gemayel, then sort the desired effect, that of Hariri has been a real boomerang for Israel as it has done nothing but strengthen the position of Hezbollah and further strengthen the international agreement - with the Shiite 'Iran, whose president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has recently been welcomed with great pomp and jubilation in the streets of Beirut popular. For its part, the current president of the Lebanese national unity government, that Saad Hariri, son of assassinated former president, has finally decided to break the Gordian knot of the role actually played by Syria in the matter, cleared of all charges and admitting have to his time bowing to pressure from the old hyena of John Bolton, the representative of mold neonconservatore Uncle Sam at the UN has always been interested in breaking the so-called "axis of evil" Beirut - Damascus - Tehran. At that Tehran, in this regard, even the pathetic and grotesque flashbacks "colored" (see also our "Revival colored in Iran?") Extolling the various Sakineh turn led to those "changes" so desired by the so-called "community international "(read: USA, Israel and the servile bureaucrats in Brussels), even willing to support the rich Rafsajani Ayatollah Akbar Mousavi and his companion even to disintegrate the autonomist and hegemonic desires embodied by Ahmadinejad. In Meanwhile, Turkey has definitely appeased their appetites Atlantic to Europe and turn our gaze to the east and make important agreements with Iran, and Erdogan has also succeeded in curbing definitely not laughable undertaking the danger of the army, the historical bastion of the secularist Atlanticist more ironclad guarantees from the time of Ataturk. In this flower arrangements and alliances Israel is relegated to the complete isolation, which has most likely pushed the mob and cunning Mossad planners to embrace the old talassocratica strategy of divide and rule, in order to avoid the specter cohesion of the pan - Arab and wire - to the benefit of maintaining the current Iranian chaos controlled, highly functional to protect the interests of Tel Aviv and Washington, with "allies" in the queue. A sort of tension strategy aimed to deepen the level of confrontation in order to avoid slipping which could be highly dangerous. Just like in Italy when a bomb decimated a large group of peaceful bank accounts or a bomb exploded in the middle of a rally or a head of government was kidnapped and killed like a dog or the waiting room of a station collapsed due to of a huge explosion (with well-known bloodshed) is circumscribed the scope of responsibilities to the usual fascists and communists, slamming highly omissions coverage, ambiguity and connivance, now in Iraq brings forward a speculative operation, limiting the radius to the usual exalted, that in a country reduced to utter ruin, would find nothing better to do than to slay as many civilians as possible. It matters little that the so-called "IED" (Improvised Explosive Device) attacks which are usually made of appalling cruelty, far from those rudimentary mortaletti that commonly would be expected from these so-called "guerrillas" are actually equipped with sophisticated weapons systems booster capable of producing highly destructive effects, it matters little that the much-celebrated Wikileaks and its famous conductor, which has become a veritable mouth of truth, they have extracted from the cylinder no "secret document" that can cast full light on the role played by the infamous agency "private security" Blackwater and his minions repeatedly caught red-handed in activities "unclear", as the handling of explosives or unprovoked violence perpetrated on civilians, or that of the British agents disguised as activists of a famous Shiite party unmasked by Iraqi police while carrying explosives, arrested and then "released" in mysterious circumstances, which are, moreover, been the subject of a misunderstanding "between the British interior minister, who acknowledged as based reports that they had been released following an assault on the army of His Majesty the prison where they were detained, and the defense, who spoke instead of "negotiation". The same thing is happening in Lebanon, the UN special tribunal, properly instructed as usual, has sought to impose the entire responsibility of the deal on Hariri Hezbollah and Syria, in order to force the government of unity Lebanese national to distance themselves from the "Party of God." Needless to dwell on the repercussions that such a choice would in all probability yielded (Hezbollah is a movement that can bring down more than a million people on the streets of Beirut) on the precarious political balance in Lebanon, because history has already been expressed eloquently about . However, Unlike Iraq, Lebanon has repeatedly shown, however, the situation, it is true that twice in the last fifteen years has dealt two blows to sound IDF (Israeli army), being able to effectively counteract the Israeli military and technological superpower with tenacity, motivation, preparation and thorough knowledge of the enemy, showing that he fully understood the lessons of Sun Tzu. The failures of the Washington - Tel Aviv are visible to all, and only serve to undermine the foundations of the delicate balance of power on which the rectum is chaotic and in many respects incomprehensible balance in the Middle East.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Quanapin Mixed With Alcohol
30 years ago, the night of December 8 in New York, John Lennon died.
I do not like the icons, I tend to never be fan anyone (even if I did an exception to the rule for Jose Saramago, I admit) because I think that all humans have faults and flaws, everyone eats and shed their waste in much the same way, all occasionally do assholes and large characters are no exception.
Even John Lennon in his own way will have been a bit 'son of whore, unfaithful, addicted to drugs and who knows what else, but it was a person, in the myth we have spent maybe because we wrote Imagine
Imagine there's no countries "
it isn't hard to do
nothing to kill or die for and no religion too
Maybe because he's Mark Chapman fired four shots that night 30 years ago. John Lennon had just turned 40.
Wednesday, December 8 in Genoa remembers Piazza De Ferrari at 17.30 with a choir directed by Gianni Martini, historical guitarist Giorgio Gaber and president of the School of Music Music Line (member Arci) and accompanied by the students of the courses guitar. The event was built by the Genoese Pacifists time of silence and Music Line that have co-hosted and sponsored by the City of Genoa.
Anyone passing those parts is invited to join the chorus, to celebrate John Lennon and to say no to all wars.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Vintage Stocking Girdles
They ended up in his underwear, a bit 'Solidarity
I'm listening to Capital Radio and my heart has a start: 11 and 12 December, the league will stop for the players' strike. Massimo Oddo feel about bullying, forced relocation, work conditions , human rights violated. I am outraged. Possible for a poor player can not choose precarious settlement where to move if his company did not need him anymore (maybe because it's just a little 'mare, or because it has singed a small weakness of going to the disco until 3 am before games)?
propose a solidarity: there is a job for these poor wretches, so if you spit in the face of their employer will have the opportunity to free themselves from contract and find a better job in an office more beautiful and with a higher salary, as we used. Small
appeal in the margin: yesterday was stolen Porsche Zuculini, nineteen panchinaro of Genoa. What do you think, do a collection?
I'm listening to Capital Radio and my heart has a start: 11 and 12 December, the league will stop for the players' strike. Massimo Oddo feel about bullying, forced relocation, work conditions , human rights violated. I am outraged. Possible for a poor player can not choose precarious settlement where to move if his company did not need him anymore (maybe because it's just a little 'mare, or because it has singed a small weakness of going to the disco until 3 am before games)?
propose a solidarity: there is a job for these poor wretches, so if you spit in the face of their employer will have the opportunity to free themselves from contract and find a better job in an office more beautiful and with a higher salary, as we used. Small
appeal in the margin: yesterday was stolen Porsche Zuculini, nineteen panchinaro of Genoa. What do you think, do a collection?
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