Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Can You Sleep In The Of Xterra
Monday, April 24, 2006
Iagi (International Genealogical Institute of Heraldry) has announced there are three false king of Sweden, as the book of Professor Augusto Tronchetti Panda and using the name Hohenstaufen unduly, as already 'claimed by the Prof of Poli Pelliccioni , which has well illustrated, the three false noble illegal sellers of securities. so wary of anyone claiming to be descended from Frederick II Hohenstaufen not bear the surname! About Iagi informs that the only branch that actually descended from Federico II and 'Dynasty Avril de Burey Hohenstaufen Anjou Plantagenet Puoti, ie April von Hohenstaufen Puoti, of which' in April last descendant Princess Kathrin von Hohenstaufen Puoti, MD surgeon, as his official data Population: http://www.omceomi.it/cont/520ele/default.asp?c=CDD2LCQFM2AEGEGH
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The great-grandson of Frederick II, Princess Yasmin, President International Centre for Peace and fraternity among peoples, the heir of the relics of Christ that were kept in Seborga, even though open to dialogue with the Arabs, by virtue 'also his descent from Yusupov, descendants of Muhammad (www Yusupov family tree . federicostupormundi.it), "will not allow 'the false Prince of Seborga, Mr Giorgio Carbone, to further manage Seborga, it' will allow 'to the dark forces to establish
relations with the Arab world or sell out, as rumored, the Principality will be to Muslims-Seborga 'outpost of the West and Christianity, ecological principles, even if open to dialogue with Islam! "notice to the heir of Stupor Mundi all foreign embassies! Nobody dares to establish relations with the Principality without our ratification! The Italian government can not 'stop coal, but the Princess will use' all legal means to protect the Sacred Kingdom of Seborga of his ancestors, not excluding military intervention that will seek 'to Bush himself, for reasons of international security. Seborga in the hands of adventurers could become a loose cannon. All those who are complicit in the false Prince will be reported of fraud and criminal association. "A warning and 'was sent from Corpus Saecularium principum of Worms to all consulates," not to undertake any kind of relationship with the premises or persons appointed by the false Prince of Seborga Mr. Carbone, who was elected simply by 12 pataccari his friends knights appointed by the same self-proclaimed Prince of the Holy Sepulchre of Christ, with all its baggage of nullity 'and that' was tolerated only as a farce by an appearance of historical re-enactment: It 's obvious that Carbone confuses reality' with fantasy, professional bias of the actors newbies! "In relation to items of subversive Arab forces behind who would be interested in taking over the Principality, and reports conducted in the Friuli fake console that you are appointed by him and also sent to Tripoli, Seborga is not as' Italian territory, the Corpus Saecularium principum, sent a message to Gaddafi and his son to notify them that the Kingdom of Seborga and 'property' inalienable Princess Yasmin, a descendant of Frederick II, King of the Lombards and the Princes Yusupov Russians, descendants of Muhammad. Its degree of Sayeda sceriffale at the Arab people put it to neutralize all the acts of any arrangements, if they do not recognize, Queen of Seborga, enjoining obedience to the Arab brothers in the name of Mohammed and Allah! Certainly the fact that the DNA of the Princess there is also the blood of Mohammed through Ali 'and' conducive to dialogue between religions, but this can not 'be governed by adventurers without charisma on the tomb of Christ, the sacred Kingdom of Seborga, a casket and an outpost of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. It 's like selling Jerusalem to Muslims, in the heart of the West! In relation to the news of the creation of a Consulate of Seborga at Tricesimo of April 12, 2006, the Hohenstaufen Hohenzollern Principles state: "Consulate Tricesimo and' unlawful without the ratification of the legitimate Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Seborga "
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From New York Principles Hohenzollern, brother of Princess Yasmin said: Mr. Carbone has no successors, because 'no right' to elect consuls or successors, and 'Mr No! "Seborga can not survive without the legitimate heirs of the Holy Sepulchre United Castrum Christi! Mr. Carbone has no right 'to express opinions of heraldry, they' create consulates, elect successors: he is called Charcoal, and Princess Yasmin is called Hohenstaufen! Coal only means that his ancestors dealt with the burning of wood, and Hohenstaufen 'the surname of Frederick II, the rest is nonsense "and' as stated in New York and the Prince Albert Burchard George Frederic von Hohenstaufen Hohenzollern, brother of Princess Yasmin, whose lawyers have long served Seborga and the Italian state that 'house of Hohenstaufen Hohenzollern-The Authority and the Municipality of Seborga' an institution simply tolerated, such as bizarre Mr. Carbone is now starting to get bored. "It 's time that the friends of Mr. Carbone realize that Seborga likely to be evacuated and evicted by the rightful owners and that any action will be' contested and undermined by those entitled to! Seborga promises to only one estate 'that to condemn' a off, if you do not acknowledge that times have changed and that the smears can not replace the real coins! "" It 's not true then that citizens have estimates of Coal: The interviews conducted by observers and that shows that' tolerated 'cause and 'country, but sostenzialmente has never had a sense of entrepreneurship' and its limit is ignorance! prefer to gloss over the ethical considerations of those who knew better, but are documented. "" The only initiative that has had and common sense 'to retire: not' Prince of Mr. and there are no successors at all! "
www.hohenstaufen.org . uk
www.geocities.com / f_hohenzollern
www.geocities.com / principato_seborga
www.utenti.lycos.it / fridericus
www.utenti.lycos.it / federicostupormundi
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